187 research outputs found

    The successful life cycle of the pasture weed giant rats tail grass (Sporobolus pyramidalis)

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    Giant rats tail grass (Sporobolus pyramidalis) is an unpalatable, perennial, tussock grass that has invaded at least 200 000ha of pasture-land in Queensland. This exotic weed from southern Africa has proven to be difficult to control using conventional weed control techniques, with infestations often re-establishing after substantial control efforts. Clearly, a greater knowledge of the life cycle of giant rats tail grass was required to identify its weaknesses and strengths, which could then be targeted or avoided within control strategies. For this thesis, three field experiments were conducted to observe the response of giant rats tail grass to various pasture management techniques (fire, slashing, fertiliser, cultivation, sown competitive species and herbicides – Chapter 4) and levels of pasture competition (manipulated via sowing competitive species with a range of growth habits and vigour – Chapter 5; by creating artificial canopy gaps and root exclusion tubes in a native pasture – Chapter 6). The impact of these treatments was assessed in relation to the life cycle stages (soil seed bank, seedling, mature plant) and transitions (germination and emergence, survival and growth, seed production) of giant rats tail grass. Many strengths within the life cycle of giant rats tail grass were identified and characterised (eg. large long-lived soil seed bank, tough persistent seedlings), while only a small number of weaknesses were discovered (eg. seedling emergence and survival of very young seedlings is sensitive to high pasture competition). The results of this thesis have highlighted why giant rats tail grass has become such a problem weed within Queensland’s grazing industry. However, the information gained will allow the strengths of this weed to be addressed within current control strategies (eg. recognizing the need to maintain the pasture in a healthy competitive condition for many years following the removal of giant rats tail grass plants to prevent re-establishment from the long-lived soil seed bank), therefore increasing the likelihood of successful long-term control. The major strengths identified within the life cycle of giant rats tail grass were: the large (generally 1000-10000 seeds/m2) long-lived (>3years) soil seed bank; the ability of seedlings to germinate and emerge from only a proportion of the soil seed bank whenever conditions are suitable (eg. above-average rainfall seasons); 6-8 week old seedlings which have begun to tiller are tough and able to survive intense pasture competition; the mature plants are resistant to common agronomic manipulations (fire, slashing, fertiliser) and are long-lived (no plant death due to age was identified during 3 years of experiments); the leaf blades of mature plants are tough and therefore avoided by livestock, which selectively graze other species; the high seed production (up to 80000 seeds/m2); and, very high seed viability (generally >90%). The weaknesses identified within the life cycle of giant rats tail grass included: seedling emergence and early survival is sensitive to plant competition (no seedlings established within a healthy native pasture sward under full competition); the soil seed bank can be significantly depleted by a fire event (a variable 10-90% reduction), however it is generally replenished by the high seed production in the subsequent season; giant rats tail grass plants are sensitive to some herbicide techniques and if all giant rats tail grass plants are selectively removed from a pasture containing an appropriately managed, vigorous competitive species, successful control is possible; and, some vigorous competitive sown pasture species have been identified for use within giant rats tail grass control strategies in south-east Queensland. A recurring theme throughout the thesis is the importance of a competitive, well-managed pasture sward to minimise gaps within the pasture throughout the year thus preventing giant rats tail grass seedling establishment from the long-lived soil seed bank. Without a vigorous, competitive pasture being present, any attempts to control giant rats tail grass will be futile

    Baseline and greenhouse-gas emissions in extensive livestock enterprises, with a case study of feeding lipid to beef cattle

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    For accurate calculation of reductions in greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions, methodologies under the Australian Government's Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) depend on a valid assessment of the baseline and project emissions. Life-cycle assessments (LCAs) clearly show that enteric methane emitted from the rumen of cattle and sheep is the major source of GHG emissions from livestock enterprises. Where a historic baseline for a CFI methodology for livestock is required, the use of simulated data for cow-calf enterprises at six sites in southern Australia demonstrated that a 5-year rolling emission average will provide an acceptable trade off in terms of accuracy and stability, but this is a much shorter time period than typically used for LCA. For many CFI livestock methodologies, comparative or pair-wise baselines are potentially more appropriate than historic baselines. A case study of lipid supplementation of beef cows over winter is presented. The case study of a control herd of 250 cows used a comparative baseline derived from simple data on livestock numbers and class of livestock to quantify the emission abatement. Compared with the control herd, lipid supplementation to cows over winter increased livestock productivity, total livestock production and enterprise GHG emissions from 990 t CO2-e to 1022 t CO2-e. Energy embodied in the supplement and extra diesel used in transporting the supplement diminished the enteric-methane abatement benefit of lipid supplementation. Reducing the cow herd to 238 cows maintained the level of livestock production of the control herd and reduced enterprise emissions to 938 t CO2-e, but was not cost effective under the assumptions of this case study

