37 research outputs found

    Boron tolerance in wheat roots

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    One of the consequences of high boron concentrations in soil is the suppression of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots growth. Variability of boron tolerance in wheat genotypes was analysed by germination on filter paper soaked with different concentrations of boric acid (0, 50, 100, 150 mg/l). Observed genotypes showed significant differences in roots length and number at different boron treatments. Genotypes which had very small differences in roots length between the control and treatments are identified as boron tolerant.Redukcija rasta korena pÅ”enice (Triticum aestivum L.) je jedna od posledica prisustva visokih koncentracija bora u zemljiÅ”tu. Analizirana je varijabilnost genotipova pÅ”enice u pogledu tolerancije korena na visoke koncentracije bora metodom naklijavanja semena na filter hartiji navlaženoj rastvorom borne kiseline koncentracija 0, 50, 100, 150 mg/l. Ispitivani genotipovi su ispoljili značajne razlike u dužini i broju korenčića na različitim tretmanima. Izdvojeni su genotipovi kod kojih je uočena vrlo mala razlika u dužini korenčića između kontrole i tretmana i koji se smatraju tolerantnim na visoke koncentracije bora

    Tolerancija 12 NS sorti pŔenice na suviŔak bora

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    High concentrations of micronutrient boron may cause significant yield losses in wheat. One of the consequences of excess boron in wheat is root growth suppression. The objective of this study was to investigate the levels of root growth suppression during germination in the presence of different concentrations of boric acid (0-control, normal boron supply, 50 (B 50), 100 (B 100) and 150 (B 150) mg H3BO3/l). Twelve wheat cultivars, developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, were included in the analyses. The cultivars demonstrated significant differences with respect to root growth suppression at boron treatments. The genotypes were separated by hierarchical cluster analysis in two distinct phenotypic groups. The roots of cultivars Nevesinjka, Rapsodija, Milijana, Helena and Sonata are boron tolerant, whereas KoÅ”uta, Partizanka, Simonida, Kantata, Sofija, Balerina and Pesma are sensitive to excess boron.U koncentraciji viÅ”oj od optimalne mikroelement bor može uzrokovati zna- čajne gubitke prinosa pÅ”enice. Jedan od nepovoljnih efekata bora na pÅ”enicu je redukcija rasta korena. Naklijavanjem na filter papiru navlaženom rastvorima H3BO3 koncentracija 0, 50, 100 i 150 mg/l ispitan je stepen redukcije rasta korena kod 12 sorti pÅ”enice poreklom iz Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Utvrđena je značajna varijabilnost ispitivanih sorti u pogledu redukcije rasta korena u prisustvu suviÅ”ka bora. Hijerarhijskom klaster analizom je izvrÅ”eno grupisanje genotipova na osnovu fenotipske sličnosti za dato svojstvo i uočene su dve fenotipske grupe. Sorte Nevesinjka, Rapsodija, Milijana, Helena i Sonata su ispoljile tolerantnost na suviÅ”ak bora, dok je korenov sistem sorti KoÅ”uta, Partizanka, Simonida, Kantata, Sofija, Balerina i Pesma osetljiv na visoke koncentracije ovog elementa

    Prinos lokalnih i stranih sorti pŔenice gajenih na zemljiŔtu koje sadrži poviŔene koncentracije bora

