4 research outputs found

    Defining Genes in the Genome of the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus: Implications for All Microbial Genomes

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    The original genome annotation of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus contained 2,065 open reading frames (ORFs). The genome was subsequently automatically annotated in two public databases by the Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Remarkably, more than 500 of the originally annotated ORFs differ in size in the two databases, many very significantly. For example, more than 170 of the predicted proteins differ at their N termini by more than 25 amino acids. Similar discrepancies were observed in the TIGR and NCBI databases with the other archaeal and bacterial genomes examined. In addition, the two databases contain 60 (NCBI) and 221 (TIGR) ORFs not present in the original annotation of P. furiosus. In the present study we have experimentally assessed the validity of 88 previously unannotated ORFs. Transcriptional analyses showed that 11 of 61 ORFs examined were expressed in P. furiosus when grown at either 95 or 72°C. In addition, 7 of 54 ORFs examined yielded heat-stable recombinant proteins when they were expressed in Escherichia coli, although only one of the seven ORFs was expressed in P. furiosus under the growth conditions tested. It is concluded that the P. furiosus genome contains at least 17 ORFs not previously recognized in the original annotation. This study serves to highlight the discrepancies in the public databases and the problems of accurately defining the number and sizes of ORFs within any microbial genome

    Genetic Manipulation of Neural Progenitors Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Human embryonic stem cell–derived neural progenitors (NP) present an important tool for understanding human development and disease. Optimal utilization of NP cells, however, requires an enhanced ability to monitor these cells in vitro and in vivo. Here we report production of the first genetically modified self-renewing human embryonic stem cell–derived NP cells that express fluorescent proteins under constitutive as well as lineage-specific promoters, enabling tracking and monitoring of cell fate. Nucleofection, transfection, and lentiviral transduction were compared for optimal gene delivery to NP cells. Transduction was most efficient in terms of transgene expression (37%), cell viability (39%), and long-term reporter expression (>3 months). Further, the constitutive gene promoters, cytomegalovirus, elongation factor 1α, and ubiquitin-C, exhibited comparable silencing (20–30%) in NP cells over a 2-month period, suggesting their suitability for long-term reporter expression studies. Transduced NP cells maintained their progenitor state and differentiation potential, as demonstrated by expression of endogenous NP markers and neuronal markers after differentiation. We also detected reporter expression in astrocytes generated from NP cells transduced with an astrocyte-specific gene promoter, glial fibrillary acidic protein, demonstrating the usefulness of this approach. The genetically manipulated NP cells described here offer great potential for live cell–tracking experiments, and a similar approach can as well be used for expression of proteins other than reporters