    Baseline and greenhouse-gas emissions in extensive livestock enterprises, with a case study of feeding lipid to beef cattle

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    For accurate calculation of reductions in greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions, methodologies under the Australian Government's Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) depend on a valid assessment of the baseline and project emissions. Life-cycle assessments (LCAs) clearly show that enteric methane emitted from the rumen of cattle and sheep is the major source of GHG emissions from livestock enterprises. Where a historic baseline for a CFI methodology for livestock is required, the use of simulated data for cow-calf enterprises at six sites in southern Australia demonstrated that a 5-year rolling emission average will provide an acceptable trade off in terms of accuracy and stability, but this is a much shorter time period than typically used for LCA. For many CFI livestock methodologies, comparative or pair-wise baselines are potentially more appropriate than historic baselines. A case study of lipid supplementation of beef cows over winter is presented. The case study of a control herd of 250 cows used a comparative baseline derived from simple data on livestock numbers and class of livestock to quantify the emission abatement. Compared with the control herd, lipid supplementation to cows over winter increased livestock productivity, total livestock production and enterprise GHG emissions from 990 t CO2-e to 1022 t CO2-e. Energy embodied in the supplement and extra diesel used in transporting the supplement diminished the enteric-methane abatement benefit of lipid supplementation. Reducing the cow herd to 238 cows maintained the level of livestock production of the control herd and reduced enterprise emissions to 938 t CO2-e, but was not cost effective under the assumptions of this case study

    An evaluation of carbon offset supplementation options for beef production systems on coastal speargrass in central Queensland, Australia

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    In 2014, the Australian Government implemented the Emissions Reduction Fund to offer incentives for businesses to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by following approved methods. Beef cattle businesses in northern Australia can participate by applying the 'reducing GHG emissions by feeding nitrates to beef cattle' methodology and the 'beef cattle herd management' methods. The nitrate (NO3) method requires that each baseline area must demonstrate a history of urea use. Projects earn Australian carbon credit units (ACCU) for reducing enteric methane emissions by substituting NO3 for urea at the same amount of fed nitrogen. NO3 must be fed in the form of a lick block because most operations do not have labour or equipment to manage daily supplementation. NO3 concentrations, after a 2-week adaptation period, must not exceed 50 g NO3/adult animal equivalent per day or 7 g NO3/kg dry matter intake per day to reduce the risk of NO3 toxicity. There is also a 'beef cattle herd management' method, approved in 2015, that covers activities that improve the herd emission intensity (emissions per unit of product sold) through change in the diet or management. The present study was conducted to compare the required ACCU or supplement prices for a 2% return on capital when feeding a low or high supplement concentration to breeding stock of either (1) urea, (2) three different forms of NO3 or (3) cottonseed meal (CSM), at N concentrations equivalent to 25 or 50 g urea/animal equivalent, to fasten steer entry to a feedlot (backgrounding), in a typical breeder herd on the coastal speargrass land types in central Queensland. Monte Carlo simulations were run using the software @risk, with probability functions used for (1) urea, NO3 and CSM prices, (2) GHG mitigation, (3) livestock prices and (4) carbon price. Increasing the weight of steers at a set turnoff month by feeding CSM was found to be the most cost-effective option, with or without including the offset income. The required ACCU prices for a 2% return on capital were an order of magnitude higher than were indicative carbon prices in 2015 for the three forms of NO3. The likely costs of participating in ERF projects would reduce the return on capital for all mitigation options. © CSIRO 2016

    Standing dead trees contribute significantly to carbon budgets in Australian savannas

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    Previous estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from Australian savanna fires have incorporated on-ground dead wood but ignored standing dead trees. However, research from eucalypt woodlands in southern Queensland has shown that the two pools of dead wood burn at similar rates. New field data from semiarid savannas across northern Australia confirmed that standing dead trees comprise about four times the mass of on-ground dead wood. Further, the proportion of total woody biomass comprising dead wood increases with decreasing fire frequency and a decreasing proportion of late dry season (August to December) fires. This gives scope for increasing the carbon stock in the dead wood pool with a reduced fire frequency. Following a previously published approach to quantify total dead wood loads in savannas, new and previously collected data on tree stand structures were used across the whole savanna zone to quantify dead wood loads in equilibrium with historic fire regimes. New parameters are presented for calculating dead wood dynamics including dead trees in Australia's savannas. © 2020 IAWF

    Managing cattle grazing intensity: effects on soil organic matter and soil nitrogen

