19 research outputs found

    Ist komplette Immunität gegen Masern bei Patienten mit rheumatischen Erkrankungen ein realistisches Ziel, und wie ist es möglicherweise zu erreichen?

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    In Deutschland kommt es immer wieder zu Masernausbrüchen. Patienten mit chronisch entzündlichen Erkrankungen werden oft immunsuppressiv behandelt. In einer aktuellen Studie zeigte sich, dass etwa 7 % dieser Patienten keinen Schutz gegen Maserninfektion haben. Das ergab sich aus der fehlenden Dokumentation im Impfausweis bzw. dem nicht vorhandenen Nachweis von protektiven Antikörpern. Die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) empfiehlt eine erste Impfung gegen Masern als Masern-Mumps-Röteln-Kombinationsimpfung (MMR) bei Kindern im Alter von 11–14 Monaten und eine zweite Impfung im Alter von 14–23 Monaten. Für nach 1970 geborene Erwachsene wird eine Impfung gegen Masern empfohlen, wenn diese noch nicht bzw. nur einmal gegen Masern geimpft wurden oder wenn ihr Impfstatus unklar ist. Im April 2019 hat die STIKO Anwendungshinweise zu den bei Immundefizienz empfohlenen Impfungen veröffentlicht. Seit dem 1. März 2020 besteht in Deutschland zudem eine Masernimpfpflicht.Measles outbreaks occur rather frequently in Germany. Patients with chronic inflammatory diseases are often treated with immunosuppressants. A recent study showed that about 7% of such patients are not protected against measles according to the lack of documentation in the vaccination card or the absence of protective antibodies. The Standing Committee on Immunization (STIKO) recommends a first vaccination against measles as a measles-mumps-rubella combined vaccination (MMR) in children aged 11–14 months and a second vaccination at 14–23 months. For adults born after 1970, vaccination against measles is recommended if they have not yet been vaccinated against measles or have only been vaccinated once against measles or if their vaccination status is unclear. In April 2019, STIKO published instructions for vaccinations recommended for immunodeficiency. Since March 1, 2020, measles vaccination have been compulsory in Germany

    Erste Klassifikationskriterien für durch Kalziumpyrophosphatablagerungen verursachte Erkrankungen

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    Zielsetzung:\bf Zielsetzung: Für die durch Kalziumpyrophosphatablagerungen verursachten Erkrankungen ("calcium pyrophosphate deposition [CPPD] disease") fehlten bislang validierte Klassifikationskriterien. Die kürzlich hierfür entwickelten und validierten Klassifikationskriterien wurden in dieser Arbeit übersetzt, erläutert und bewertet. Methoden:\bf Methoden: In den letzten Jahren hat eine multinationale Forschergruppe mit Unterstützung der European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) und dem American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Klassifikationskriterien für die CPPD-Erkrankung einer etablierten Methodik folgend entwickelt. Die Übersetzung und Kommentierung der neuen ersten Klassifikationskriterien für die CPPD-Erkrankung erfolgten iterativ im Konsens der Autoren. Ergebnisse:\bf Ergebnisse: Für die Klassifikation als CPPD-Erkrankung reicht das Vorhandensein eines Crowned-Dens-Syndroms oder von Kalziumpyrophosphatkristallen in der Synovialflüssigkeit bei Patienten mit Gelenkschmerzen, -schwellungen oder -empfindlichkeit (Eintrittskriterium), deren Symptome nicht vollständig durch eine andere rheumatische Erkrankung erklärt werden können (Ausschlusskriterium), aus, um eine(n) Betroffene(n) als CPPD-Patient*in zu klassifizieren. Liegen diese Befunde nicht vor, kann eine Punktzahl von mehr als 56 Punkten anhand gewichteter Kriterien, die sich aus klinischen Merkmalen, Ergebnissen und Befunden zusammensetzen, zur Einstufung als CPPD-Erkrankung herangezogen werden. Diese Kriterien hatten eine Sensitivität von 92,2 % und eine Spezifität von 87,9 % in der Ableitungskohorte (190 CPPD-Fälle, 148 Mimiker), während die Sensitivität 99,2 % und die Spezifität 92,5 % in der Validierungskohorte (251 CPPD-Fälle, 162 Mimiker) betrug. Schlussfolgerung:\bf Schlussfolgerung: Die ACR/EULAR-Klassifikationskriterien von 2023 für die CPPD-Erkrankung werden die klinische Forschung auf diesem Gebiet erleichtern. Die klinische Anwendung i wird zeigen, wie praktikabel die Kriterien sind.Aim:\bf Aim: For diseases caused by calcium pyrophosphate deposition (CPPD), validated classification criteria were previously lacking. In this article the recently developed and validated classification criteria are translated, explained, and assessed. Methods:\bf Methods: In recent years a multinational research group developed classification criteria for CPPD disease with the support by the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), following an established method. The developed criteria were finally validated in an independent cohort. The translation and annotation of the new first classification criteria were carried out in an iterative procedure in consensus with the authors. Results:\bf Results: The presence of a crowned dens syndrome or calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the synovial fluid in patients with pain, swelling or sensitivity of the joints (entry criterion) is sufficient for the classification as CPPD disease, where the symptoms cannot be completely explained by another rheumatic disease (exclusion criterion). If these symptoms are not present, a count of more than 56 points based on weighted criteria comprised of clinical features and the results of laboratory and imaging investigations can be included for classification as a CPPD disease. These criteria had a sensitivity of 92.2% and a specificity of 87.9% in the derivation cohorts (190 CPPD cases and 148 mimics), whereas the sensitivity was 99.2% and the specificity 92.5% in the validation cohorts (251 CPPD cases and 162 mimics). Conclusion:\bf Conclusion: The ACR/EULAR classification criteria 2023 of a CPPD disease will facilitate clinical research in this field. The use in the clinical routine will show how practical the criteria are

