216 research outputs found

    Baltimaade ja Põhja-Euroopa äikese- ning välgukliima

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Äikesetormid kujutavad endast olulist ohtu nii inimeste elule kui varale. Välk ja teised ohtlikud äikesenähtused põhjustavad parasvöötmes igal aastal olulise osa ilmaga seotud majanduslikest kahjudest. Käesolev väitekiri uurib äikese ja välgu ajalis-ruumilist jaotust Baltimaades ning Põhja-Euroopas, samuti äikesekliima pikaajalisi muutusi. Töös esitatakse esmakordselt ülevaade Baltimaade äikesekliimast, samuti välgulöökide ajalis-ruumilisest jaotusest Põhja-Euroopas. Keskmine aastane pilv-maa välkude sagedus varieerub 0,01 löögist km−2 a−1 Norra põhja- ja lääneosas 1,08 löögini km−2 a−1 Rootsi edelaosas ja Baltimaades. Keskmine aastane äikesepäevade arv ulatub 2 päevast Põhja-Norras 29,5-ni Leedu lõunaosas. Kõige enam on äikest suvel ja pärastlõunasel ajal, kui päikesekiirgus on kõige intensiivsem. Lisaks on äikest selgelt enam maismaa kohal, kuna see soojeneb tugevamalt kui meri. Baltimaades on mitmed kohalikud äikesemaksimumid seotud kõrgustikega, mis sunnivad õhuvoole tõusma ja soodustavad konvektsiooni. Kõige sagedamini põhjustab äikest soe õhuvool lõunast või kagust, samuti madalrõhukeskme asumine uurimisala kohal. Kõige harvemini on äikest juhul kui Baltimaade piirkonnas asub kõrgrõhukese või valitseb põhjavool. Perioodil 1950-2004 on äikese sagedus Baltimaades langenud, kusjuures suurim langus on toimunud ajavahemikus 1960-1990. Äikese sageduse vähenemine on seostatav pikaajaliste muutustega Põhja-Euroopa suvises atmosfääri tsirkulatsioonis. Perioodil 1960-1990 suurenes äikese tekkeks ebasoodsa põhjavoolu esinemissagedus ning vähenes äikest soodustava lõuna- ja kaguvoolu sagedus. Viimase 20 aasta jooksul on vaadeldavad vastupidised trendid ning äikese esinemissagedus on taas tõsunud. Tulemused näitavad, et Põhja-Euroopa ja Baltimaade äikesekliima on sarnane naabermaade äikesekliimaga. Esitatud andmete põhjal on võimalik hinnata välgu poolt põhjustatud riske erinevates Põhja-Euroopa piirkondades.Thunderstorms are hazardous and potentially damaging weather events which are among the major causes of weather-related damages and economic losses in mid-latitudes. The thesis investigates thunderstorm and lightning climate and its long-term changes in the Baltic countries and northern Europe. The first complex overviews of thunderstorm climate in the Baltic countries as well as of lightning climate in northern Europe are presented. The annual average ground flash density varies from 0.01 flashes km−2 y−1 in northern and western Norway to 1.08 flashes km−2 y−1 in southwestern Sweden and in the Baltic countries. The average annual number of thunderstorm days varies from 2 days in northern Norway to 29.5 days in southern Lithuania. Thunderstorms are most abundant during summer afternoons when solar heating is the most intense. Thunderstorms are clearly more frequent over land which is a warmer surface than the sea. Many local thunderstorm maxima in the Baltic countries are associated with uplands which force the air to rise and initiate convection. Thunderstorms are most frequent in case of warm southerly or southeasterly airflow and least frequent in case of cool northerly airflow. Thunderstorm frequency in the Baltic countries has decreased during 1950-2004 and the main descent has occurred between 1960 and 1990. This trend was found to be associated with long-term changes in the warm season atmospheric circulation in northern Europe. During the last 20 years, a controversial trend has appeared and thunderstorm frequency has increased again. Results indicate that thunderstorm climate in the study area is similar to that in the surrounding countries. Results allow the estimation of lightning risks in northern Europe

    The Spinster (1969)

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    Yearbook of Hollins College (later University)https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/spinster/1050/thumbnail.jp

    The Spinster (1969)

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    Yearbook of Hollins College (later University)https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/spinster/1050/thumbnail.jp

    Temporal variation of extreme precipitation events in Lithuania**The study was supported by the Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation and by the BSR Interreg IVB Project ‘Climate Change: Impacts, Costs and Adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region (BaltCICA)’.

