789 research outputs found

    Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Strategic Corporate Research Report

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    [Excerpt] Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (hereinafter Wal-Mart) is the second-largest company in the world. It has more annual revenue than the GDP of Switzerland. It sells more DVDs, magazines, books, CDs, dog food, diapers, bicycles, toys, toothpaste, jewelry, and groceries than any other retailer does worldwide. It is the largest retailer in the United States, Mexico, and Canada, the second-largest in the United Kingdom, and the third largest in Brazil, With its partners, it is the largest retailer in Central America. Wal-Mart is also the largest private employer in the United States, Mexico, and Canada, and it has 1.8 million employees around the globe. Wal-Mart is so huge that it effectively sets the terms for large swaths of the global economy, from retail wages to apparel prices to transoceanic shipping rates to the location of toy factories. Indeed, if there is one single aspect to understand about the company, it is the fact that Wal-Mart is transforming the relations of production in virtually every product category it sells, through its relationships with suppliers. But its influence goes far beyond the economy. It sets social policy by refusing to sell certain types of birth control. Its construction of supercenters molds the landscape, shapes traffic patterns, and alters the local commercial mix. The retail goliath shapes culture by selling the music of patriotic country singer Garth Brooks but not the critical (and hilarious) The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents America (the Book): A Citizen’s Guide to Democracy Inaction. It influences politics by donating millions to conservative politicians and think tanks. Wal-Mart is, in short, one of the most powerful entities in the world. Not surprisingly, Wal-Mart has developed a long list of critics, including unions, human rights organizations, religious groups, environmental activists, community organizations, small business groups, academics, children’s rights groups, and even institutional investors. These groups have exposed the company’s illegal union-busting tactics, its many violations of overtime laws, its abuse of child labor, its egregious healthcare policies, its super-exploitation of immigrant workers, its rampant gender discrimination, the horrific labor conditions at its suppliers’ factories, and its unlawful environmental degradation. They have also chronicled the deleterious effect Wal-Mart has on the public coffers and the quality of community life. New Wal-Mart stores and distribution centers often swallow up government subsidies and tax breaks, take public land, create more congestion, reduce overall wages, destroy retail variety, and increase public outlays for healthcare. To its critics, Wal-Mart represents the worst aspects of 21st-eentury capitalism. Wal-Mart usually counters any criticism with two words: low prices. It is a powerful mantra in a consumerist world. The company does make more products affordable to more people, and that is nothing to sneeze at when wages are stagnant, jobs insecure, pensions disappearing, and health coverage shrinking. With low prices, Wal-Mart helps working men and women get more from their meager paychecks, more necessities like bread, and more luxuries, like roses, too. It is a brilliant and incontrovertible argument, and Wal-Mart’s most ardent defenders take it even farther. They say its obsession with low prices makes the entire economy more efficient and more productive. Suppliers and competitors have to produce more and better products with the same resources, and that redounds to everyone. In the micro, it means falling prices and rising product quality. In the macro, it means economic growth, more jobs, and higher tax revenues. To its defenders, Wal-Mart represents the best aspects of 21st-century capitalism. Despite their radical opposition, critics and defenders of the world’s largest corporation agree on one thing: Wal-Mart represents 21st-century capitalism. It symbolizes a system of increasing market penetration and decreasing social regulation, where more and more aspects of life around the world are subject to economic competition. Wal-Mart’s success rests upon the ongoing destruction of social power in favor of corporate power. It takes advantage of the conditions of the neo-liberal world, from the availability of instant and inexpensive global communication to the continuing collapse of agricultural employment around the world to the rapid diffusion of technological innovation to the oversupply of subjugated migrant labor in nearly every country to the continued existence of undemocratic and corporate-dominated governments. For some, this is as it should be, all part of capitalism’s natural and ultimately benign development. For the rest of us, Wal-Mart is at the heart of what is wrong with the world

    Differential processing of plasma-ANF in cardiovascular disease

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    From secondary to primary prevention of progressive renal disease: The case for screening for albuminuria

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    From secondary to primary prevention of progressive renal disease: The case for screening for albuminuria. Many subjects nowadays present with end-stage renal failure and its attendant cardiovascular complications without known prior renal damage. In this report we review the evidence available to strongly suggest that the present practice of secondary prevention in those with known prior renal disease should be extended to primary prevention for those subjects in the general population who are at risk for progressive renal failure, but who had never suffered from a primary renal disease. We show that such subjects can be detected by screening for albuminuria. Elevated urinary albumin loss is an indicator not only of poor renal, but also of poor cardiovascular prognosis. In addition to diabetic subjects who are at risk for albuminuria, we also show that hypertensive, obese, and smoking subjects are more susceptible. We suggest that therapies that have been shown to lower albumin excretion, such as ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, and statins be started early in such patients to prevent them from developing clinical renal disease and its attendant cardiovascular complications

    Climate change and its influence in nephron mass

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW The consequences of climate change, including heat and extreme weather events impact kidney function in adults and children. The impacts of climate change on kidney development during gestation and thereby on kidney function later in life have been poorly described. Clinical evidence is summarized to highlight possible associations between climate change and nephron mass. RECENT FINDINGS Pregnant women are vulnerable to the effects of climate change, being less able to thermoregulate, more sensitive to the effects of dehydration, and more susceptible to infections. Exposure to heat, wildfire smoke, drought, floods and climate-related infections are associated with low birth weight, preterm birth and preeclampsia. These factors are associated with reduced nephron numbers, kidney dysfunction and higher blood pressures in offspring in later life. Exposure to air pollution is associated with higher blood pressures in children and has variable effects on estimated glomerular filtration rate. SUMMARY Climate change has important impacts on pregnant women and their unborn children. Being born too small or too soon is associated with life-time risk of kidney disease. Climate change may therefore have a dual effect of impacting fetal kidney development and contributing to cumulative postnatal kidney injury. The impact on population kidney health of future generations may be significant
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