    High prevalence of chondrocalcinosis and frequent comorbidity with calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease in patients with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis

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    Background\bf Background The crystal-induced calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD) clinically appearing as pseudogout differs from the mere radiographic finding of chondrocalcinosis (CC) but may cause symptoms resembling rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Objective\bf Objective To study the prevalence of CPPD and CC in rheumatic diseases focusing on differences between seropositive and seronegative RA. Patients and methods\textbf {Patients and methods} In a retrospective study design, we analysed records and radiographs of consecutive new patients presenting to our centre between January 2017 and May 2020. 503 patients were identified based on expert diagnoses: 181 with CPPD, 262 with RA, 142 seropositive (54.2%) and 120 seronegative RA, gout (n=30) and polymyalgia rheumatica (n=30), mean symptom duration <1 year in almost all patients. Results\bf Results The majority of patients had only one rheumatological diagnosis (86.9%). Most patients with CPPD (92.6%) had radiographic CC, primarily in the wrists. The prevalence of CC was higher in seronegative (32.3%) than in seropositive RA (16.6%), respectively (p<0.001). Patients with CPPD were older (p<0.001) and had acute attacks more frequently than patients with RA (p<0.001), who had symmetric arthritis more often (p=0.007). The distribution pattern of osteoarthritic changes in radiographs of hands and wrists differs between patients with RA and CPPD. CC was present in more than one joint in 73.3% of patients with CPPD, 9.6% with seropositive and 18.7% with seronegative RA. Discussion\bf Discussion CPPD and CC were more frequent in seronegative versus seropositive RA. Symmetry of arthritis and acuteness of attacks differentiated best between CPPD and RA but localisation of joint involvement did not. Co-occurrence of both diseases was frequently observed

    Zukunft der akutstationären Rheumatologie in Deutschland

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    Im September 2019 wurde vom Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales (MAGS) in NRW ein Gutachten zur Krankenhausplanung veröffentlicht. Hierin wurde eine grundlegende Reform der Krankenhausplanung empfohlen, indem zukünftig eine Bedarfsplanung auf der Grundlage einer detaillierten Ausweisung von Leistungsbereichen und Leistungsgruppen erfolgen soll. Nach Aufforderung durch das MAGS NRW hat auch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie (DGRh) mit Unterstützung des Verbandes Rheumatologischer Akutkliniken (VRA) hierzu Stellung genommen.In September 2019 the Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare (MAGS) of North-Rhine/Westphalia (NRW) published an expert report on hospital planning. In this report a fundamental reform of hospital planning was recommended, in that a requirements planning should be carried out in the future on the basis of a detailed designation of disciplines and organizational groups. At the request of the MAGS NRW, the German Society for Rheumatology (DGRh) with the support of the Association of Rheumatological Acute Clinics (VRA) has also commented on this issue

    Wie viele Patienten mit entzündlich rheumatischen Erkrankungen haben die technischen Voraussetzungen für Videosprechstunden und sind bereit, fachärztliche Visiten so durchzuführen?

