26 research outputs found

    Net neutrality policy debate in Croatia: Origins and policy actors

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    This study examines the debate on net neutrality in the Croatian public sphere, its origin and connection to similar debates in the United States and the EU. The study also tries to answer who the policy actors that influence the NN debate are, how the policy-making process concerning this topic was carried out in Croatia, and what the role of the mainstream media is. Empirical data was collected from documents and posts regarding net neutrality found on government, media, NGO and industry websites. The findings show that there are two parallel debates on net neutrality and the character of the Croatian policy-making process: the debate that is going on in the mainstream and online media, where international topics and actors (the US, the EU) dominate, and the debate that is happening in the Croatian public sphere, which is carried out as part of panels and conferences (mainly organised by the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries). Although the mainstream media reported positively about net neutrality, they have failed to bring the process of policy-making and the corresponding debate closer to the general public, as was the case in the US or Western Europe

    Use of Pre-web Computer Networks to Give Information about the Attacks on Dubrovnik and Vukovar

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    Although, 30-years ago, there was a limited number of computer networks and computers in the former Yugoslavia, as well as worldwide, they were used by academia and the elites, who had enough knowledge and access to computers and to modems. Their views on the political situation, which have been preserved in the digital world, may give valuable insight into events, and, notably, about how these elites perceived/participated in the collapse of the State, and how the public in different Yugoslavian republics articulated their views. The main problem relating to this kind of approach was the limited resources that were available, as the majority of the digital documents have been lost forever, so studying this topic through the use of pre-web digital documents looked more like digital archeology, and less like historical/textual analysis. This paper was written based on two case studies: the bulletin board systems (BBS) Sezam BBS, and the e-mail distribution list Pisma Bralcev, and how they were used to report on the Yugoslav People\u27s Armyā€™s attacks on Dubrovnik and Vukovar in Fall, 1991. In the first case, the study examines ā€˜Sezam BBSā€™, which was based in Belgrade and was used by Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian academics, politicians and journalists, and was, at the time, the most popular forum open to the public, and was under no government control. The second case was the email distribution list, Pisma Bralcev, which was run by Slovenian academics and was used for the distribution of news abroad. The data for analysis was collected through archival research on original discussions, e-mails, reports, etc. The main findings show that the bulĀ¬letin board systems, discussion groups and e-mail enabled the first forums for the exchange of opposing ideas, and they became places in which the Yugoslavian elite could be informed beyond the information that was given by the mass media and politically controlled sources

    Cross promotion of online counterparts of the leading US newspapers

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    This paper discusses the relationship between economic convergence and journalistic convergence. Economic convergence means businesses combine different media to take advantage of all the different properties. It is theoretically based on Convergence Continuum, which explains how to use different forms of media convergence and that the amount of cooperation and interaction can differ from partnership to partnership, depending on the needs of the partners. Apart from marketing value, cross promotion is a good indicator for determining the level of journalistic convergence. The purpose of journalism convergence is to produce higherquality news, regardless of the delivery platform. This study examines cross-promotion practices at USA Today and The NY Times

    Online baze podataka kao novinarski izvori o javnim dužnosnicima i njihovoj imovini

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    Novinari moraju poznavati online baze podataka kako bi mogli izvjeÅ”tavati o javnim dužnosnicima i njihovoj imovini. U radu su prikazane baze podataka koje osiguravaju pristup podacima o adresi, kontakt-podacima, imovini i prihodima, o tvrtkama, obrtima i zadrugama u vlasniÅ”tvu javnih dužnosnika, nevladinim organizacijama u kojima su aktivni, nekretninama u njihovu vlasniÅ”tvu, javnim objavama i koncesijama u kojima su sudjelovali, te drugim relevantnim podacima. Posebno značajan alat su komercijalne baze podataka LexisNexis i Bureau van Dijk, koje osiguravaju pristup podacima o poduzećima na globalnoj razini

    Utvrđivanje utjecaja internetskih aktivista: Upotreba Twittera u prosvjedima protiv hrvatske vlade

