2 research outputs found
Testosterone, Physical Aggression, Dominance, and Physical Development in Early Adolescence
- Author
- Archer J.
- Benoist Schaal
- Bernard Boulerice
- Breedlove S.M.
- Brooks-Gunn J.
- Daniel Paquette
- Denis Laurent
- Drigotas S.M.
- Garrow J.S.
- Hays S.E.
- Louise Arseneault
- Mazur A.
- Nottelman E.D.
- Nottelman E.J.
- Paikoff R.L.
- Rada T.R.
- Reiss A.J.
- Richard E. Tremblay
- Robert G. Soussignan
- Rose R.M.
- Simmons R.G.
- Steinberg L.
- Susman E.J.
- Tanner J.M.
- Tremblay R.E.
- Tremblay R.E.
- Virkkune n M.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Brain Development and Sexual Orientation
- Author
- Adkins-Regan E.
- Adkins-Regan E.
- Allen L.S.
- Allen L.S.
- Anderson D.K.
- Arendash G.W.
- Arnold A.P.
- Auyeung B.
- Bailey J.M.
- Bailey J.M.
- Bailey J.M.
- Bailey M.J.
- Bakker J.
- Bakker J.
- Bakker J.
- Bakker J.
- Bakker J.
- Bakker J.
- Balthazart J.
- Baron-Cohen S.
- Baum M.J.
- Becker J.B.
- Berenbaum S.A.
- Berenbaum S.A.
- Berenbaum S.A.
- Berenbaum S.A.
- Berglund H.
- Berta P.
- Beyer C.
- Blanchard R.
- Blanchard R.
- Blanchard R.
- Blanchard R.
- Blanchard R.
- Blanchard R.
- Blanchard R.
- Blaustein J.D.
- Bocklandt S.
- Bocklandt S.
- Bodo C.
- Bodo C.
- Bogaert A.F.
- Bradley S.J.
- Breedlove S.M.
- Brock O.
- Brown W.M.
- Brown W.M.
- Brown W.M.
- Byne W.
- Cahill L.
- Campbell B.C.
- Chivers M.L.
- Colapinto J.
- Collaer M.L.
- Davidson J.M.
- De Jonge F.H.
- De Vries G.J.
- De Vries G.J.
- DeLacoste-Utamsing C.
- Diamond M.
- Dittmann R.W.
- Dufresne T.
- DuPree M.G.
- Dörner G.
- Dörner G.
- Dörner G.
- Dörner G.
- Ehrhardt A.A.
- Ellis L.
- Ellis L.
- Ellis L.
- Fine C.
- Fraga M.F.
- Freund K.W.
- Garcia-Falgueras A.
- Gladue B.A.
- Gladue B.A.
- Gladue B.A.
- Gladue B.A.
- Gobrogge K.L.
- Gore A.C.
- Gorski R.A.
- Goy R.W.
- Hajjar R.R.
- Hall L.S.
- Hall L.S.
- Halpern C.T.
- Halpern C.T.
- Halpern M.
- Hamer D.H.
- Henley C.L.
- Hepper P.G.
- Hines M.
- Hines M.
- Hines M.
- Hines M.
- Hines M.
- Hines M.
- Houtsmuller E.J.
- Hu S.
- Iijima M.
- Imperato-McGinley J.
- Imperato-McGinley J.
- Jacobson C.D.
- Jimbo M.
- Jordan-Young R.M.
- Jost A.
- Kendler K.S.
- Kerchner M.
- Kirk K.M.
- Kraemer B.
- Kruijver F.P.M.
- Kruijver F.P.M.
- Kruijver F.P.M.
- Kruijver F.P.M.
- Lalumiere M.L.
- LeVay S.
- LeVay S.
- LeVay S.
- Li A.A.
- Lippa R.A.
- Lippa R.A.
- Lutchmaya S.
- Macke J.P.
- MacLaughlin D.T.
- Manning J.T.
- Mansukhani V.
- Martin J.T.
- McCarthy M.M.
- McCarthy M.M.
- McCormick C.M.
- McFadden D.
- McFadden D.
- McFadden D.
- McFadden D.
- McFadden D.
- McFadden D.
- McFadden D.
- Meredith M.
- Meyer-Bahlburg H.F.
- Meyer-Bahlburg H.F.
- Meyer-Bahlburg H.F.
- Miller G.
- Money J.
- Morrell J.I.
- Mosher W.D.
- Naftolin F.
- Neave N.
- Ngun T.C.
- Nottebohm F.
- Panzica G.C.
- Panzica G.C.
- Paredes R.G.
- Paredes R.G.
- Perkins A.
- Pfaff D.
- Pfaus J.G.
- Phoenix C.H.
- Rahman Q.
- Rahman Q.
- Rahman Q.
- Rahman Q.
- Rahman Q.
- Raisman G.
- Reiner W.G.
- Rhees R.W.
- Rice G.
- Rieger G.
- Romano M.
- Roselli C.E.
- Roselli C.E.
- Roselli C.E.
- Rosler A.
- Rubin R.T.
- Savic I.
- Savic I.
- Schmidt G.
- Sherwin B.B.
- Sinclair A.H.
- Snyder P.J.
- Swaab D.F.
- Swaab D.F.
- Swaab D.F.
- Swaab D.F.
- Titus-Ernstoff L.
- Turkenburg J.L.
- Tutle G.E.
- Udry J.R.
- Wang C.
- Ward I.L.
- Ward I.L.
- Weisz J.
- Williams T.J.
- Wisniewski A.B.
- Wysocki C.J.
- Yang X.
- Zucker K.J.
- Publication venue
- 'Morgan & Claypool Publishers LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study