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    Hintergrund\bf Hintergrund Die aktuell grassierende SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie und begrenzte Kapazitäten in der ambulanten rheumatologischen Versorgung werfen, auch angesichts der digitalen Revolution, Fragen nach möglichen Alternativen zu klinischen Visiten auf. Ob und inwieweit Patienten mit entzündlich rheumatischen Erkrankungen bereit und in der Lage sind, mit den neuen Medien wie etwa Videosprechstunden (VSS) umzugehen, ist unklar. Methoden\bf Methoden Mitten in der Pandemie wurden im Mai 2020 ambulante Patienten mit einem standardisierten Fragebogen systematisch befragt, um ihre Möglichkeiten und die Bereitschaft für die Teilnahme an VSS zu ermitteln. Der behandelnde Arzt gab an, ob er die Durchführung einer VSS für möglich und auch für sinnvoll hielt. Ergebnisse\bf Ergebnisse Insgesamt wurden 232 Patienten mit entzündlich rheumatischen Erkrankungen befragt (64,7 % weiblich, mittleres Alter 54,0 ±\pm 15,2 Jahre), seropositive (n\it n = 58) und seronegative (n\it n = 51) rheumatoide Arthritis (RA), Spondyloarthritis (SpA) (n\it n = 77) inklusive der axialen SpA (axSpA) und der Psoriasisarthritis (PsA) sowie Kollagenosen und Vaskulitiden (KoV) (n\it n = 46). Die mittlere Krankheitsdauer betrug 5,5 ±\pm 8,2 Jahre, bei 75 Patienten (32,3 %) handelte es sich um eine Erstdiagnose. Die mittlere Krankheitsaktivität (0–10, subjektive Patienteneinschätzung) lag bei 4,7 ±\pm 2,5. Insgesamt wussten 176 Patienten grundsätzlich über die Möglichkeit der Durchführung von VSS Bescheid (75,9 %), und 166 sahen sich technisch in der Lage, daran teilzunehmen (71,6 %), aber nur 131 waren grundsätzlich auch bereit dazu (56,5 %). Die logistische Regressionsanalyse zeigte, dass die Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme an VSS mit zunehmendem Alter abnahm (β\beta = 0,28, p\it p = 0,01). Nach ärztlicher Einschätzung wurden VSS bei 161 Patienten aus technischen (69,4 %) und bei 127 aus medizinischen Gründen (54,7 %) prinzipiell für möglich gehalten. Die Durchführung von VSS im Rahmen der Versorgung wurde vom Arzt aber nur bei 76 Patienten (32,8 %) für sinnvoll gehalten. Zusammenfassung\bf Zusammenfassung Nicht alle Patienten können oder wollen an VSS teilnehmen, mit zunehmendem Alter nimmt die Bereitschaft dazu ab. Auch die ärztliche Einschätzung der Sinnhaftigkeit von VSS beschränkte sich auf etwa ein Drittel der befragten Patienten. Dies ist für zukünftige Planungen von VSS zu berücksichtigen.Background\bf Background The currently disseminating severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic and limited capacities in outpatient rheumatological care, pose questions about possible alternatives to clinical visits, also in view of the digital revolution. It is unclear whether and to what extent patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases are willing and in a position to deal with the new media, such as video consultation. Methods\bf Methods In the middle of the pandemic in May 2020 outpatients were surveyed using a standardized questionnaire in order to document their possibilities and willingness to participate in a video consultation. The treating physicians were asked whether carrying out a video consultation was considered to be a possible and meaningful option. Results\bf Results Overall, 232 patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases were surveyed (64.7% female, average age 54.0 ±\pm 15.2 years), seropositive (n\it n = 58) and seronegative (n\it n = 51) rheumatoid arthritis (RA), spondyloarthritis (SpA, n\it n = 77) including axial SpA (axSpA) and psoriatic arthropathy (PsA) as well as collagenosis and vasculitis (CoV, n\it n = 46). The mean duration of disease was 5.5 ±\pm8.2 years, whereby in 75 patients (32.3%) it was the first diagnosis. The mean disease activity (0–10, subjective patient self-estimation) was 4.7 ±\pm 2.5. Overall, 176 patients were basically aware of the possibility to carry out video consultations (75.9%) and 166 considered that they were technically capable to participate (71.6%) but only 131 were principally willing to participate (56.5%). Logistic regression analyses showed that the willingness to participate in video consultations decreased with increasing age (β\beta  = 0.28, p\it p = 0.01). According to the medical estimation video consultations were thought to be principally possible for 161 patients for technical reasons (69.4%) and for 127 for medical reasons (54.7%); however, a video consultation within the framework of treatment was only considered to be meaningful by the physician for 76 patients (32.8%). Conclusion\bf Conclusion Not all patients can or want to participate in video consultations and the willingness declines with increasing age. The estimation of the meaningfulness of video consultations by physicians was also limited to approximately one third of the patients surveyed. This must be taken into consideration for the future planning of video consultations