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    The two-year field study was aimed to investigate the effect of increasing soil boron treatments (3.3, 6.7 and 13.3 g H3BO3/m2) on eight wheat cultivars, as well as to estimate the rate in which yield decreases followed the increase in soil boron. A strong positive linear relationship was found between the treatments and soil hot water extractable boron. On average, wheat yield response to elevated soil boron was decrease of 7.7%. Cultivars of local origin over-yielded foreign cultivars at all levels of boron supply. The estimated yield loss was 1.8% per increase in soil boron of 0.1 ppm.DvogodiÅ”nji poljski ogled je postavljen sa ciljem ispitivanja uticaja tretmana borom (3.3, 6.7 and 13.3 g H3BO3/m2) na osam sorti pÅ”enice, kao i procene intenziteta kojim se prinos smanjuje usled rastuće koncentracije ovog elementa u zemljiÅ”tu. Utvrđena je jaka pozitivna linearna veza između primenjenih tretmana i zemljiÅ”nog bora rastvorljivog u vreloj vodi. Prosečna redukcija prinosa pÅ”enice na tretmanima iznosila je 7,7%. Kod lokalnih sorti je zabeležen viÅ”i prinos u odnosu na strane, bez obzira na tretman. Procenjeno je da porast koncentracije zemljiÅ”nog bora od 0,1 ppm za posledicu ima redukciju prinosa od 1,8%

    Do we talk to a wall or pass on knowledge to students: The advantages and disadvantages of online learning

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    In the era of digitalization, boosted by Covid-19 pandemic, there is a constant need to measure the success of digital education, compare and reappraise its positive and negative outcomes, which are mainly dependent on the technical conditions available, as well as on the extent to which the previous knowledge of teachers has been adapted to practical and technical challenges. The aim of this paper is to present an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of digitized education as perceived by students in a qualitative survey, conducted in 2021/22. The starting point were two hypotheses related to positive aspects and two hypotheses related to negative aspects of online learning. An in-depth interview was conducted among 20 high school and 20 university students. By analyzing the results obtained, and juxtaposing them with the data taken from a quantitative survey administered prior to the qualitative one, in 2020/21, it is possible to compare the changes that took place and gain a better insight into the entire process, which has undergone certain improvements, but which also leaves room for further enhancement, particularly in terms of students' and teachers' motivation to actively engage and interact. This would help students overcome their distrust of online education

    Tolerancija klijanaca pŔenice na visoke koncentracije bora

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    Present in excessive amounts, micronutrient boron may become toxic for plants. The aim of this study was to investigate boron tolerance in seedlings of 12 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes treated with boric acid. Selection criterion was root growth suppression in the presence of boron, which varied between 15.2 (Apache) and 46.3% (Renan). Root lengths on control and root growth suppression on treatments were not correlated. Boron content and dry weight of seedlings varied in vast intervals in all groups on control, as well as on treatments, which is probably caused by different boron tolerance mechanisms. Root growth suppression in genotypes Apache, Trakija and Bezostaja 1 was less than 20% and they may be considered as boron tolerant. Renan, Fundulea 4, Magdalena, Pergamino Gaboto and Donjecka 48 are marked as boron sensitive owing to more than 30% shorter roots on boron treatments. Norin 10/Brevor 14, Radika, Žitarka and Mironovska 808 were medium tolerant to excess boron.Mikroelement bor može imati toksično dejstvo na viÅ”e biljke ukoliko se u spoljaÅ”njoj sredini nade u visokoj koncentraciji. Cilj rada je bilo ispitivanje tolerancije na bor kod klijanaca 12 genotipova pÅ”enice (Triticum aestivum L.) tretiranih bornom kiselinom. Selekcioni kriterijum je bila redukcija rasta korena u prisustvu bora, koja je varirala između 15,2 (Apache) i 46,3% (Renan). Nije zabeležena korelacija između dužine korenovog sistema na kontroli i redukcije rasta korena na tretmanima. Sadržaj bora i masa suvih klijanaca su varirali u Å”irokim intervalima u svim grupama, i na kontroli i na tretmanima, čemu su verovatno uzrok različiti mehanizmi tolerancije na bor. Kod genotipova Apache, Trakija i Bezostaja 1 je redukcija rasta korena bila manja od 20% i oni bi se mogli smatrati tolerantnim na bor. Renan, Fundulea 4, Magdalena, Pergamino Gaboto i Donjecka 48 su svrstani u grupu osetljivih genotipova. Redukcija rasta korena je u ovoj grupi iznosila preko 30%. Sorte Norin 10/Brevor 14, Radika, Žitarka i Mironovska 808 su bile srednje tolerantne na visoke koncentracije bora

