178 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this paper is to present a new perspective of studying transgeneration knowledge transfer in a nested Ba. As a case study we choose Academy of Economic Study of Bucharest, Romania. Ba is a concept introduced in knowledge management by Nonaka and his co-workers, and it is the dynamic context for knowledge creation and knowledge sharing. A nested Ba is an organizational context characterized by several generations of people, interacting together in their activities. A university is by its own nature a nested Ba since in any department there are several age layers represented by professors, associated professors, lecturers and assistants. In such a context it is interesting how knowledge sharing is configured according to priorities given by professors to different academic strategies and activities. In our research we have used the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).


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    The purpose of this paper is to present some of our research results concerning the intellectual capital of universities. This is an important topic of the intellectual research area since universities are knowledge intensive organizations. They contain bintellectual capital, integrator, knowledge, learning organization.

    Knowledgedynamics and Thermodynamics

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a metaphorical analysis for Knowledgedynamics using the main concepts of Thermodynamics. Following the Andriessen’s method we are going to define Thermodynamics as a source domain, and Knowledgedynamics as the target domain. Our analysis will discover the semantic kernel of this metaphor and the way in which we can benefit of it. In the same time, we shall demonstrate the complexity of the knowledge domain and the fact that this metaphorical analysis should constitute only a first step in defining the concepts and the laws of the new field of study.energy, heat, temperature, knowledge, cognitive work, emotional heat

    An overview of present research related to the entrepreneurial university

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    The purpose of this paper is to present main ideas, concepts, theories and practices related to entrepreneurial university. Since the concept of the entrepreneurial university is rather fuzzy we performed a literature research in order to clarify its semantic and operational dimensions. The concept is cultural dependent, and understanding it means to consider its social and economic external environment. Also, it is important to consider a multidimensional analysis, and not to reduce the main idea of entrepreneurship to its financial metric.entrepreneurial university, higher education, university, university management.

    Evaluating linear-nonlinear thinking style for knowledge management education

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a new perspective of the linear-nonlinear thinking style and its critical role in knowledge management education. Previous works in this field identified linear thinking as being rational, logic and analytic, and nonlinear thinking as being based on intuition, insight and creativity. In this perspective, linear thinking is related mostly with cognitive intelligence, while nonlinear thinking is related mostly with emotional intelligence. These interpretations have a slight connection with the generic concepts of linearity and linear spaces developed in science. Our research changed the cognitiveemotional perspective into a new one based on the fundamental properties of linear spaces, as they are defined in Mathematics. Basically, a linear model is characterized from operational point of view by a linear equation. That means that outputs of this model should be proportional with inputs. For instance, the temperature level indicated by a familiar thermometer is proportional with the mercury dilation. If the operational model is based on a nonlinear equation, then the model is nonlinear. Thus, cognitive thinking can be linear or nonlinear, while emotional thinking is by its nature nonlinear. Based on this new theoretical construct we developed an investigation instrument to measure the linear-nonlinear thinking style, and applied it to our students in master programs of business administration where there is an important module of knowledge management and learning organizations. The initial sample consisted of 500 graduate students in attending courses in master programs at the Faculty of Business Administration, Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest, the most important and best considered university for economics and business in Romania. The questionnaire contains 50 items, with answers evaluated on a Likert-type scale. Using the STATA program we performed various analyses, and interpreted the final results in connection with the educational curricula at the Bachelor and Master levels. Conclusions show a dominant role of the linear thinking style, which might constitute o severe limitation in knowledge management and business decision making process.Education, knowledge management, linear, mental models, nonlinear, thinking style.

    Implementing innovation and knowledge management in the Romanian economy

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a critical evaluation of the implementation and development of innovation and knowledge management in the Romanian economy. As a former socialist country, Romania faced some specific difficulties in its transition from centrally controlled economy toward the free market economy, and from state ownership toward private ownership. A centrally controlled economy is very rigid, and it is based on inertial and linear thinking patterns. Switching toward a free market economy means also switching toward a dynamic and nonlinear thinking patterns, a more adequate perspective for the complex and turbulent changing business environment. Our research identified and evaluated the main barriers in implementing innovation and knowledge management in the Romanian economy, and based on these findings we developed a series of possible solutions.barriers, centrally controlled economy, cognitive approximation, innovation management, knowledge management, linear thinking, nonlinear thinking.


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    The purpose of this paper is to discussed about the motivational strategy used inside a non-governmental organization where members are simple volunteers, by comparison with a firm, where employees receive salaries. For confidentiality reasons, the names of the two organizations and certain data were changed. After collecting and studying the data it has been concluded that the manager of the firm has a better motivational planthan the president of the non-governmental organization and that he knows better his staff and their needs and wants. But on the other hand, the most motivated members are the volunteers because they do not need money or the safety of the working place to make them want to do their job. They just need to be listened to, to have the possibility to gain more skills and also make the best out of the ones they already have. They are also more otivated just by the fact that inside the organization there is a strong organizational culture that makes them relate to Pro Students and helps its members become a community of practice.intellectual capital, motivation, leadership, qualitative research, quantitative research.

    Repetitive Stochastic Guesstimation for Estimating Parameters in a GARCH(1,1) Model

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    A behavioral algorithm for optimization - Repetitive Stochastic Guesstimation (RSG) - is adapted, with complete proofs for its global convergence, for estimating parameters in a GARCH(1,1) model, based on a very small number of observations. Estimators delivered by this algorithm for the example of a GARCH(1,1) model are dependent on some computational capabilities - namely number of iterations and replications performed. In this context, the Large Numbers Law might be applied in a completely different dimension. An alternative toward waiting until the historical data series are recorded (while the underling process may change several times) is to use computers for correctly extracting information from the most recent data. Given the existent computational support, it is also possible to determine estimates for the rates of convergence. As a result, potential benefits of this econometric technique can be gained in case of very young financial markets from Eastern European countries. Also, prediction and political decisions based on these estimations are properly grounded.RSG, GARCH Model, financial markets

    An empirical research on the messages transmitted by the universities mottos

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    The purpose of this paper is to present some results of our empirical research on the messages transmitted by the universities mottos. In a global market for higher education, universities must compete for students re-thinking their offer, and their attractors. One of these attractors is the motto of the university, which suggests an inspiring message. Not all universities have chosen a motto, but many of them have done it. We considered 365 such mottos and we performed a frequency analysis of their components. That means, we analysed the most frequent words used and the key meanings associated with them. These meanings are found also in the vision and mission statements of the chosen universities.higher education, meanings, mottos, universities.

    Emergence of the Cognitive-Emotional Knowledge Dyad

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the emergence of a new knowledge dyad composed of cognitive and emotional knowledge. The old dyad made of explicit and tacit knowledge may become a particular case of the new one. The explicit-tacit knowledge dyad has been conceived in the Western thinking perspective of the dualism of mind and body, so well illustrated by the famous Cartesian expression: Cogito, ergo sum! The new dyad is conceived in the Eastern thinking perspective of oneness of body and mind. That means to recognize emotions as knowledge, and to give equal chances for them to parallel the cognitive knowledge. The paper advance also the new idea of the possible transformation of cognitive knowledge into emotional knowledge, and of emotional knowledge into cognitive knowledge, respectively. This knowledge dynamics constitute in our view one of the most important challenges for the knowledge management research.cognitive knowledge, emotional knowledge, explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge, knowledge dynamics.
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