194 research outputs found


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    The title compound, potassium diniobium vanadium phospho­rus deca­sulfide, KNb1.75V0.25PS10, was obtained by reaction of the elements with a eutectic mixture of KCl/LiCl. It is isostructural with the quaternary KNb2PS10, but the Nb sites are occupied by statistically disordered Nb (87.5%) and V (12.5%) atoms. The structure is composed of anionic ∞ 1[M 2PS10]− chains (M = Nb/V) separated from each other by K+ ions. The chain is composed of [MS8] distorted bicapped trigonal prisms and [PS4] tetra­hedra. There are no inter­chain bonding inter­actions. The crystal used for the X-ray analysis was a racemic twin

    Redetermination of AgNb2PS10 revealing a silver deficiency

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    In comparison with a previous crystallographic study [Goh et al. (2002 ▶). J. Solid State Chem. 168, 119–125] of the title compound, silver diniobium tris­(disulfide) tetra­thio­phosphate(V), that reports a full occupation of the silver position and isotropic displacement parameters for the atoms, the current redetermination reveals a silver deficiency with a site-occupation factor of 0.88 (1) and reports all atoms with anisotropic displacement parameters. The structure of Ag0.88Nb2PS10 is composed of ∞ 1[Nb2PS10] chains, which are built up from pairs of distorted bicapped trigonal-prismatic [NbS8] polyhedra forming [Nb2S12] dimers and of tetra­hedral [PS4] groups. These chains are connected via the statistically disordered Ag+ ions, forming double layers. Adjacent layers are stacked solely through van der Waals forces into a three-dimensional structure. Short and long Nb—Nb distances [2.880 (1) and 3.770 (2) Å, respectively] alternate along the chain and S2 2− and S2− anionic species are observed

    Selective and low temperature transition metal intercalation in layered tellurides

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    Layered materials embrace rich intercalation reactions to accommodate high concentrations of foreign species within their structures, and find many applications spanning from energy storage, ion exchange to secondary batteries. Light alkali metals are generally most easily intercalated due to their light mass, high charge/volume ratio and in many cases strong reducing properties. An evolving area of materials chemistry, however, is to capture metals selectively, which is of technological and environmental significance but rather unexplored. Here we show that the layered telluride T2PTe2 (T=Ti, Zr) displays exclusive insertion of transition metals (for example, Cd, Zn) as opposed to alkali cations, with tetrahedral coordination preference to tellurium. Interestingly, the intercalation reactions proceed in solid state and at surprisingly low temperatures (for example, 80?°C for cadmium in Ti2PTe2). The current method of controlling selectivity provides opportunities in the search for new materials for various applications that used to be possible only in a liquid


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    Govorno-jezikovnih težav je v zadnjih nekaj letih vse več, kljub temu pa jih danes logopedi hitreje odkrijejo in odpravijo. Na kvaliteto logopedske obravnave vplivajo predvsem višji nivo znanja, večje število raziskav in odkritij, novi merski instrumenti, diagnostična sredstva ter poznavanje dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na govor. Prav tako se govorne in jezikovne težave hitreje odpravijo, če gre za zgodnje odkritje, ko je otrok še majhen. Preventiva oziroma sistematični pregledi so zato izredno pomembni kot tudi sodelovanje logopeda z zdravstvenim osebjem in otrokovimi starši. Prepoznavanje primanjkljajev in motenj na področju govora ter jezika zahteva celostno obravnavo, ki ne sega le na ozko področje artikulacije. Logoped mora biti pozoren na otrokov govor, na dihanje, požiranje in govorila, prepoznati mora pravilno artikulacijo, tempo govora, agramatično izražanje ter disfonijo (Globačnik, 1999). Če je pri otroku potrebna nadaljnja logopedska obravnava, je pomembno, da ugotovi vse razloge, ki vplivajo na zaostajanje v govornem razvoju. V teoretičnem delu smo dejavnike raziskovanja predstavili s pomočjo slovenske in tuje literature. V raziskavi smo na podlagi že izdelanih merskih instrumentov ugotavljali možne dejavnike za govorni razvoj. Preverjali smo kvaliteto izgovora, glasu, pravilno zaporedje glasov, kvaliteto pripovedovanja, ritem govora in ustreznost ter neustreznost govoril. Vključenih je bilo 100 petletnih otrok, pri katerih je bil testiran izdelan instrument, splošne podatke o otroku pa so izpolnili njegovi starši.The number of speech and language disorders has increased in the past few years, however logopaedists are able to identify and treat them faster than in the past. The quality of a logopaedist treatment is influenced by higher levels of knowledge, an increase in scientific research and discoveries, new measuring instruments, diagnostic means and a better understanding of the factors that influence speech. In addition, speech and language disorders can be treated faster if the disorder is discovered in the early stage of childhood. Preventive or regular examinations as well as the co-operation between a logopaedist, the medical personnel and the child`s parents are crucial. The identification of deficits and disorders in the speech and language area demands an overall treatment, which does not focus only on the very narrow area of articulation. A logopaedist must pay a great deal of attention to the child`s speech, breathing, swallowing and speech organs. He has to identify the correct articulation, speech pace, the correct use of grammar and dysphonia (Globačnik, 1999). If a child needs further treatment it is very important that the logopaedist identifies all the reasons that affect the fall back in speech development. In the theoretical part we have presented the research factors with the help of Slovenian and foreigner literature. In the research we have established the potential factors for speech development based on the premade metric instruments. We have checked the quality of pronunciation, voice, the correct sequence of voices, the quality of narrating, the rhythm of speech and the adequacy and inadequacy of speech organs. The research included one hundred five year old children on which the instrument was tested. The general information about the child was provided by their parents