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    AbstractHeavy precipitation events in Lithuania for the period 1961–2008 were analysed. The spatial distribution and dynamics of precipitation extremes were investigated. Positive tendencies and in some cases statistically significant trends were determined for the whole of Lithuania.Atmospheric circulation processes were derived using Hess & Brezowski’s classification of macrocirculation forms. More than one third of heavy precipitation events (37%) were observed when the atmospheric circulation was zonal. The location of the central part of a cyclone (WZ weather condition subtype) over Lithuania is the most common synoptic situation (27%) during heavy precipitation events.Climatic projections according to outputs of the CCLM model are also presented in this research. The analysis shows that the recurrence of heavy precipitation events in the 21st century will increase significantly (by up to 22%) in Lithuania

    Biomonitoring of Heavy Metals Level in Wetland Plants of Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria

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    The purpose of this research was to monitor the distribution of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in plants of Lagos lagoon wetlands in Nigeria. Water, soil and dominant plants were collected from 46 sampling points for a period of 1 year and analysed using ICP-AES. The order of heavy metals presence in soil samples was as follow: Zn>Cr>Cu>Pb>Cd>Ni. The Zn concentration was the highest whereas the lowest concentration was Ni. All water samples showed varying degrees of contamination across all the sampling points in these wetlands. A greater percentage of all metals concentration for Pb, Cd, Cr and Ni were higher than the permissible limit set by World Health Organisation. Pb ranged from 0.01±0.00 to 0.91±0.04 mg/L, Cd from 0.01±0.00 to 0.31±0.02 mg/L, Cr from 0.05±0.00 to 1.15±0.01 mg/L, Ni from 0.01±0.00 to 0.52±0.03, Cu from 0.21±0.01 to 1.11±0.01 mg/L and Zn ranged from 0.15±0.00 to 10.28±0.02 mg/L. The median values of each metal that the shoots and roots of individual plants accumulated metals in the order: Zn>Cu>Pb>Cr>Ni>Cd. Ipomea aquatica had the highest concentration of Pb in its shoot (1.12 mg/kg) while Ludwigia adscendens had the least (1.12 mg/kg) in its shoot. Pb level in the roots was highest in Eichonia crassipes (5.69 mg/kg). The highest level of Cr in shoot (2.23 mg/kg) and root (5.41 mg/kg) was observed in Commelina benghalensis while Cr concentration is lowest in the shoot (0.04 mg/kg) and root (0.18 mg/kg) of Althernathera philoxerrides. Ludwigia adscendens had the lowest concentration of Ni in its root (0.01 mg/kg). The highest shoot concentration of Cu (4.21 mg/kg) was observed in Eichonia crassipes while Ipomea aquatica had the lowest concentration in its shoot (0.23 mg/kg). Paspalum vaginatum’s root had the highest Cu concentration (12.32 mg/kg) while lowest concentration of Cu was observed in the root of Sagittaria sagittifolia (0.69 mg/kg). Transfer factors for most of the plants species were less than 1, indicating that metals accumulated by these plants were largely retained in the roots. A. philoxerrides had translocation factor greater than one for Ni (10.30), while for Cr was 1.25 and 1.40. This present findings indicate that, despite ecological similarities, the different plant species tend to respond differently to exposure to heavy metals and also in their ability to accumulate the various metals. Thus, heavy metals sequestration from the soil to these plants characterized them as metals pollution indicators.Keywords: wetland plants, heavy metals, biomonitoring, bioaccumulation capacity, translocation facto

    Bilateral pneumothoraces, pneumomediastinum, pneumoperitoneum, pneumoretroperitoneum, and subcutaneous emphysema after percutaneous tracheostomy -A case report-

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    We report a rare case of a 72-year-old female who developed extensive subcutaneous emphysema, bilateral pneumothoraces, pneumomediastinum, pneumoperitoneum, and pneumoretroperitoneum after a percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy. The patient's T-cannula was accidentally connected to the oxygen line with a non-perforated connector. The patient rapidly developed respiratory insufficiency and subcutaneous emphysema in the neck and both shoulders. The bilateral pneumothoraces were managed using a chest tube. CT scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis revealed an extensive distribution of air throughout the chest and abdomen. The patient was treated successfully with supportive care. This case illustrates the rare occurrence of air passing into multiple body compartments, highlighting the potentially serious complications of a tracheostomy and the importance of intensive care during the recovery period