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    Extensive cattle grazing is the dominant land use in northern Australia. It has been suggested that grazing intensity and rainfall have profound effects on the dynamics of soil nutrients in northern Australia’s semi-arid rangelands. Previous studies have found positive, neutral and negative effects of grazing pressure on soil nutrients. These inconsistencies could be due to short-term experiments that do not capture the slow dynamics of some soil nutrients and the effects of interannual variability in rainfall. In a long-term cattle grazing trial in northern Australia on Brown Sodosol–Yellow Kandosol complex, we analysed soil organic matter and mineral nitrogen in surface soils (0–10 cm depth) 11, 12 and 16 years after trial establishment on experimental plots representing moderate stocking (stocked at the long-term carrying capacity for the region) and heavy stocking (stocked at twice the long-term carrying capacity). Higher soil organic matter was found under heavy stocking, although grazing treatment had little effect on mineral and total soil nitrogen. Interannual variability had a large effect on soil mineral nitrogen, but not on soil organic matter, suggesting that soil nitrogen levels observed in this soil complex may be affected by other indirect pathways, such as climate. The effect of interannual variability in rainfall and the effects of other soil types need to be explored further

    Infrastructure to Improve Beef Business Outcomes in the Queensland Gulf

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    There are significant economic and environmental issues impacting on the short and long term viability of family-run breeding enterprises in the Queensland Gulf. Falling cattle prices and increased business costs threaten the social and financial well-being of many beef producers. Set stocking and overgrazing combine to reduce native 3P (productive, palatable and perennial) grass frequency and herd productivity. The Ryan family on Greenhills Station at George-town in the Queensland Gulf embarked on a 5 year water and fencing infrastructure development program aiming to improve pasture utilisation, land condition and long term carrying capacity

    Resting pastures to improve land condition in northern Australia: guidelines based on the literature and simulation modelling

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    Pasture rest is a possible strategy for improving land condition in the extensive grazing lands of northern Australia. If pastures currently in poor condition could be improved, then overall animal productivity and the sustainability of grazing could be increased. The scientific literature is examined to assess the strength of the experimental information to support and guide the use of pasture rest, and simulation modelling is undertaken to extend this information to a broader range of resting practices, growing conditions and initial pasture condition. From this, guidelines are developed that can be applied in the management of northern Australia’s grazing lands and also serve as hypotheses for further field experiments. The literature on pasture rest is diverse but there is a paucity of data from much of northern Australia as most experiments have been conducted in southern and central parts of Queensland. Despite this, the limited experimental information and the results from modelling were used to formulate the following guidelines. Rest during the growing season gives the most rapid improvement in the proportion of perennial grasses in pastures; rest during the dormant winter period is ineffective in increasing perennial grasses in a pasture but may have other benefits. Appropriate stocking rates are essential to gain the greatest benefit from rest: if stocking rates are too high, then pasture rest will not lead to improvement; if stocking rates are low, pastures will tend to improve without rest. The lower the initial percentage of perennial grasses, the more frequent the rests should be to give a major improvement within a reasonable management timeframe. Conditions during the growing season also have an impact on responses with the greatest improvement likely to be in years of good growing conditions. The duration and frequency of rest periods can be combined into a single value expressed as the proportion of time during which resting occurs; when this is done the modelling suggests the greater the proportion of time that a pasture is rested, the greater is the improvement but this needs to be tested experimentally. These guidelines should assist land managers to use pasture resting but the challenge remains to integrate pasture rest with other pasture and animal management practices at the whole-property scale

    Resting pastures to improve land condition in northern Australia: guidelines based on the literature and simulation modelling

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    Pasture rest is a possible strategy for improving land condition in the extensive grazing lands of northern Australia. If pastures currently in poor condition could be improved, then overall animal productivity and the sustainability of grazing could be increased. The scientific literature is examined to assess the strength of the experimental information to support and guide the use of pasture rest, and simulation modelling is undertaken to extend this information to a broader range of resting practices, growing conditions and initial pasture condition. From this, guidelines are developed that can be applied in the management of northern Australia’s grazing lands and also serve as hypotheses for further field experiments. The literature on pasture rest is diverse but there is a paucity of data from much of northern Australia as most experiments have been conducted in southern and central parts of Queensland. Despite this, the limited experimental information and the results from modelling were used to formulate the following guidelines. Rest during the growing season gives the most rapid improvement in the proportion of perennial grasses in pastures; rest during the dormant winter period is ineffective in increasing perennial grasses in a pasture but may have other benefits. Appropriate stocking rates are essential to gain the greatest benefit from rest: if stocking rates are too high, then pasture rest will not lead to improvement; if stocking rates are low, pastures will tend to improve without rest. The lower the initial percentage of perennial grasses, the more frequent the rests should be to give a major improvement within a reasonable management timeframe. Conditions during the growing season also have an impact on responses with the greatest improvement likely to be in years of good growing conditions. The duration and frequency of rest periods can be combined into a single value expressed as the proportion of time during which resting occurs; when this is done the modelling suggests the greater the proportion of time that a pasture is rested, the greater is the improvement but this needs to be tested experimentally. These guidelines should assist land managers to use pasture resting but the challenge remains to integrate pasture rest with other pasture and animal management practices at the whole-property scale
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