    Different types of puppets based on our body parts

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    Namen diplomske naloge z naslovom Lutke na delih našega telesa je predstaviti, kako lahko vzgojiteljice s predšolskimi otroki uporabijo lutko v prav vseh dejavnostih in področjih dela v vrtcu. Z lutko spodbujamo otrokovo ustvarjalnost, ta jih motivira za delo in zato lahko učenje poteka celostno. Otrok s pomočjo lutke lažje razume in spoznava svoje telo, čustva in svet okoli sebe. Vživlja se v različne situacije in tako z lahkoto osvaja kurikularne cilje (Korošec, 2005). Lutka jim pomaga, da na zabaven in enostaven način pridejo do določenega znanja. Ta zato vedno bolj postaja partner vsake vzgojiteljice. Najprej nas je zanimal zgodovinski razvoj lutke, saj ta sprva ni bila v vlogi pedagoške funkcije, včasih je bila le razvedrilo otrokom in starejšim ter imela precej nizkoten status. Potrebnega je bilo veliko truda, da se je lutkovna umetnost razvila, dobila svoj stalni prostor (lutkovno gledališče), stopila ob bok gledališki umetnosti in dobila svoje mesto tudi v vzgojnem in izobraževalnem procesu. Tako smo se v teoretičnem delu v nadaljevanju osredotočili predvsem na vlogo lutke, ki jo ima ta pri igri in pri vzgojno-pedagoških vsebinah, s tem je velikokrat uresničen tudi terapevtski učinek, ki ga ima lutka v rokah vzgojiteljice in otroka. Otrok se igra z različnimi predmeti in igračami, ki jih ves čas oživlja in z njimi komunicira. Ob vodeni dejavnosti ugotavlja, kako vsestransko moč imajo prav preproste lutke, kot so stopala, kolena in prsti, ki so mu vsak trenutek na voljo, tako lutka zaživi na različnih delih njegovega telesa. V naši skupini nas lutka spremlja na prav vsakem koraku, zato smo v praktičnem delu skozi aktivnosti otrok prikazali, kako ti preko animacije z lutko spoznavajo svoje telo, možnosti gibanja, urijo motorične sposobnosti delov telesa in razvijajo neverbalno komunikaciji s posameznimi gibi, izražajo svoja čustva, krepijo medosebne odnose in prav vsak del telesa spremenijo v lutko.The aim of the diploma thesis entitled Different Types Of Puppets Based On Our Body Parts is to present how teachers can use a puppet with preschool children in just about every activity and field of work in kindergarten. The puppet encourages children’s creativity, which motivates them to work, therefore learning can become a holistic process. With the help of a puppet, children can more easily understand and get to know their body, emotions and the world around them. They get involved in different situations and thus easily achieve curricular goals (Korošec, 2005). A puppet helps them to gain certain knowledge in a fun and easy way. This is why kindergarten teachers are using puppets increasingly often. Firstly, we were interested in the historical development of the puppet, since it initially did not have a pedagogical function. In the past, it was merely an entertainment for children and adults, and had a rather low status. It took a lot of effort effort for puppetry to develop, get a permament position (a puppet theatre), be able to compete with theatre art and also got its place in the educational process. In the theoretical part, we have thus focused primarily on the puppet’s role during play and its role in the educational contents. This often results in the therapeutic effect of the puppet in the hands of the teacher and the child. A child plays with various objects and toys, which he constantly animates and interacts with. Throughout guided activity, he discovers how versatile power is given to simple puppets, such as the feet, knees, and toes that are available to him every moment, resulting that the puppet comes to life in various parts of his body. In our group, the puppet follows us every step of the way. In the practical part, we have shown through children’s activities how they get to know their body and their movement possibilities, master motor abilities of body parts and develop non-verbal communication with individual movements, express their emotions, strengthen interpersonal relationships and turn every part of the body into a puppet through being animated by the puppet