    The safety and quality of sous vide food

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    The demands of contemporary health conscious consumers are increasingly focused on minimally processed, convenient and affordable food that retains its natural sensory qualities along with nutritional value. In order to fully respond to these expectations, the use of sous vide processing technology, which refers to cooking vacuum-sealed food in heat-stable plastic pouches under precisely monitored conditions, has been widely adopted. Due to the low temperatures of sous vide processing, most research on this processing method is associated with biological hazards such as Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus and Clostridium botulinum. Not only has sous vide long been accepted by the food industry, in recent years, it has also been applied in households and in restaurants which are searching for innovative ways to attract more health conscious consumers. In this review, the authors present basic techniques, benefits and disadvantages of sous vide cooking and consider the great efforts the modern food industry is undertaking to extend shelf-life, ensure microbiological safety and maintain nutritional and organoleptic quality of sous vide food products

    Merenje konkurentnosti na tržiŔtu industrije mesa - da li u Srbiji postoje oligopoli?

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    Production of meat and processing of meat products is a very significant part of the food industry. In order to secure economic growth and development, especially in the meat industry, it is very important to provide free competition for the business entities that operate within it. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to measure market concentration using the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), in order to determine the competition level in the Serbian market. Furthermore, the HHI should provide evidence of any business entities that hold monopolistic or oligopolistic positions on the market. Moreover, another aim of this study was to define to what extent business entities in the Serbian meat industry export products and goods to international markets. The 350 companies that reported the highest revenues during 2013-2017 and which are registered in this sector were studied.Proizvodnja mesa I mesnih prerađevina je veoma značajan deo prehrambene industrije. Da bi se postigao ekonomski rast I razvoj, posebno u mesnoj industriji, veoma je važno obezbediti slobodnu konkurenciju za privredna druÅ”tva koji posluju u njoj. Stoga, glavni cilj ovog rada je da se, pomoću Herfindahl-Hirschman indeksa (HHI), izmeri koncentracija tržiÅ”ta, kao I da se utvrdi nivo konkurencije na srpskom tržiÅ”tu, ali I da se utvrdi da li postoje subjekti koji na tržiÅ”tu imaju poziciju monopola ili oligopola. Drugi cilj ovog rada je da se definiÅ”e u kojoj meri poslovni subjekti iz srpske mesne industrije izvoze svoje proizvode I robu na međunarodnom tržiÅ”tu I da li je nivo koncentracije isti. U istraživanju je koriŔćen uzorak od 350 privrednih druÅ”tava registrovanih u ovom sektoru, a koja su obelodanila najviÅ”e prihode u izveÅ”tajnom periodu od 2013. do 2017. godine

    Parametri tolerantnosti klijanaca pŔenice na suviŔak bora

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the variability of dry weight and boron content in seedlings of 14 NS wheat cultivars treated with boric acid. The level of boron tolerance of studied cultivars was known from previous research. Significant differences between genotypes in groups (susceptible, medium tolerant, tolerant) were found regarding both analyzed traits and they are probably caused by different boron tolerance mechanisms. Rang of treated genotypes with respect to root growth reduction corresponded well with their rang with respect to dry weight reduction. These results suggest that in further research it might be sufficient to analyze one of those parameters.Ispitana je varijabilnost mase suvih klijanaca i sadržaja bora kod 14 NS sorti pÅ”enice tretiranih bornom kiselinim kod kojih je poznat stepen tolerancije na suviÅ”ak bora. Između genotipova unutar grupa (osetljivi, srednje tolerantni i tolerantni) su utvrđene značajne razlike u pogledu analiziranih svojstava, Å”to upućuje na različite mehanizme tolerancije na bor. Saglasnost ranga tretiranih genotipova u pogledu redukcije rasta korena i mase suvih klijanaca navodi na zaključak da bi u daljim istraživanjima bilo dovoljno analizirati ili rast korena ili masu suvih klijanaca