    SARS-CoV-2 vaccination willingness and predictors in patients with chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases (CIRD) and without CIRD

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    Background:\bf Background: Recent surveys in chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases (CIRD) showed a high degree of vaccine hesitancy. Current knowledge about patients' attitudes toward vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 is limited. Objectives:\bf Objectives: To assess the willingness of CIRD patients to be vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 and to identify the influencing factors compared with non-CIRD patients. Methods:\bf Methods: In this cross-sectional study, two cohorts of consecutive patients with and without CIRD were recruited in parallel when presenting to our tertiary hospital and asked to answer questions of a structured interview to assess vaccination willingness to SARS-CoV-2 their experience with SARS-CoV-2 and their personal history of infections and vaccinations. Vaccination willingness was assessed using a numerical rating scale (0: fully disagree; 10: fully agree). Arbitrarily defined cut-offs were used to define definite (score ≥\geq7) and probable willingness (score of 5 or 6) to be vaccinated. Factors associated with willingness were assessed using Kendall's tau-b\it b correlation measure and linear regression analysis. Results:\bf Results: A total of 514 CIRD and 100 non-CIRD patients, mean age of 54.7 ±\pm 12.8 and 55.6 ±\pm 9.8 years, respectively, were included. Definite and probable willingness to be vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 was declared by 79.6% and 90.7% versus\it versus 76.0% and 85.0% of CIRD and non-CIRD patients, respectively. Only 60% of CIRD patients believed that the vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 were safe, and 42% indicated to be afraid of side effects. Vaccination willingness was significantly correlated with being in a risk group for COVID-19 (tau-b\it b = −0.149), hypertension (tau-b\it b = 0.14), and information about disease prevention (tau-b\it b = 0.19), while a history of infections or immunosuppressive therapy was not. Vaccination willingness was significantly associated with higher education (b\it b = 0.65) and age (b\it b = 0.06). Conclusion:\bf Conclusion: This survey highlights several predictors of relevance for the vaccination willingness of patients with CIRD and controls including appropriate information about its relevance. The good news, however, is that the vast majority of CIRD patients indicated their willingness to be vaccinated. However, there was some uncertainty regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Since the major influencing factors were education and information about SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine and COVID-19 Disease, patient education should be improved soon

    Facilitators and barriers for vaccination in patients with inflammatory rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases

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    Introduction\bf Introduction To identify facilitators and barriers towards vaccination in general and specifically against pneumococci, influenza and SARS-CoV-2 in patients with rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases (RMD). Methods\bf Methods Between February and April 2021, consecutive patients with RMD were asked to complete a structured questionnaire on general knowledge about vaccination, personal attitudes and perceived facilitators and barriers towards vaccination. General facilitators (n=12) and barriers (n=15) and more specific ones for vaccination against pneumococci, influenza and SARS-CoV-2 were assessed. Likert scales had four response options: from 1 (completely disagree) to 4 (completely agree). Patient and disease characteristics, their vaccination records and attitudes towards vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 were assessed. Results\bf Results 441 patients responded to the questionnaire. Knowledge about vaccination was decent in ≥\geq70% of patients, but <10% of patients doubted its effectiveness. Statements on facilitators were generally more favourable than on barriers. Facilitators for SARS-CoV-2 vaccination were not different from vaccination in general. Societal and organisational facilitators were more often named than interpersonal or intrapersonal facilitators. Most patients indicated that recommendations of their healthcare professional would encourage them to be vaccinated - without preference for general practitioner or rheumatologists. There were more barriers towards SARS-CoV-2 vaccination than to vaccination in general. Intrapersonal issues were most frequently reported as a barrier. Statistically significant differences in response patterns to nearly all barriers between patients classified as definitely willing, probably willing and unwilling to receive SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were noted. Discussion\bf Discussion Facilitators towards vaccination were more important than barriers. Most barriers against vaccination were intrapersonal issues. Societal facilitators identified support strategies in that direction

