2,695 research outputs found

    The Welfare Costs of Unreliable Water Service

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    Throughout the developing world, many water distribution systems are unreliable. As a result, it becomes necessary for each household to store its own water as a hedge against this uncertainty. Since arrivals of water are not synchronized across households, serious distributional inefficiencies arise. We develop a model describing the optimal intertemporal depletion of each household’s private water storage when it is uncertain when water will next arrive to replenish supplies. The model is calibrated using survey data from Mexico City, a city where many households store water in sealed rooftop tanks known as tinacos. The calibrated model is used to evaluate the potential welfare gains that would occur if alternative modes of water provision were implemented. We estimate that most of the potential distributional inefficiencies can be eliminated simply by making the frequency of deliveries the same across households which now face haphazard deliveries. This would require neither costly investments in infrastructure nor price increases.Water Supply Uncertainty, Water Storage, Distributional Inefficiency

    Differential regulation of bladder pain and voiding function by sensory afferent populations revealed by selective optogenetic activation

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    Bladder-innervating primary sensory neurons mediate reflex-driven bladder function under normal conditions, and contribute to debilitating bladder pain and/or overactivity in pathological states. The goal of this study was to examine the respective roles of defined subtypes of afferent neurons in bladder sensation and function in vivo via direct optogenetic activation. To accomplish this goal, we generated transgenic lines that express a Channelrhodopsin-2-eYFP fusion protein (ChR2-eYFP) in two distinct populations of sensory neurons: TRPV1-lineage neurons (Trpv1Cre;Ai32, the majority of nociceptors) and Nav1.8+ neurons (Scn10aCre;Ai32, nociceptors and some mechanosensitive fibers). In spinal cord, eYFP+ fibers in Trpv1Cre;Ai32 mice were observed predominantly in dorsal horn (DH) laminae I-II, while in Scn10aCre;Ai32 mice they extended throughout the DH, including a dense projection to lamina X. Fiber density correlated with number of retrogradely-labeled eYFP+ dorsal root ganglion neurons (82.2% Scn10aCre;Ai32 vs. 62% Trpv1Cre;Ai32) and degree of DH excitatory synaptic transmission. Photostimulation of peripheral afferent terminals significantly increased visceromotor responses to noxious bladder distension (30–50 mmHg) in both transgenic lines, and to non-noxious distension (20 mmHg) in Scn10aCre;Ai32 mice. Depolarization of ChR2+ afferents in Scn10aCre;Ai32 mice produced low- and high-amplitude bladder contractions respectively in 53% and 27% of stimulation trials, and frequency of high-amplitude contractions increased to 60% after engagement of low threshold (LT) mechanoreceptors by bladder filling. In Trpv1Cre;Ai32 mice, low-amplitude contractions occurred in 27% of trials before bladder filling, which was pre-requisite for light-evoked high-amplitude contractions (observed in 53.3% of trials). Potential explanations for these observations include physiological differences in the thresholds of stimulated fibers and their connectivity to spinal circuits

    Resolution of Phylogenetic Relationships and Characterization of Y-Linked Microsatellites within the Big Cats, Panthera

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    The pantherine lineage of cats diverged from the remainder of modern Felidae less than 11 million years ago. This clade consists of the five big cats of the genus Panthera, the lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard, and snow leopard, as well as the closely related clouded leopard, which diverged from Panthera approximately 6 million years ago. A significant problem exists with respect to the precise phylogeny of these highly threatened great cats. Within the past four years, despite multiple publications on the subject, no two studies have reconstructed the phylogeny of Panthera with the same topology, showing particular discordance with respect to sister-taxa relationships to the lion and the position of the enigmatic snow leopard. The evolutionary relationship among these cats remains unresolved partially due to their recent and rapid radiation 3-5 million years ago, individual speciation events occurring within less than 1 million years, and probable introgression between lineages following their divergence. We assembled a 47.6 kb dataset using novel and published DNA sequence data from the autosomes, both sex chromosomes and the mitochondrial genome. This dataset was analyzed both as a supermatrix and with respect to individual partitions using maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogeny inference. Since discord may exist among gene segments in a multilocus dataset due to their unique evolutionary histories, inference was also performed using Bayesian estimation of species trees (BEST) to form a robust consensus topology. Incongruent topologies for autosomal loci indicated phylogenetic signal conflict within the corresponding segments. We resequenced four mitochondrial and three nuclear gene segments used in recent attempts to reconstruct felid phylogeny. The newly generated data was combined with available GenBank sequence data from all published studies to highlight phylogenetic disparities stemming either from the amplification of a mitochondrial to nuclear translocation event, or errors in species identification. We provide an alternative, highly supported interpretation of the evolutionary history of the pantherine lineage using 39 single-copy regions of the felid Y chromosome and supportive phylogenetic evidence from a revised mitochondrial partition. These efforts result in a highly corroborated set of species relationships that open up new avenues for the study of speciation genomics and understanding the historical events surrounding the origin of the members of this lineage