    پنوموتوراکس و پنوموپريتوئن به‌دنبال تراکئوستومی

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    اهداف و زمينه: تراکئوستومی پرکوتانئوس، يک روش جراحی شايع در زمينه اعمال گوش وحلق و بينی است، که با عوارضی مثل خونريزی، عفونت، آمفيزم زيرپوستی، پنوموتوراکس، آسيب عصب راجعه حنجره‌ای و شکستگی حلقه تراشه همراه است. معرفی بيمار: خانم هفتاد ساله ای که قرار بود که تحت تراکئوستومی اورژانس بدليل انسداد ناکامل راه‌هوايی همراه با زجر تنفسی شديد و تنگی‌نفس بدنبال عود کانسر تيروييد مدولاری قرار بگيرد، که حدود دودقيقه پس از کار گذاری تراکئوستومی، فشارخون و اکسيژن شريانی بيمار، افت کرد اما فشار راه هوايی افزايش يافت. در معاينه فيزيکی، صداهای ريوی دوطرف، کاهش، و شکم به صورت ژنراليزه بزرگ شده بود. بلافاصله يک لوله تراشه تا ده سانتی متر وارد منفذ تراکئوستومی شده و به داخل تراشه هدايت شد. با شک به پنوموپريتوئن اقدام به پونکسيون شکم با سرنگ بيست سی سی شد که هوا خارج گرديد. بيمار پس از دو روز بستری در بخش مراقبتهای ويژه بدون عارضه جانبی مرخص شد. مکانيسم های احتمالی که باعث اين مشکل شدند عبارتند از: عدم جای گذاری درست تراکئوستومی به دليل محل تومور، جابه جايی لوله تراکئوستومی و باروتروما. در واقع پارگی ديواره آلوئول ها يا برونش ها موجب انتشار هوا به داخل فضای پلور و ايجاد پنوموتوراکس می شود و بااينکه فضای توراکس و پريتوئن از طريق ديافراگم جدا شده اند، ممکن است بدليل نقائص مادرزادی، ارتباط بين اين دو وجود داشته باشد. بنابراين انجام تراکئوستومی، به خصوص در بيماران دارای توده گردنی می تواند با عوارض جدی و تهديدکننده حيات همراه باشد. باتوجه به وجود چنين خطری، درمان به موقع می تواند باعث کاهش موربيديتی و مورتاليتی شود

    Overfeeding Reduces Insulin Sensitivity and Increases Oxidative Stress, without Altering Markers of Mitochondrial Content and Function in Humans

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial dysfunction and increased oxidative stress are associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes. High fat feeding induces insulin resistance and increases skeletal muscle oxidative stress in rodents, but there is controversy as to whether skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and function is altered. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Forty (37±2 y) non-obese (25.6±0.6 kg/m2) sedentary men (n = 20) and women (n = 20) were overfed (+1040±100 kcal/day, 46±1% of energy from fat) for 28 days. Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps were performed at baseline and day 28 of overfeeding and skeletal muscle biopsies taken at baseline, day 3 and day 28 of overfeeding in a sub cohort of 26 individuals (13 men and 13 women) that consented to having all 3 biopsies performed. Weight increased on average in the whole cohort by 0.6±0.1 and 2.7±0.3 kg at days 3 and 28, respectively (P<0.0001, without a significant difference in the response between men and women (P = 0.4). Glucose infusion rate during the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp decreased from 54.8±2.8 at baseline to 50.3±2.5 mmol/min/kg FFM at day 28 of overfeeding (P = 0.03) without a significant difference between men and women (P = 0.4). Skeletal muscle protein carbonyls and urinary F2-isoprostanes increased with overfeeding (P,<.05). Protein levels of muscle peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1a (PGC1a) and subunits from complex I, II and V of the electron transport chain were increased at day 3 (all P<0.05) and returned to basal levels at day 28. No changes were detected in muscle citrate synthase activity or ex vivo CO2 production at either time point. CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral insulin resistance was induced by overfeeding, without reducing any of the markers of mitochondrial content that were examined. Oxidative stress was however increased, and may have contributed to the reduction in insulin sensitivity observed.Dorit Samocha-Bonet, Lesley V. Campbell, Trevor A. Mori, Kevin D. Croft, Jerry R. Greenfield, Nigel Turner and Leonie K. Heilbron

    The role of serial carotid intima-media thickness assessment as a surrogate marker of atherosclerosis control in patients with recent myocardial infarction

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    Introduction: Despite percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), patients after their first myocardial infarction (MI) are at high risk of ischemic event recurrence. Therefore, there is a need for objective markers of adequate atherosclerosis control, independent of prescribed pharmacotherapy and patients’ compliance. Such a potential indicator of major adverse cerebral and coronary event (MACCE) risk might be change in carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), which indicates atherosclerosis growth. Aim: To evaluate the potential associations between CIMT changes and the incidence of MACCE and recurrent MI. Material and methods: The CIMT assessments at baseline and during 2 follow-up visits were performed in 215 patients admitted with MI, in whom PCI was performed for an index lesion, followed by best medical treatment. The incidences of MACCE (cardiovascular death, recurrent MI, ischemic stroke) and new onset angina were recorded prospectively. Results: The MACCE were recorded in 65 (30.2%) patients and angina due to coronary lesion progression (CLP) in 27 (12.5%) patients. Although initial CIMT values were similar in patients who suffered MACCE vs. MACCE-free patients (1.43 ±0.40 vs. 1.45 ±0.44 mm; p = 0.486), patients in whom MACCE occurred had greater annual CIMT growth as assessed at the first (0.024 ±0.12 vs. 0.009 ±0.16 mm/year; p 0.003 mm/year (sensitivity: 84.5%, specificity: 49.3%) for MI plus CLP (AUC = 0.673) occurred an independent indicator of MACCE (HR = 3.00; 95% CI: 1.496–6.016), recurrent MI (HR = 4.59, 95% CI: 1.591–13.217), and MI plus CLP (HR = 3.50, 95% CI: 1.759–6.964). Conclusions: Annual CIMT change might be a potentially valuable marker of atherosclerosis response to post-MI treatment