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4 research outputs found
Coccidial infection does not influence preening behavior in American goldfinches
A Surmacki
Adrian Surmacki
+31Â more
BA Walther
BR Moyer
C Randler
DH Clayton
ED Box
F Faul
FJV Costa
G Moreno-Rueda
GE Hill
GE Hill
Geoffrey E. Hill
I LĂłpez-Rull
K Johnson
KJ McGraw
KJ McGraw
KJ McGraw
L Filipiak
M Cucco
M Griggio
N Yorinks
O Dolnik
P Cotgreave
P HÔrak
P Lenouvel
P Pyle
PM Nolan
S Redpath
TM Aguilar
WR Brawner III
WR Brawner III
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Oocyst shedding by green-winged-saltator (Saltator similis) in the diagnostic of coccidiosis and Isospora similisi n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae)
Berto BP
Berto BP
+36Â more
Berto BP
Berto BP
Berto BP
Berto BP
Berto BP
Berto BP
Boughton DC
Boughton DC
Boughton DC
Box ED
Brawner III WR
Brown MA
Coelho CD
Coelho CD
Dolnik O
Dolnik OV
Dolnik OV
Dolnik OV
Duszynski DW
Duszynski DW
Filipiak L
Grulet O
Levine ND
Levine ND
Lindstrom KM
Lopes BB
LĂłpez G
Martinaud G
McQuistion TE
Morin-Adeline V
Pap PL
Pereira LQ
Sampaio IBM
Sick H
Silva DC
VillanĂșa D
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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The circadian variation of oocyst shedding of Eimeria spp. affecting brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli)
B Berto
B Doneley
+28Â more
C Fuller
CD Coelho
D VillanĂșa
DC Boughton
G Lopez
G Martinaud
H. S. Taylor
K Misof
K. J. Morgan
K. McInnes
KJ Morgan
KJ Morgan
KM Lindström
L Filipiak
M Brown
N. Lopez-Villalobos
OV Dolnik
OV Dolnik
OV Dolnik
PP Levine
PSD Oliveira
R Colbourne
S Bassett
S Holzapfel
SP Hudman
V Morin-Adeline
W. E. Pomroy
WR Brawner III
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Carotenoid-based plumage colouration is associated with blood parasite richness and stress protein levels in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus)
A Marzal
AF Read
+99Â more
AF Read
AK MacDougall
AL Graham
AP MĂžller
BP Chew
C Alonso-Ălvarez
C Deerenberg
C Doutrelant
C PĂ©rez
CM Lessells
D Costantini
DA Maslov
DH Clayton
DH Clayton
E Arriero
E Arriero
E Arriero
Elisa Lobato
F Mariño
G Seutin
G TomĂĄs
G TomĂĄs
G TomĂĄs
G TomĂĄs
G Valkiƫnas
G Valkiƫnas
GA Lozano
GE Hill
GE Hill
Gustavo TomĂĄs
I Roitt
J Figuerola
J MartĂnez
J MartĂnez
J MartĂnez
J MartĂnez
J MartĂnez-de la Puente
J MartĂnez-de la Puente
J MartĂnez-de la Puente
J MerilÀ
J Moreno
J Moreno
J Sundberg
Javier MartĂnez
JC Roode de
JC Senar
JC Senar
JC Senar
JD Hadfield
JG SĂžrensen
JJ Soler
JosuĂ© MartĂnez-de la Puente
JS Beadell
Juan Moreno
Juan Rivero-de Aguilar
Judith Morales
K Kraaijeveld
K Norris
KJ McGraw
KJ McGraw
L Svensson
M Evans
M Zuk
P Davidar
P HÔrak
P HÔrak
P Moseley
PF Surai
PF Surai
PJ Weatherhead
PN Ferns
PS Fitze
R Dufva
R Lande
Rafael Ruiz-de-Castañeda
RC Hartley
RI Morimoto
S Andersson
S Cramp
S Hidalgo-GarcĂa
S Hunt
S Merino
S Merino
S Merino
S Merino
S Merino
S Merino
SA Frank
Santiago Merino
Sara del Cerro
T Amundsen
T Slagsvold
TR Garbe
TV Schantz von
TW Goodwin
VA Olson
WD Hamilton
WJ Gehring
WR Brawner III
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text