12 research outputs found

    A case of ileocecocolic intussusception from cecal carcinoma

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    The authors present a case oJ ileocecocolic intussusception by carcinoma o/ the caecurn. They stress the most peculiar aspects oJ this condition: rare etiology; complete invagination oJ caecum appendix and ileum; tipical clinical presentation caracterized by variable dimensions o/ the mass and symptoms not ascribing to occlusion, no Ìesionsat endoscopy; evidence o/ a typical «target rnass» visualized at T C

    The colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence: the limits between polypectomy and intestinal resection

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    According to a clinic case, the Authors pointed out tbe role oJ histological diagnosis in the therapheutica;proch oJ large intestinal adenomas. In order to identijy those lesions which can methastatize, having exceeded tbe muscolaris nucosae and having invaded the submucosa, rigorous bisiological standards must be perJormed. Intestinal resection versus polipectomy is determined only according to tbe involvement or not oJ the muscolaris mucosae

    Bilateral carcinoma of the breast: treatment and prevention, Review of the literature

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    Authors analize 256 patients admitted in III Clinica Chirurgica o/ University o/ Rome «La Sapienza» for breast cancer, /rom 1982 to 1992; 16 o/ them had later deueloped another neoplasm in the opposite breast. After a retrospectiue study o/ the clinical bistory o/ ali patients they came to the conclusion that bilateral neoplasm frequency is similar to that reported in world litterature (1- 18%) (23, 9, 2). Moreover, are analized the primary risk factors 101' a bilatel'al carcinoma, and tbey consider the utility 01 the propbylactic surgical treatment 01 the opposite breast

    RNA-binding proteins in bacteria.

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are central to most if not all cellular processes, dictating the fate of virtually all RNA molecules in the cell. Starting with pioneering work on ribosomal proteins, studies of bacterial RBPs have paved the way for molecular studies of RNA-protein interactions. Work over the years has identified major RBPs that act on cellular transcripts at the various stages of bacterial gene expression and that enable their integration into post-transcriptional networks that also comprise small non-coding RNAs. Bacterial RBP research has now entered a new era in which RNA sequencing-based methods permit mapping of RBP activity in a truly global manner in vivo. Moreover, the soaring interest in understudied members of host-associated microbiota and environmental communities is likely to unveil new RBPs and to greatly expand our knowledge of RNA-protein interactions in bacteria

    The genetic landscape of cardiomyopathies

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    Insights into genetic causes of cardiomyopathies have tremendously contributed to the understanding of the molecular basis and pathophysiology of hypertrophic, dilated, arrhythmogenic, restrictive and left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy. More than thousand mutations in approximately 100 genes encoding proteins involved in many different subcellular systems have been identified indicating the diversity of pathways contributing to pathological cardiac remodeling. Moreover, the classical view based on morphology and physiology has been shifted toward genetic and molecular patterns defining the etiology of cardiomyopathies. Today, novel high-throughput genetic technologies provide an opportunity to diagnose individuals based on their genetic findings, sometimes before clinical signs of the disease occur. However, the challenge remains that rapid research developments and the complexity of genetic information are getting introduced into the clinical practice, which requires dedicated guidance in genetic counselling and interpretation of genetic test results for the management of families with inherited cardiomyopathies

    H-NS as a Defence System

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