929 research outputs found


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    Map of Florida depicting roads, harbors and rivers. The Prime meridians for the map are: Greenwich and Washington, D.C. Contains inset of West part of Florida at the same scale as the main map. The map was Entered according to act of Congress in 1842 by Sidney E. Morse and Samuel Breese. Map scale [ca. 1:2,028,000]https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-images/1822/thumbnail.jp

    Crystal experiments on efficient beam extraction

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    Silicon crystal was channeling and extracting 70-GeV protons from the U-70 accelerator with efficiency of 85.3+-2.8% as measured for a beam of 10^12 protons directed towards crystals of 2 mm length in spills of 1-2 s duration. The experimental data follow very well the prediction of Monte Carlo simulations. This success is important to devise a more efficient use of the U-70 accelerator in Protvino and provides a crucial support for implementation of crystal-assisted collimation of gold ion beam in RHIC and slow extraction from AGS onto E952, now in preparation at Brookhaven Nat'l Lab. Future applications, spanning in the energy from sub-GeV (medical) to order of 1 GeV (scraping in the SNS, extraction from COSY) to order of 1 TeV and beyond (scraping in the Tevatron, LHC, VLHC), can benefit from these studies.Comment: 12pp. Presented at 19-th Intern. Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS-19: Paris, July 29 - August 3, 2001

    Progress in crystal extraction and collimation

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    Recent IHEP Protvino experiments show efficiencies of crystal-assisted slow extraction and collimation of 85.3+-2.8%, at the intensities of the channeled beam on the order of 10^12 proton per spill of 2 s duration. The obtained experimental data well follows the theory predictions. We compare the measurements against theory and outline the theoretical potential for further improvement in the efficiency of the technique. This success is important for the efficient use of IHEP accelerator and for implementation of crystal-assisted collimation at RHIC and slow extraction from AGS onto E952, now in preparation. Future applications, spanning in the energy from order of 1 GeV (scraping in SNS, slow extraction from COSY and medical accelerators) to order of 1 TeV and beyond (scraping in Tevatron, LHC, VLHC), can benefit from these studies.Comment: 7pp. Presented at HEACC 2001 (Tsukuba, March 25-30

    Evidence for TNFα action on excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in the central amygdala: A brain site influenced by stress

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    Anxiety-like responses to stress are accompanied by elevation of brain cytokine-mRNAs. Because cytokines microinjected into central-amygdala (CeA) substitute for stress in a behavioral paradigm, the possibility was raised that cytokines increased by stress influence behavior by affecting CeA-neural activity. Previously, cytokines increased firing-rate of CeA-neurons comparable to that induced by corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). In this investigation, tumor-necrosis-factor-α (TNFα) increased amplitude, but not frequency of mEPSCs from CeA-neurons. Additionally, TNFα decreased the threshold for triggering action potentials from CeA-neurons without altering membrane-properties during current-clamp recording. Glutamate-receptor-antagonist blockade of mEPSCs and the TNFα-induced reduction in firing threshold implicated glutamate in these changes. A phosphatidyl-inositol-3-kinase-antagonist prevented the TNFα-induced increased in amplitude of mEPSCs, documenting a TNFα intracellular influence. Additionally, TNFα increased frequency, but not amplitude of mIPSCs. CRF-receptor-antagonists were found to prevent the TNFα-induced increase in mIPSC-frequency, without altering the TNFα-induced amplitude increase in mEPSCs or the reduced threshold for action-potentials by TNFα. To clarify how TNFα was increasing CRF-release in the presence of tetrodotoxin, the possibility tested was whether preventing glial-activation would prevent this elevated mIPSC-frequency blocked by CRF-receptor antagonists. Minocycline, which blocks glial activation, prevented the TNFα-induced increase in mIPSC-frequency—a finding consistent with glia contributing to the CRF-involvement in this TNFα action. To fully understand the means by which a CRF1-receptor-antagonist and minocycline prevent TNFα from increasing mIPSC-frequency will require further clarification. Nonetheless, these data provide convincing evidence that release of TNFα by stress could influence GABA- and glutamate-function to alter neural activity of CeA-neurons