17 research outputs found

    Netwerkneutraliteit : stand van zaken in Nederland

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    In opdracht van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken - directie Telecommarkt deed Dialogic onderzoek naar NetwerkNeutraliteit in Nederland. Het onderzoek richtte zich allereerst op de vraag of schendingen van NetwerkNeutraliteit in Nederland voor komen. Dat komen ze - getuige ook voornoemde voorbeelden - al wordt het meeste internetverkeer doorgegeven zonder dat het is beïnvloed. De tweede (en interessantere) vraag was hoe de overheid zich in deze kwestie moet opstellen. In de Verenigde Staten heeft men meermaals geprobeerd het schenden van NetwerkNeutraliteit bij wet te verbieden. Die wetgeving heeft het nooit gehaald maar de facto is een situatie ontstaan waarin het beïnvloeden van internetverkeer (in de praktijk gaat het meestal om het afknijpen van P2P-verkeer) niet wordt toegestaan. Het is de vraag of zo´n verbod ook in Nederland nodig is. Een fundamenteel verschil tussen de Amerikaanse en Nederlandse internetmarkt is dat we hier meer concurrentie kennen; in de Verenigde Staten is er in feite sprake van een duopolie. In theorie dwingt die concurrentie aanbieders veel terughoudender te zijn in het beïnvloeden van internetverkeer. De consument stapt anders immers over naar een aanbieder die bijvoorbeeld wél Skype toestaat. Waar het in Nederland echter aan ontbreekt is transparantie: consumenten weten vaak niet of hun (mobiele) internetaanbieder verkeer wel of niet beïnvloedt en kunnen daar dus ook niet naar handelen. Dialogic heeft het ministerie dan ook geadviseerd internetaanbieders te vragen transparanter te zijn over NetwerkNeutraliteit. Dat een dergelijke strategie werkt bleek wel uit de eerder aangehaalde Skype casus: daags nadat verschillende media hadden gepubliceerd dat Skype niet werd toegestaan pasten verschillende mobiele aanbieders hun voorwaarden aan

    Vooronderzoek evaluatie van automatische nummerherkenning geheimhoudergesprekken advocatuur

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    Dit is het verslag van een vooronderzoek voor de evaluatie van het systeem van automatische nummerherkenning voor de advocatuur en de afspraken daaromtrent. Het doel van automatische nummerherkenning is te voorkomen dat vertrouwelijke communicatie via telefoon (inclusief SMS) of fax van een advocaat met zijn cliënt die onder een tap is geplaatst, wordt af- en uitgeluisterd door politie en Openbaar Ministerie. Het systeem van nummerherkenning is op 1 mei 2011 in werking getreden

    The different channels of university-industry knowledge transfer : empirical evidence from biomedical engineering

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    This paper explores the channels for knowledge transfer between university and industry. We perform a case study of the faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (the Netherlands), aimed at gaining insight in the relative frequency and perceived importance of different channels of knowledge transfer. The empirical material is based on a survey among university faculty members, supplemented by personal interviews. We use factor analysis and cluster analysis to arrive at a taxonomy of the knowledge transfer channels. The taxonomy distinguishes three types of respondents, and we employ regression analysis to relate the types to respondents’ characteristics. Our main finding is that part-timers (staff that holds both an appointment in industry and university) and respondents with a strong academic reputation form special types of ‘knowledge transferors’. Whereas part-timers rely strong on of personal networks, the latter group of respondents embraces traditional academic values and relies heavily on traditional academic channels of knowledge transfer (academic publications, conferences). On the basis of our findings, we draw a number of policy implications, among others that policy measures are not likely to be effective if they do not include a multitude of incentives and a wide range of channels

    The different channels of university-industry knowledge transfer : empirical evidence from biomedical engineering

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    This paper explores the channels for knowledge transfer between university and industry. We perform a case study of the faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (the Netherlands), aimed at gaining insight in the relative frequency and perceived importance of different channels of knowledge transfer. The empirical material is based on a survey among university faculty members, supplemented by personal interviews. We use factor analysis and cluster analysis to arrive at a taxonomy of the knowledge transfer channels. The taxonomy distinguishes three types of respondents, and we employ regression analysis to relate the types to respondents’ characteristics. Our main finding is that part-timers (staff that holds both an appointment in industry and university) and respondents with a strong academic reputation form special types of ‘knowledge transferors’. Whereas part-timers rely strong on of personal networks, the latter group of respondents embraces traditional academic values and relies heavily on traditional academic channels of knowledge transfer (academic publications, conferences). On the basis of our findings, we draw a number of policy implications, among others that policy measures are not likely to be effective if they do not include a multitude of incentives and a wide range of channels

    Rolling out of fibre optic networks in intermediate versus urban areas: An exploratory spatial analysis in the Netherlands

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    Within the growing literature on broadband development, much research has focused on infrastructure competition and spatial effects driving investment incentives in broadband provision. However, less attention has been paid to the geographical factors explaining very high capacity fibre based network rollout. The purpose of this paper is to examine these geographical effects of rollout of these networks by utilizing basic data mining techniques in conjunction with exploratory spatial data analysis. In explaining the rollout of these networks, the paper derives from the literature a geographical model on broadband provision and examines it empirically by focusing on the spatial and temporal effects driving very high capacity fibre-based network development in the Netherlands. The paper confirms previous research on market uncertainty and the techno-economics of broadband development, but shows, in addition, that more specific factors related to local effects and demand uncertainty are vital in explaining the rollout of very high capacity fibre-based networ

    Rolling out of fibre optic networks in intermediate versus urban areas: An exploratory spatial analysis in the Netherlands

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    Within the growing literature on broadband development, much research has focused on infrastructure competition and spatial effects driving investment incentives in broadband provision. However, less attention has been paid to the geographical factors explaining very high capacity fibre based network rollout. The purpose of this paper is to examine these geographical effects of rollout of these networks by utilizing basic data mining techniques in conjunction with exploratory spatial data analysis. In explaining the rollout of these networks, the paper derives from the literature a geographical model on broadband provision and examines it empirically by focusing on the spatial and temporal effects driving very high capacity fibre-based network development in the Netherlands. The paper confirms previous research on market uncertainty and the techno-economics of broadband development, but shows, in addition, that more specific factors related to local effects and demand uncertainty are vital in explaining the rollout of very high capacity fibre-based networ