936 research outputs found

    Information Design for Medical Innovation: Raising Student Awareness of Medical Design Potential

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    Medical design has the power to improve, prolong and save lives. Medical professionals and patients throughout the world face critical problems that can be addressed with design solutions developed in an academic setting. International collaboration fostered by universities can be a source of unique technology, cultural development and natural resources that can aid in the discovery and delivery of medical solutions. Projects developed through university based initiatives exemplify how effective information design benefits medical design applications. MEDdesign is a program initiative of the Vignelli Center for Design Studies at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Through this international program, design students solve medical problems proposed by a diverse range of healthcare professionals. These collaborations result in medical applications that improve healthcare and prolong life. Student awareness of the processes and benefits of this academic/professional model are needed in order to establish more collaborations and innovations in medical design. The main objective of this thesis is to foster more involvement among newcomers to medical information design in the realm of academics. The attributes of effective information design can be applied in order to communicate important information about medical design initiatives. Proof of this concept will be shown by developing a visual language and educational tools that increase student awareness, understanding and involvement in this initiative. These educational materials will be comprised of both print and digital media including infographics, posters, leave-behinds, email blasts, web banners and articles featured on the MEDdesign website. The visual language and educational materials will serve as a template for communicating information about similar initiatives to students and institutions throughout the world

    Ruthenium and osmium carbonyl clusters incorporating stannylene and stannyl ligands

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    The reaction of [Ru₃ (CO)₁₂] with Ph₃SnSPh in refluxing benzene furnished the bimetallic Ru-Sn compound [Ru₃(CO)₈(μ-SPh)₂(μ3-SnPh₂)(SnPh₃)₂] 1 which consists of a SnPh₂ stannylene bonded to three Ru atoms to give a planar tetra-metal core, with two peripheral SnPh₃ ligands. The stannylene ligand forms a very short bond to one Ru atom [Sn-Ru 2.538(1) Å] and very long bonds to the other two [Sn-Ru 3.074(1) Å]. The germanium compound [Ru₃(CO)₈(μ-SPh)₂(μ₃-GePh₂)(GePh₃)₂] 2 was obtained from the reaction of [Ru₃ (CO)₁₂] with Ph₃GeSPh and has a similar structure to that of 1 as evidenced by spectroscopic data. Treatment of [Os₃(CO)₁₀(MeCN)₂] with Ph₃SnSPh in refluxing benzene yielded the bimetallic Os-Sn compound [Os₃(CO)₉(μ-SPh)(μ₃-SnPh₂)(MeCN)(ƞ¹-C₆H₅)] 3. Cluster 3 has a superficially similar planar metal core, but with a different bonding mode with respect to that of 1. The Ph₂Sn group is bonded most closely to Os(2) and Os(3) [2.7862(3) and 2.7476(3) Å respectively] with a significantly longer bond to Os(1), 2.9981(3) Å indicating a weak back-donation to the Sn. The reaction of the bridging dppm compound [Ru₃(CO)₁₀(μ-dppm)] with Ph₃SnSPh afforded [Ru₃(CO)₆(μ-dppm)(μ₃-S)(μ₃-SPh)(SnPh₃)] 5. Compound 5 contains an open triangle of Ru atoms simultaneously capped by a sulfido and a PhS ligand on opposite sides of the cluster with a dppm ligand bridging one of the Ru-Ru edges and a Ph₃Sn group occupying an axial position on the Ru atom not bridged by the dppm ligand

    Fairness Properties of Face Recognition and Obfuscation Systems

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    The proliferation of automated face recognition in the commercial and government sectors has caused significant privacy concerns for individuals. One approach to address these privacy concerns is to employ evasion attacks against the metric embedding networks powering face recognition systems: Face obfuscation systems generate imperceptibly perturbed images that cause face recognition systems to misidentify the user. Perturbed faces are generated on metric embedding networks, which are known to be unfair in the context of face recognition. A question of demographic fairness naturally follows: are there demographic disparities in face obfuscation system performance? We answer this question with an analytical and empirical exploration of recent face obfuscation systems. Metric embedding networks are found to be demographically aware: face embeddings are clustered by demographic. We show how this clustering behavior leads to reduced face obfuscation utility for faces in minority groups. An intuitive analytical model yields insight into these phenomena

    DP-TBART: A Transformer-based Autoregressive Model for Differentially Private Tabular Data Generation

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    The generation of synthetic tabular data that preserves differential privacy is a problem of growing importance. While traditional marginal-based methods have achieved impressive results, recent work has shown that deep learning-based approaches tend to lag behind. In this work, we present Differentially-Private TaBular AutoRegressive Transformer (DP-TBART), a transformer-based autoregressive model that maintains differential privacy and achieves performance competitive with marginal-based methods on a wide variety of datasets, capable of even outperforming state-of-the-art methods in certain settings. We also provide a theoretical framework for understanding the limitations of marginal-based approaches and where deep learning-based approaches stand to contribute most. These results suggest that deep learning-based techniques should be considered as a viable alternative to marginal-based methods in the generation of differentially private synthetic tabular data