    Ergebnisse der systematischen Literatursuche als Grundlage für die "evidenzbasierten Therapieempfehlungen für FMF-Patienten mit unzureichendem Ansprechen bzw. Unverträglichkeit auf Kolchizin" der Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendrheumatologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie

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    Hintergrund\bf Hintergrund Das familiäre Mittelmeerfieber (FMF) ist eine in Deutschland eher seltene genetisch bedingte Erkrankung des Kindes- und Erwachsenenalters, die durch rezidivierende Fieberschübe sowie Peritonitis, Pleuritis und Arthritis charakterisiert ist. Die etablierte Therapie mit Kolchizin ist für die meisten Patienten wirksam und verträglich. Einige Patienten sprechen aber auf diese Therapie nicht ausreichend an bzw. vertragen diese nicht. Für diese Patienten kommen Biologika in Betracht. Die Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendrheumatologie (GKJR) und die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie (DGRh) sind übereingekommen, gemeinsame Empfehlungen für diese spezielle klinische Situation zu entwickeln. Ziel\bf Ziel Durchführung einer systematischen Literaturrecherche (SLR) auf Basis der 2016 publizierten EULAR(European League Against Rheumatism)-Empfehlungen als Grundlage für die Entwicklung von evidenzbasierten Therapieempfehlungen für FMF-Patienten mit unzureichendem Ansprechen bzw. Unverträglichkeit auf Kolchizin. Methoden\bf Methoden Die SLR wurde mit Referenzen aus verschiedenen Datenbanken und als Aktualisierung der bis zum Jahr 2014 durchgeführten SLR der EULAR durchgeführt, wobei die Artikel zwischen dem 01.01.2015 und dem 31.12.2017 publiziert worden sein mussten. Für die Vorselektion wurde das Abstractwerkzeug Rayyan und für die Erstellung der Evidenztabellen die Klassifikation des Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine 2009 benutzt. Ergebnisse\bf Ergebnisse Die Suche ergab 360, nach Dublettenabgleich noch 263 Treffer. Insgesamt 88 Publikationen wurden ein- (34%) und 102 ausgeschlossen (39%), bei weiteren 73 war eine Sichtung der Vollpublikation notwendig (28%), und 43 wurden intensiver diskutiert. Schlussendlich blieben 64 Publikationen (24%) übrig. Insgesamt wurden 4 Fall-Kontroll-Studien, 31 Kohortenstudien, 8 Fallserien, 7 kontrollierte Studien (davon 5 Abstracts), 10 Übersichtsarbeiten sowie 4 Metaanalysen und systematische Reviews akzeptiert. Diskussion\bf Diskussion Die SLR wurde wissenschaftlich exakt, transparent und nach internationalen Standards durchgeführt. Die SLR erwies sich als gute Grundlage für die Konsentierung der 5 übergeordneten Prinzipien und der 10 Empfehlungen, sodass die gemeinsame Aktivität von GKJR und DGRh erfolgreich und sogar zeitnah abgeschlossen werden konnte. Die Empfehlungen sind eine solide Basis, Patienten jeden Alters mit FMF gut zu behandeln. Dabei spielen die Erklärungen zum Problem der Kolchizinresistenz eine wichtige Rolle.Background\bf Background Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a genetic disease of childhood and adulthood which is relatively rare in Germany. It is characterized by recurrent febrile attacks, peritonitis, pleuritis and arthritis. The established treatment with colchicine is effective and well-tolerated by most patients; however, some patients do not adequately respond or do not tolerate this treatment. Biologics can be considered for some of these patients. The Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology (GKJR) and the German Society for Rheumatology (DGRh) have agreed to develop joint recommendations for this specific clinical situation. Aim\bf Aim Implementation of a systematic literature search (SLR) on the basis of the EULAR recommendations published in 2016 as the foundation for the development of evidence-based treatment recommendations for FMF patients with insufficient response or intolerance to colchicine. Methods\bf Methods The SLR was performed using references from various databases as an update of the SLR carried out by EULAR up to 2014, whereby all articles must have been published between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2017. The Rayyan abstract tool for the preselection and the classification of the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine 2009 were used for the preparation of the evidence tables. Results\bf Results The search yielded 360 hits and after duplicate matching 263. A total of 88 publications were included (34%) and 102 excluded (39%), a review of the full publication was necessary for a further 73 (28%) and 43 were discussed more intensively. Finally, 64 publications (24%) remained. A total of 4 case-control studies, 31 cohort studies, 8 case series, 7 controlled studies (including 5 abstracts), 10 reviews, 4 meta-analyses and systematic reviews were accepted. Discussion\bf Discussion The SLR was carried out in a scientifically accurate and transparent manner according to international standards. The SLR proved to be a good basis for a consensus on the 5 overarching principles and the 10 recommendations, so that the joint activity of the GKJR and DGRh was successfully and even promptly concluded. The recommendations are a solid basis for treating patients of all ages with FMF. The explanations on the problem of colchicine resistance play an important role here

