36 research outputs found

    Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery

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    Endoscopic skull base surgery has undergone rapid advancement in the past decade moving from pituitary surgery to suprasellar lesions and now to a myriad of lesions extending from the cribriform plate to C2 and laterally out to the infratemporal fossa and petrous apex. Evolution of several technological advances as well as advances in understanding of endoscopic anatomy and the development of surgical techniques both in resection and reconstruction have fostered this capability. Management of benign disease via endoscopic methods is largely accepted now but more data is needed before the controversy on the role of endoscopic management of malignant disease is decided. Continued advances in surgical technique, navigation systems, endoscopic imaging technology, and robotics assure continued brisk evolution in this expanding field

    Interrater agreement of nasal endoscopy in patients with a prior history of endoscopic sinus surgery

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    Nasal endoscopy is an important part of the clinical evaluation of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. However, its objectivity and inter-rater agreement have not been well studied, especially in patients who have previously had sinus surgery

    Classification of antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody vasculitides: The role of antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody specificity for myeloperoxidase or proteinase 3 in disease recognition and prognosis

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    Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) vasculitis is a complex disease, with much debate about the utility of systems for classification and diagnosis. We compared three currently used classification systems in predicting disease prognosis

    Extramedullary Hematopoiesis in the Sinonasal Cavity: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Approximately 1 in 600 African-Americans are homozygous for the sickle cell gene.1 This commonly inherited hematologic disorder causes sickling of red blood cells (RBCs), prompting rapid hemolysis. A common clinical manifestation of sickle cell disease (SCD) is chronic anemia. The body responds by increasing hematopoiesis. RBC production classically occurs in the bone marrow of the long bones, pelvis, spine, and sternum. With chronically elevated erythropoietin levels, organs such as the spleen and liver help augment the body’s RBC supply. These organs are areas of fetal erythropoiesis that do not typically contribute to physiologic RBC production in adults. Other, less commonly involved organs that have been documented as sites of extramedullary hematoposesis (EMH) include lymph nodes, paravertebral regions, intra-spinal canal, pre-sacral region, nasopharynx, and paranasal sinuses

    Clinical consensus statement: Diagnosis and management of nasal valve compromise

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    OBJECTIVE: To create a clinical consensus statement to address ambiguities and disparities in the diagnosis and management of nasal valve compromise (NVC). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: An updated systematic review of the literature was conducted. In addition, a Modified Delphi Method was used to refine expert opinion and facilitate a consensus position. RESULTS: After two rounds of surveys and conference calls, 36 items reached consensus, six items reached near consensus, and 10 items reached no consensus. The categories that had the greatest percentage of consensus or near consensus items were as follows: definition, history and physical examination, outcome measures, and management. Conversely, the categories with greater percentage of no consensus items were adjunctive tests and coding. CONCLUSION: The consensus panel agreed that NVC is a distinct clinical entity that is best evaluated with history and physical examination findings. Endoscopy and photography are useful but not routinely indicated, whereas radiographic studies are not useful in evaluating NVC. Other objective nasal outcome measures may not be useful or accepted for NVC. Nasal steroid medication is not useful for treatment of NVC in the absence of rhinitis, and mechanical treatments may be useful in selected patients. Surgical treatment is the primary mode of treatment of NVC, but bill coding remains ambiguous and confusing

    A longitudinal study of olfactory dysfunction and parosmia in mild COVID-19 cases

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    Background: COVID-19-related olfactory dysfunction (OD) can persist long after patients recover from acute infection, yet few studies have investigated the long-term progression of this complication. Moreover, existing studies are focused on hyposmia/anosmia but parosmia is becoming an increasingly recognized long-term symptom. Methods: We completed a longitudinal study about OD in individuals with mild cases of COVID-19. Participants completed a questionnaire and Brief Smell Identification Test (BSIT) one week, one month and one year after diagnosis. At one-year, participants completed an additional survey about parosmia. Results: We obtained questionnaires and psychophysical olfactory testing information from participants at one week (n=45), one month (n=38), and one year (n=33) post COVID-19 diagnosis. At one-year, 15.2% of participants had persistent OD and 66.7% of participants reported experiencing parosmia at some point following COVID-19 diagnosis. The mean onset of parosmia was 1.3 weeks (SD: 1.9 weeks) after diagnosis, although two patients reported delayed onset (>4 weeks after diagnosis). Eight patients (24.2%) reported ongoing parosmia one year after diagnosis. Of the patients whose parosmia resolved, the mean duration of symptoms was 7.2 weeks (SD: 7.3 weeks). Conclusion: Decreased sense of smell associated with COVID-19 infection has received significant recognition in both the media and in the medical literature. Symptoms of OD and parosmia were common in our patients with COVID-19. Hyposmia, anosmia, and parosmia, all decrease quality of life, necessitating continued research to understand the pathogenesis, course of symptoms, and possible treatment for these complications

    COVID-19 related olfactory dysfunction prevalence and natural history in ambulatory patients

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    Background: Evidence regarding prevalence of COVID-19 related Olfactory dysfunction (OD) among ambulatory patients is highly variable due to heterogeneity in study population and measurement methods. Relatively few studies have longitudinally investigated OD in ambulatory patients with objective methods. Methods: We performed a longitudinal study to investigate OD among COVID-19 ambulatory patients compared to symptomatic controls who test negative. Out of 81 patients enrolled, 45 COVID-19 positive patients and an age- and sex-matched symptomatic control group completed the BSIT and a questionnaire about smell, taste and nasal symptoms. These were repeated at 1 month for all COVID-19 positive patients, and again at 3 months for those who exhibited persistent OD. Analysis was performed by mixed-effects linear and logistic regression. Results: 46.7% of COVID-19 patients compared to 3.8% of symptomatic controls exhibited OD at 1-week post diagnosis (p<0.001). At 1 month, 16.7%, (6 of 36), of COVID-19 patients had persistent OD. Mean improvement in BSIT score in COVID-19 patients between 1-week BSIT and 1 month follow-up was 2.0 (95% CI 1.00 – 3.00, p<0.001). OD did not correlate with nasal congestion (r= −0.25, 95% CI, −0.52 to 0.06, p=0.12). Conclusions: Ambulatory COVID-19 patients exhibited OD significantly more frequently than symptomatic controls. Most patients regained normal olfaction by 1 month. The BSIT is a simple validated and objective test to investigate the prevalence of OD in ambulatory patients. OD did not correlate with nasal congestion which suggests a congestion-independent mechanism of OD