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    Promoviranje novih ideja u druÅ”tvenom sustavu usko je vezano uz utjecajne pojedince. Online druÅ”tvene mreže predstavljaju idealne sustave za prikupljanje empirijskih podataka i analizu problematike uloge pojedinca. U ovom radu prikazano je osam mjera utjecaja na Twitteru: broj followers, broj friends, broj tweets , broj proslijeđenih tuđih poruka (RT), broj poruka korisnika koje su proslijedili drugi korisnici (RT), koliko je puta spomenut korisnik (@), koliko je puta korisnik spomenuo druge korisnike (@) i broj objavljenih poruka o određenoj temi. Utvrđeno je kako postoje dvije vrste utjecajnih korisnika: utjecajni korisnici Twittera opće populacije i tematski ograničene populacije. Nadalje, utvrđeno je kako će, da bi ostvarili utjecaj, Twitter korisnici biti prijatelji i followers te objavljivati veliki broj tweets. Također će prosljeđivati poruke (RT) i diskutirati te komunicirati (@) s drugim korisnicima. Ovisno kojoj skupini korisnika pripadaju, Twitter korisnici će koristiti različite aktivnosti za ostvarivanje utjecaja, kao Å”to je utvrđeno ovim istraživanjem

    Croatian Online Media as a Secondary Source in Journalism

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    U Hrvatskoj ne postoje komercijalne baze medijskog i drugog sadržaja kojima novinar može pristupiti. Kao alternativni sekundarni izvori nude se internetska izdanja medija. Pristup takvom sadržaju može se ostvariti preko tražilica na internetskim stranicama medija ili pomoću drugih alata: Google tražilice, arhive elektroničkih publikacija Nacionalne i sveučiliÅ”ne knjižnice, stvaranjem vlastite baze upotrebom RSS-a i pretraživanjem internetskih agregatora.In Croatia, there are no commercial media or other data bases to which journalists may have access. Online editions of media are the only alternative secondary sources. Accessing such data can be realized within use of online media search engines or other tools such as: Google search engine, archive of electronic publications of National and University Library or by creating personal database using RSS and browsing the internet aggregator

    Profiliranje Twitter-aktivista: Prosvjedi protiv hrvatske vlade

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    Twitter s a social network and a microblogging service. Examples from Iran, Tunisia and Egypt have shown the possibilities of using Twitter as a platform for activism. This research looks at the manner in which Croatian activists use this tool and how such users and uses are distinct from average users. This paper establishes that activist users differ vastly from average Twitter users. Activist users have a significantly higher number of friends and followers. An increase in the number of friends leads to an increase in the number of followers (and vice versa). In addition, activist users publish a large number of posts regardless of their follower number, even though that number is significantly higher than that of friends. Activist users forward interesting information more often, while they disregard Twitter as a tool for conversation or coordination. Still, activist users and average users are similar in regard to the posterā€™s profile and posting quantity. Both categories of users follow the power-law distribution.Twitter je druÅ”tvena mreža i mikrobloging servis. Primjeri iz Irana, Tunisa i Egipta pokazali su koje su mogućnosti koriÅ”tenja Twittera kao platforme za aktivističko djelovanje. Istraživanjem je prikazano kako aktivisti u Hrvatskoj koriste taj alat te u čemu se razlikuju u odnosu na prosječne korisnike. Utvrđeno je da se korisnici aktivisti značajno razlikuju od prosječnih korisnika Twittera. Korisnici aktivisti imaju značajnije veći broj prijatelja i sljedbenika, a s povećanjem broja prijatelja dolazi i do povećanja broja sljedbenika (i obratno). Nadalje korisnici aktivisti objavljivat će veliki broj postova neovisno o broju sljedbenika, iako ih imaju značajnije viÅ”e nego prijatelja. Korisnici aktivisti mnogo čeŔće prosljeđuju zanimljive informacije, a zanemaruju upotrebu Twittera za konverzaciju, odnosno koordiniranje. Ipak, korisnici aktivisti i prosječni korisnici slični su s obzirom na to tko i koliko objavljuje. Obje kategorije korisnika prate power-law-distribuciju