    Discovery of a Metal-Line Absorber Associated with a Local Dwarf Starburst Galaxy

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    We present optical and near-infrared images, H I 21 cm emission maps, optical spectroscopy, and Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph ultraviolet spectroscopy of the QSO/galaxy pair SBS 1122+594/IC 691. The QSO sight line lies at a position angle of 27 degrees from the minor axis of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy IC 691 (cz_gal = 1204+-3 km/s, L_B ~ 0.09 L*, current star formation rate = 0.08-0.24 solar masses per year) and 33 kpc (6.6 arcmin) from its nucleus. We find that IC 691 has an H I mass of M_HI = (3.6+-0.1) x 10^8 solar masses and a dynamical mass of M_dyn = (3.1+-0.5) x 10^10 solar masses. The UV spectrum of SBS 1122+594 shows a metal-line (Ly-alpha + C IV) absorber near the redshift of IC 691 at cz_abs = 1110+-30 km/s. Since IC 691 is a dwarf starburst and the SBS 1122+594 sight line lies in the expected location for an outflowing wind, we propose that the best model for producing this metal-line absorber is a starburst wind from IC 691. We place consistent metallicity limits on IC 691 ([Z/Zsun] ~ -0.7) and the metal-line absorber ([Z/Zsun] < -0.3). We also find that the galaxy's escape velocity at the absorber location is v_esc = 80+-10 km/s and derive a wind velocity of v_w = 160+-50 km/s. Thus, the evidence suggests that IC 691 produces an unbound starburst wind that escapes from its gravitational potential to transport metals and energy to the surrounding intergalactic medium.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures; AJ in press; a version with high resolution figures can be downloaded from http://casa.colorado.edu/~keeney/research/papers/IC691.pd

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    The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: VIII. HI Source Catalog of the Anti-Virgo Region at dec = +25 deg

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    We present a fourth catalog of HI sources from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) Survey. We report 541 detections over 136 deg2, within the region of the sky having 22h < R.A. < 03h and 24 deg < Dec. < 26 deg . This complements a previous catalog in the region 26 deg < Dec. < 28 deg (Saintonge et al. 2008). We present here the detections falling into three classes: (a) extragalactic sources with S/N > 6.5, where the reliability of the catalog is better than 95%; (b) extragalactic sources 5.0 < S/N < 6.5 and a previously measured optical redshift that corroborates our detection; or (c) High Velocity Clouds (HVCs), or subcomponents of such clouds, in the periphery of the Milky Way. Of the 541 objects presented here, 90 are associated with High Velocity Clouds, while the remaining 451 are identified as extragalactic objects. Optical counterparts have been matched with all but one of the extragalactic objects.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    An electron-deficient triosmium cluster containing the thianthrene ligand: Synthesis, structure and reactivity of [Os₃(CO)₉(μ3-η2-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)]

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    Reaction of [Os₃(CO)₁₀(CH₃CN)₂] with thianthrene at 80 °C leads to the nonacarbonyl dihydride compound [Os₃(CO)₉(μ-3,4-η²-C₁₂H₆S₂)(μ-H)₂] (1) and the 46-electron monohydride compound [Os₃(CO)₉(μ₃-η²-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)] (2). Compound 2 reacts reversibly with CO to give the CO adduct [Os₃(CO)₁₀(μ-η²-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)] (3) whereas with PPh₃ it gives the addition product [Os₃(CO)₉)(PPh₃)(μ-η²-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)] (4) as well as the substitution product 1,2-[Os₃(CO)₁₀ ((PPh₃)₂] (5) Compound 2 represents a unique example of an electron-deficient triosmium cluster in which the thianthrene ring is bound to cluster by coordination of the sulfur lone pair and a three-center-two-electron bond with the C(2) carbon which bridges the same edge of the triangle as the hydride. Electrochemical and DFT studies which elucidate the electronic properties of 2 are reported

    Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis masquerading as carcinoma of the breast: a case report and review of the literature

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    BACKGROUND: Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis is an uncommon, benign entity with a diagnosis of exclusion. The typical clinical presentation of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis often mimics infection or malignancy. As a result, histopathological confirmation of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis combined with exclusion of infection, malignancy and other causes of granulomatous disease is absolutely necessary. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of a young woman with idiopathic granulomatous mastitis, initially mistaken for mastitis as well as breast carcinoma, and successfully treated with a course of corticosteroids. CONCLUSION: There is no clear clinical consensus regarding the ideal therapeutic management of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. Treatment options include expectant management with spontaneous remission, corticosteroid therapy, immunosuppressive agents and extensive surgery for refractory cases