1 research outputs found
Demographic and Reproductive Factors for High Seroprevalence of Chlamydia Trachomatis among Pregnant Women in Japan
- Author
- Bell T.A.
- Braverman P.K., Biro, F.R., Brunner, R.L., Gilchrist, M. &
- Cates W., Jr. &
- Chow J.M., Yonekura, M.L., Richwald, G.A., Greenland, S., Sweet, R.L. &
- Clark R.A., Kissinger, P. &
- Diebel N.D. &
- Frommell G.T., Bruhn, F.W. &
- Genc M.& Mardh, P.
- Gravett M.G., Nelson, H.P., Derouen, T., Critchlow, C., Eschenbach, D.A. &
- Handsfield H.H., Stamm, W.E. &
- Harrisson H.R., Phil, D., English, M.G., Lee, C.K. &
- Heggie A.D., Lumingo, G.G., Stuart, L.A.& Gyves, M.T.
- Jitsukawa M.& Djerassi, C.
- Jonsson M., Karlsson, R., Persson, K., Juto, P., Edlund, K., Evander, M., Gustavsson, A., Boden, E., Rylander, E. &
- Jonsson M., Karlsson, R., Rylander, E., Gustavsson, A. &
- Koroku M., Kumamoto, Y., Hirose, T., Nishimura, M., Sato, T., Hayashi, K., Tsukamoto, T., Minami, K. &
- Mardh P.H., Helin, I., Bobeck, S., Laurin, J. &
- Muylder X.D., Laga, M., Tennstedt, C., Dyck, E.V., Aelbers, G.N.M. &
- Nagata C., Matsushita, Y., Inaba, S., Kawakami, N. &
- Ogawa N. &
- Oh M.K., Cloud, G.A., Baker, S.L., Pass, M.A., Mulchahey, K. &
- Persson K., Mansson, A., Jonsson, E. &
- Peterson L.S.
- Ramstedt K., Fossman, L., Giesecke, J. &
- Satoh T., Kumamoto, Y., Hirose, T., Nishimura, M., Koroku, M., Matsumoto, A., Miyashita, N., Gohro, T., Ikegaki, S. &
- Schachter J., Grossman, M., Sweet, R.L., Holt, J., Jordan, C. &
- Tanaka M., Nakayama, H., Sakumoto, M., Matsumoto, T., Akazawa, K. &
- Washington A.E., Johnson, R.E. &
- Yamamoto T., Moji, K., Kusano, Y., Kurokawa, K., Kawagoe, K. &
- Publication venue
- 'Tohoku University Medical Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study