    Striking sex differences in magnetic resonance imaging findings in the sacroiliac joints in the population

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    Background:\bf Background: In patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to detect bone marrow edema (BME) in sacroiliac joints (SIJ) but SIJ BME are also detected in the population. Not much is known about sex differences in that regard. Objective:\bf Objective: To explore sex-specific differences associated with the extent of BME in the SIJ suggestive of axSpA in a general population cohort study. Methods:\bf Methods: Taking advantage of 793 recently evaluated MRIs of subjects < 45 years taking part in the SHIP cohort, we used negative-binomial (NB) count data regression to analyze factors associated with the extent of SIJ BME. Predictors were explored by model-based boosting (MBB), a machine learning approach. Results:\bf Results: Estimates of NB regression showed strong effects of sex in interaction with age, BMI, back pain, and particularly HLA-B27. The NB regression model showed incidence rate ratios (IRR) for the main effect of sex (females vs. males): 0.94 [95% CI: 0.63; 1.41], HLA-B27: 4.32 [2.09; 9.8], and for the interaction of sex to HLA-B27: 0.22 [0.06; 0.75]. According to MBB, HLA-B27 positivity, BMI, current smoking, back pain in the last 3 months, the interaction of sex and HLA-B27, and delivery in the last 12 months were of highest importance to explain the extent of SIJ BME. Conclusions\bf Conclusions Different factors were associated with the extent of SIJ BME in females and males. Most importantly, HLA-B27 was relevant only in males but not in females in whom a postpartal state was important. This finding may be relevant for the pathogenesis of axSpA

    Treatment with adalimumab in patients with chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases

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    Background:\bf Background: Previous experiences with non-medical switching of adalimumab (ADA) in patients with chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases (CIRD) come mainly from phase III extension of randomised clinical trials and little from routine care. Objectives:\bf Objectives: To analyse treatment trajectories over 2 years in patients with CIRD conducting a non-medical switch from originator to biosimilar ADA. Design:\bf Design: A retrospective observational cohort study was conducted with data from a third-level rheumatology centre in Germany. CIRD patients on originator ADA who switched to ADA biosimilar from October 2018 onwards were identified and followed until September 2020. Methods:\bf Methods: Patients’ characteristics were compared between the four a priori\textit {a priori} defined treatment trajectories "continued biosimilar ADA therapy", "back-switch to originator ADA therapy", "switch to another biological disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (bDMARD) therapy" and "stopped bDMARD therapy/death/drop out". Factors associated with continuing biosimilar ADA therapy were analysed using Cox proportional hazards regression analyses. Results:\bf Results: A total of 121 CIRD patients were included. Most patients (66.9%) continued therapy with biosimilar ADA over 2 years, with a treatment retention rate of 73.1%. Whereas 21 patients (17.4%) switched back to originator ADA, mainly due to adverse events, and 8 patients (6.6%) switched to a different bDMARD, mainly due to lack of effect. The estimated risk of withdrawal was lower for longer prior duration on originator ADA [hazard ratio (HR): 0.82; 95% CI: 0.69–0.97] and higher for higher C-reactive protein levels at baseline (HR: 1.18; 95% CI: 1.00–1.39). Male patients, older patients and those for whom originator ADA was their first bDMARD tended to have a lower risk of withdrawal. Conclusion:\bf Conclusion: Our results indicated that three of four patients continue biosimilar ADA over 2 years with lower risks of withdrawal for male sex, older age, longer prior duration on originator ADA and originator ADA as first bDMARD