12 research outputs found

    '"Straunge and prodigious miracles"? John Foxe's reformation of Virgin Martyr Legends

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    John Foxe's Actes and Monuments is generally regarded as an aggressively Protestant work. Yet in his discussion of virgin martyrs in the early Church, Foxe displays a reverence for their virginity and a reluctance to dismiss the often prodigious miracles attributed to them. Foxe made skeptical comments on many of the miracles, but he qualified these comments, leaving the truth to the judgement of his readers. Comparison of Foxe's accounts of these virgin martyrs with the accounts of them in the Magdeburg Centuries–an indispensable source for Foxe's history of the early Church–shows that Foxe frequently took a softer line on the virgin martyrs and their miracles than his Lutheran colleagues did. We suggest a number of reasons for this restraint. Importantly, the cause of Foxe's circumspection is not simply his personal convictions, or else he would not have articulated his reservations. Instead, his caution is a striking indication of the strength of religious conservatism in early modern England

    Patricia Demers's Women Writing in English: Early Modern England

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    Foxe’s Female Martyrs and the Sanctity of Transgression

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    Les Actes and Monuments de Foxe contiennent de nombreuses représentations de femmes martyrisées, représentations qui entrent en rapport demanière significative et complexe avec les idées contemporaines de la femme. La transgression par ces femmes des attentes et convenances culturelles devient, ironiquement, le témoignage le plus puissant de leur foi. Le martyrologiste doit louer et essayer de justifier ces transgressions, même à contrecœur. En dépeignant le comportement et les paroles souvent osés des femmesmartyrs, l’ouvrage de Foxe démontre l’interdépendance compliquée des constructions de l’identité sexuelle et du genre littéraire à l’époque

    Catholic Culture in Early Modern England

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    Holinshed and Foxe

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    Shakespeare: A Poet for all Seasons

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