189 research outputs found

    Automating Logic Transformations With Approximate SPFDs

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    Optimal State Assignment for Finite State Machines

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    Computer-Aided synthesis of sequential functions of VLSI systems, such as microprocessor control units, must include design optimization procedures to yield area-effective circuits. We model sequential functions as deterministic synchronous Finite State Machines (FSM's), and we consider a regular and structured implementation by means of Programmable Logic Arrays (PLA's) and feedback registers. State assignment, i.e., binary encoding of the internal states of the finite state machine, affects substantially the silicon area taken by such an implementation. Several state assignment techniques have been proposed in the past. However, to the best of our knowledge, no Computer-Aided Design tool is in use today for an efficient encoding of control logic. We propose an algorithm for optimal state assignment. Optimal state assignment is based on an innovative strategy: logic minimization of the combinational component of the finite state machine is applied before state encoding. Logic minimization is performed on a symbolic (code independent) description of the finite state machine. The minimal symbolic representation defines the constraints of a new encoding problem, whose solutions are the state assignments that allow the implementation of the PLA with at most as many product-terms as the cardinality of the minimal symbolic representation. In this class, an optimal encoding is one of minimal length satisfying these constraints. A heuristic algorithm constructs a solution to the constrained encoding problem. The algorithm has been coded in a computer program, KISS, and tested on several examples of finite state machines. Experimental results have shown that the method is an effective tool for designing finite state machines

    High performance bdd package by exploiting memory hierarchy

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    Abstract The success of binary decision diagram (BDD

    Fast generation of lexicographic satisfiable assignments: enabling canonicity in SAT-based applications

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    Lexicographic Boolean satisfiability (LEXSAT) is a variation of the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT). Given a variable order, LEXSAT finds a satisfying assignment whose integer value under the given variable order is minimum (maximum) among all satisfiable assignments. If the formula has no satisfying assignments, LEXSAT proves it unsatisfiable, as does the traditional SAT. The paper proposes an efficient algorithm for LEXSAT by combining incremental SAT solving with binary search. It also proposes methods that use the lexicographic properties of the assignments to further improve the runtime when generating consecutive satisfying assignments in lexicographic order. The proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art LEXSAT algorithm—on average, it is 2.4 times faster when generating a single LEXSAT assignment, and it is 6.3 times faster when generating multiple consecutive assignments

    Heuristic NPN classification for large functions using AIGs and LEXSAT

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    Two Boolean functions are NPN equivalent if one can be ob- tained from the other by negating inputs, permuting inputs, or negating the output. NPN equivalence is an equivalence relation and the number of equivalence classes is significantly smaller than the number of all Boolean functions. This property has been exploited successfully to in- crease the efficiency of various logic synthesis algorithms. Since computing the NPN representative of a Boolean function is not scalable, heuristics have been proposed that are not guaranteed to find the representative for all functions. So far, these heuristics have been implemented using the function’s truth table representation, and therefore do not scale for functions exceeding 16 variables. In this paper, we present a symbolic heuristic NPN classification using And-Inverter Graphs and Boolean satisfiability techniques. This allows us to heuristically compute NPN representatives for functions with much larger number of variables; our experiments contain benchmarks with up to 194 variables. A key technique of the symbolic implementation is SAT-based procedure LEXSAT, which finds the lexicographically smallest satisfiable assignment. To our knowledge, LEXSAT has never been used before in logic synthesis algorithms

    Engineering change in a non-deterministic FSM setting

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    personal or class-room use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage, the copyright notice, the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying i

    Implementation and Use of SPFDs in Optimizing Boolean Networks

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    Yamashita et. al.[1] introduced a new category for expressing the flexibility that a node can have in a multi-level network. Originally presented in the context of FPGA synthesis, the paper has wider implications which were discussed in [2]. SPFDs are essentially a set of incompletely specified functions. The increased flexibility that they offer is obtained by allowing both a node to change as well as its immediate fanins. The challenge with SPFDs is (1) to compute them in an efficient way, and (2) to use their increased flexibility in a controlled way to optimize a circuit. In this paper, we provide a complete implementation of SPFDs using BDDs and apply it to the optimization of Boolean networks. Two scenarios are presented, one which trades literals for wires and the other rewires the network by replacing one fanin at a node by a new fanin. Results on benchmark circuits are very favorable. 1 Introduction At ICCAD'96, an interesting paper by Yamashita et. al. [1] was presented whi..
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