    Contrast-Detail Analysis Characterizing Diffuse Optical Fluorescence Tomography Image Reconstruction

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    Contrast-detail analysis is used to evaluate the imaging performance of diffuse optical fluorescence tomography (DOFT), characterizing spatial resolution limits, signal-to-noise limits, and the trade-off between object contrast and size. Reconstructed images of fluorescence yield from simulated noisy data were used to determine the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). A threshold of CNR=3 was used to approximate a lowest acceptable noise level in the image, as a surrogate measure for human detection of objects. For objects 0.5 cm inside the edge of a simulated tissue region, the smallest diameter that met this criteria was approximately 1.7 mm, regardless of contrast level, and test field diameter had little impact on this limit. Object depth had substantial impact on object CNR, leading to a limit of 4 mm for objects near the center of a 51-mm test field and 8.5 mm for an 86-mm test field. Similarly, large objects near the edge of both test fields required a minimum contrast of 50% to achieve acceptable image CNR. The minimum contrast for large, centered objects ranged between 50% and 100%. Contrast-detail analysis using human detection of lower contrast limits provides fundamentally important information about the performance of reconstruction algorithms, and can be used to compare imaging performance of different systems

    Multichannel Diffuse Optical Raman Tomography for Bone Characterization In Vivo: a Phantom Study

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    Raman spectroscopy is used to gather information on the mineral and organic components of bone tissue to analyze their composition. By measuring the Raman signal of bone through spatially offset Raman spectroscopy the health of the bone can be determined. We’ve customized a system with 8 collection channels that consist of individual fibers, which are coupled to separate spectrometers and cooled CCDs. This parallel detection system was used to scan gelatin phantoms with Teflon inclusions of two sizes. Raman signals were decoupled from the autofluorescence background using channel specific polynomial fitting. Images with high contrast to background ratios of Raman yield and accurate spatial resolution were recovered using a model-based diffuse tomography approach

    Fluorescence Tomography Characterization for Sub-Surface Imaging with Protoporphyrin IX

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    Optical imaging of fluorescent objects embedded in a tissue simulating medium was characterized using non-contact based approaches to fluorescence remittance imaging (FRI) and sub-surface fluorescence diffuse optical tomography (FDOT). Using Protoporphyrin IX as a fluorescent agent, experiments were performed on tissue phantoms comprised of typical in-vivo tumor to normal tissue contrast ratios, ranging from 3.5:1 up to 10:1. It was found that tomographic imaging was able to recover interior inclusions with high contrast relative to the background; however, simple planar fluorescence imaging provided a superior contrast to noise ratio. Overall, FRI performed optimally when the object was located on or close to the surface and, perhaps most importantly, FDOT was able to recover specific depth information about the location of embedded regions. The results indicate that an optimal system for localizing embedded fluorescent regions should combine fluorescence reflectance imaging for high sensitivity and sub-surface tomography for depth detection, thereby allowing more accurate localization in all three directions within the tissue

    Understanding the Location Decisions of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority\u27s Housing Choice Voucher Holders: Pilot Study

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    The goal of the Housing Choice Voucher Program is to assist low-income families in renting decent, safe, and affordable housing. Voucher holders are free to select a unit and location that best meets their needs within the guidelines of the program. The Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA), which administers the program in Cuyahoga County, was interested in learning more about how housing choice voucher holders decide where they want to live. CMHA was also interested in understanding the barriers that might be preventing voucher holders from moving to areas of greater opportunity and how it could partner with cities to design programs that move voucher holders up and out of poverty. CMHA contracted with the Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University to undertake a pilot study to investigate these questions
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