171 research outputs found

    Who killed Extensive Reading? Round up the usual suspects

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    Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 6: 37-49(2012)departmental bulletin pape

    Why Extensive Reading? Seven Reasons

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    Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 9: 41-53(2015)departmental bulletin pape

    Selling ER: Investigating Factors in Classroom Management that Affect Reading Performance

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    Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 2: 223-238(2008)departmental bulletin pape

    Teachers as Curriculum Developers -Negotiating Standardized Goals-

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    Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 2: 105-120(2008)departmental bulletin pape

    Standardised Assessment of a General English Course

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    Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 1: 164-184(2007)departmental bulletin pape

    Extensive Reading in Shinshu University : Rationale,Management and Motivation

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    本稿の目的は、信州大学において2005年度前期に、英語の授業で実施された多読プログラムの成果を示すことである。前期では450人の学生を対象に、後期では770人を対象に実施した。2006年度の「総合英語」では約70クラスにまで拡大する予定である。第二言語の習得だけでなく母国語の上達においても、多読が有効であることを多くの研究が示している。しかしその多くは、語彙のように計量可能な要素に基づいて、学習者の習熟度を測定しようとしている。そこで本稿では、これまであまり注目されなかった、学習者の読書に対する「姿勢」に焦点を当てる。まず、理論と方法について述べる。そして日本の英語教育における多読の有効性について述べた後、学習者に対する多読プログラムについてのアンケート結果報告と、学生の読書傾向についての一考を述べる。Article信州大学高等教育システムセンター紀要 2: 3-26(2006)departmental bulletin pape

    CALL Implementation Strategies:A Case Study

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    This paper will begin by discussing changes in CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) over the past decade, identifying three modes: computers as teachers; computers used for communication between teachers and students; and communication among students. Next, we will investigate how key components of the Moodle LMS (Learning Management System), such as quizzes, forums and wikis can contribute to language acquisition by facilitating comprehensible input through task-based, communicative learning. We will also show how these approaches entail an avoidance of the product approach to language instruction which tends to facilitate language knowledge rather than acquisition. A practical discussion of these issues in our context will follow, also addressing the issue of assessment.Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 4: 135-151(2010)departmental bulletin pape

    Reading The Gruffalo in Another Language: Assessing Non-Graded Children’s Picture Books for Extensive Reading

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    Article信州大学総合人間科学研究 17 : 92-104, (2023)departmental bulletin pape

    Teachers' Beliefs about Language Learning

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    In a summary of research on teacher cognition, Borg (2006) cites Clark and Yinger saying in 1977 that “A relatively new approach to the study of teaching assumes that what teachers do is affected by what they think.” This is a limited, and tentative investigation into the beliefs of language teachers at Shinshu University, through semi-structured interviews. The interviews suggest that teachers’ beliefs derive from their experience learning languages and go on to influence their practice. As well as considering the interviews themselves, we advocate the use of self-structured interviews for faculty development and curriculum development.ArticleHumanities_Social 4: 79-94(2011)departmental bulletin pape

    Assessing Speaking in a University General English Course

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    Goals relating to communication, and specifically speaking, have been clearly foregrounded in recent education policies of the Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT) and educational institutions in Japan. If such goals are set, how do we know whether they have been met? This paper will describe attempts to assess the speaking ability of a group of first-year university students enrolled in a general English course. We will give a review of the literature surrounding the testing of speaking, cover the design and implementation of a speaking interview test, and explore implications. A survey was conducted on students who had taken the test, and we report the results.Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 3: 71-86(2009)departmental bulletin pape