17 research outputs found

    Cfd simulations of thermal comfort in naturally ventilated primary school classrooms

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    The purpose of thermal comfort is to speck the combinations of indoor space environment and personal factors that will produce thermal environment conditions acceptable to 80% or more of the occupants within a space. Naturally ventilated indoors has a very complex air movement, which depends on numerous variables such as: outdoor interaction, intensity of infiltration, the number of openings, the thermal inertia of walls, occupant behaviors, etc. The most important mechanism for naturally ventilated indoors is the intensity of infiltration and thermal buoyancy mechanism. In this study the objective was to determine indicators of thermal comfort for children, by the CFD model based on experimental measurements with modification on turbulent and radiant heat transfer mathematical model. The case study was selected on school children of 8 and 9 years in "France Presern" primary school in Belgrade. The purpose was to evaluate the relationships between the indoor environment and the subjective responses. Also there was analysis of infiltration and stack effect based on meteorological data on site. The main parameters that were investigated are: operative temperature, radiant temperature, concentration of CO2, and air velocity. The new correction of turbulence and radiative heat transfer models has been validated by comparison with experimental data using additional statistical indicators. It was found that both turbulence model correct and the new radiative model of nontransparent media have a significant influence on CFD data set accuracy

    Cfd simulations of thermal comfort in naturally ventilated primary school classrooms

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    The purpose of thermal comfort is to speck the combinations of indoor space environment and personal factors that will produce thermal environment conditions acceptable to 80% or more of the occupants within a space. Naturally ventilated indoors has a very complex air movement, which depends on numerous variables such as: outdoor interaction, intensity of infiltration, the number of openings, the thermal inertia of walls, occupant behaviors, etc. The most important mechanism for naturally ventilated indoors is the intensity of infiltration and thermal buoyancy mechanism. In this study the objective was to determine indicators of thermal comfort for children, by the CFD model based on experimental measurements with modification on turbulent and radiant heat transfer mathematical model. The case study was selected on school children of 8 and 9 years in "France Presern" primary school in Belgrade. The purpose was to evaluate the relationships between the indoor environment and the subjective responses. Also there was analysis of infiltration and stack effect based on meteorological data on site. The main parameters that were investigated are: operative temperature, radiant temperature, concentration of CO2, and air velocity. The new correction of turbulence and radiative heat transfer models has been validated by comparison with experimental data using additional statistical indicators. It was found that both turbulence model correct and the new radiative model of nontransparent media have a significant influence on CFD data set accuracy

    Economic Analysis of the Passive and Intelligent Multifamily Residential Building in Belgrade

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    This paper presents some technological and economic aspects of the project inspired by numerous initiatives in extremely low energy consumption energy efficient building in modern architecture. Project main aim was to present a new model of the integral application of science, education, enterprise and the public sector in the future transformation of cityscape, thus forming guidelines for urban residential development in Serbia

    Economic Analysis of the Passive and Intelligent Multifamily Residential Building in Belgrade

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    This paper presents some technological and economic aspects of the project inspired by numerous initiatives in extremely low energy consumption energy efficient building in modern architecture. Project main aim was to present a new model of the integral application of science, education, enterprise and the public sector in the future transformation of cityscape, thus forming guidelines for urban residential development in Serbia

    Bacterial Cellulose-Cerium Oxide Hydrogel for Tailored Redox Balance in Biomedical Extremes

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    Program and book of abstracts / 2nd International Conference on Innovative Materials in Extreme Conditions i. e. (IMEC2024), 20-22 March 2024 Belgrade, Serbia

    Развојни концепти вишепородичног пасивног стамбеног објекта са елементима аутоматизације

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    Опис: Приказано технико решење представља сублимацију модерних знања из архитектуре, машинства, електротехнике и грађевинарства, као и економије. Различити су концепти енергетски ефикасних објеката. Приказано техничко решење представља изузетно енергетски ефикасан, пасиван стамбени вишепородичан објекат, по први пут, на овај начин, повезујући значајан број области примењених наука у целину, која има свој научно-стручни, али и друштвено-економски значај.Реализатор: Машински факултет у Београду Корисник: Агенција за инвестиције и становање Града Београда Научни пројекат Министарства за науку и технолошки развој Републике Србије: ев. број 391-00-00027/2009-02/164 Подтип решења: ново техничко решење са техничко-технолошким и друштвеним иновацијама, категориј

    Развојни концепти вишепородичног пасивног стамбеног објекта са елементима аутоматизације

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    Опис: Приказано технико решење представља сублимацију модерних знања из архитектуре, машинства, електротехнике и грађевинарства, као и економије. Различити су концепти енергетски ефикасних објеката. Приказано техничко решење представља изузетно енергетски ефикасан, пасиван стамбени вишепородичан објекат, по први пут, на овај начин, повезујући значајан број области примењених наука у целину, која има свој научно-стручни, али и друштвено-економски значај.Реализатор: Машински факултет у Београду Корисник: Агенција за инвестиције и становање Града Београда Научни пројекат Министарства за науку и технолошки развој Републике Србије: ев. број 391-00-00027/2009-02/164 Подтип решења: ново техничко решење са техничко-технолошким и друштвеним иновацијама, категориј

    Optimizacija trodimenzionalnih dvostruko zakrivljenih amorfnih formi u arhitekturi

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    Current trends in architecture are to a largely influenced by new developments in software design and its direct implementation in the production process of construction elements, by the construction industry. Research of the form and the structure of a morph shapes in architecture includes, alongside the usual methods, the iterative process - testing of mutually inter-dependant variety of solutions through alternating application of software for geometric modeling and structural analysis. Structural analysis is carried out with a software package based on the finite element method - FEM, where all relevant load behaviour cases are considered, thus forming their real combinations. Optimization of construction methods is carried out in the module for shaping of steel elements iteratively testing levels of stress and stability of individual rods, including the global structure.Savremeni trendovi u arhitekturi u velikoj meri su posledica razvoja softvera i njihove direktne implementacije u proizvodnom procesu konstruktivnih elemenata u građevinarstvu. Istraživanje forme i strukture amorfnih arhitektonskih objekata podrazumeva, pored uobičajenih metoda, iterativni postupak - specifično ispitivanje međusobno zavisnih varijantnih rešenja kroz naizmeničnu primenu softvera za geometrijsko modelovanje i softvera za statičko-konstruktivnu analizu. Statičko - konstruktivna analiza se sprovodi pomoću softverskog paketa koji se bazira na metodi konačnih elemenata, pri čemu se uzimaju u obzir svi relevantni slučajevi opterećenja, od kojih se formiraju njihove realne kombinacije. Optimizacija konstrukcije se vrši u modulu za dimenzionisanje čeličnih elemenata iterativnim kontrolama napona i kontrolama stabilnosti pojedinačnih štapova, kao i globalne strukture

    A new approach to integral information system of a company for business and sustainable development

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    Since computers and computer information systems (IS) have appeared, the necessity for the existing data processing methodology modification according to possibilities of computer data processing has been forced. The very IS based on computer data processing have its evolution, starting from partial, integrated and up to enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Most often problems in this area are: (1) the problem of getting the adequate analyses for the management and implementation of business policy because the obtained information is too old or incomplete; (2) implementation of information systems lasts inappropriately long and demands huge costs; (3) there is no significant rationalization of administrative work and papers. Changing these methodologies, one comes to standardisation of the database model as well as to minimising the data input flows for the database loading and updating. In this way, the quality of information for of management has been improved and the business rationalized. Therefore, we developed an integral IS that can improve business of the company and the sustainable development of the economy as wel