45 research outputs found

    Accelerated physical emulation of Bayesian inference in spiking neural networks

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    The massively parallel nature of biological information processing plays an important role for its superiority to human-engineered computing devices. In particular, it may hold the key to overcoming the von Neumann bottleneck that limits contemporary computer architectures. Physical-model neuromorphic devices seek to replicate not only this inherent parallelism, but also aspects of its microscopic dynamics in analog circuits emulating neurons and synapses. However, these machines require network models that are not only adept at solving particular tasks, but that can also cope with the inherent imperfections of analog substrates. We present a spiking network model that performs Bayesian inference through sampling on the BrainScaleS neuromorphic platform, where we use it for generative and discriminative computations on visual data. By illustrating its functionality on this platform, we implicitly demonstrate its robustness to various substrate-specific distortive effects, as well as its accelerated capability for computation. These results showcase the advantages of brain-inspired physical computation and provide important building blocks for large-scale neuromorphic applications.Comment: This preprint has been published 2019 November 14. Please cite as: Kungl A. F. et al. (2019) Accelerated Physical Emulation of Bayesian Inference in Spiking Neural Networks. Front. Neurosci. 13:1201. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.0120

    Inference with Artificial Neural Networks on Analog Neuromorphic Hardware

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    The neuromorphic BrainScaleS-2 ASIC comprises mixed-signal neurons and synapse circuits as well as two versatile digital microprocessors. Primarily designed to emulate spiking neural networks, the system can also operate in a vector-matrix multiplication and accumulation mode for artificial neural networks. Analog multiplication is carried out in the synapse circuits, while the results are accumulated on the neurons' membrane capacitors. Designed as an analog, in-memory computing device, it promises high energy efficiency. Fixed-pattern noise and trial-to-trial variations, however, require the implemented networks to cope with a certain level of perturbations. Further limitations are imposed by the digital resolution of the input values (5 bit), matrix weights (6 bit) and resulting neuron activations (8 bit). In this paper, we discuss BrainScaleS-2 as an analog inference accelerator and present calibration as well as optimization strategies, highlighting the advantages of training with hardware in the loop. Among other benchmarks, we classify the MNIST handwritten digits dataset using a two-dimensional convolution and two dense layers. We reach 98.0% test accuracy, closely matching the performance of the same network evaluated in software

    Pattern representation and recognition with accelerated analog neuromorphic systems

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    Despite being originally inspired by the central nervous system, artificial neural networks have diverged from their biological archetypes as they have been remodeled to fit particular tasks. In this paper, we review several possibilites to reverse map these architectures to biologically more realistic spiking networks with the aim of emulating them on fast, low-power neuromorphic hardware. Since many of these devices employ analog components, which cannot be perfectly controlled, finding ways to compensate for the resulting effects represents a key challenge. Here, we discuss three different strategies to address this problem: the addition of auxiliary network components for stabilizing activity, the utilization of inherently robust architectures and a training method for hardware-emulated networks that functions without perfect knowledge of the system's dynamics and parameters. For all three scenarios, we corroborate our theoretical considerations with experimental results on accelerated analog neuromorphic platforms.Comment: accepted at ISCAS 201

    Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction: A General Concept for a Hybrid BCI

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    The aim of this work is to present the development of a hybrid Brain-Computer Interface (hBCI) which combines existing input devices with a BCI. Thereby, the BCI should be available if the user wishes to extend the types of inputs available to an assistive technology system, but the user can also choose not to use the BCI at all; the BCI is active in the background. The hBCI might decide on the one hand which input channel(s) offer the most reliable signal(s) and switch between input channels to improve information transfer rate, usability, or other factors, or on the other hand fuse various input channels. One major goal therefore is to bring the BCI technology to a level where it can be used in a maximum number of scenarios in a simple way. To achieve this, it is of great importance that the hBCI is able to operate reliably for long periods, recognizing and adapting to changes as it does so. This goal is only possible if many different subsystems in the hBCI can work together. Since one research institute alone cannot provide such different functionality, collaboration between institutes is necessary. To allow for such a collaboration, a new concept and common software framework is introduced. It consists of four interfaces connecting the classical BCI modules: signal acquisition, preprocessing, feature extraction, classification, and the application. But it provides also the concept of fusion and shared control. In a proof of concept, the functionality of the proposed system was demonstrated

    A Scalable Approach to Modeling on Accelerated Neuromorphic Hardware.

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    Neuromorphic systems open up opportunities to enlarge the explorative space for computational research. However, it is often challenging to unite efficiency and usability. This work presents the software aspects of this endeavor for the BrainScaleS-2 system, a hybrid accelerated neuromorphic hardware architecture based on physical modeling. We introduce key aspects of the BrainScaleS-2 Operating System: experiment workflow, API layering, software design, and platform operation. We present use cases to discuss and derive requirements for the software and showcase the implementation. The focus lies on novel system and software features such as multi-compartmental neurons, fast re-configuration for hardware-in-the-loop training, applications for the embedded processors, the non-spiking operation mode, interactive platform access, and sustainable hardware/software co-development. Finally, we discuss further developments in terms of hardware scale-up, system usability, and efficiency