848 research outputs found

    Neutron Stars with Hyperons subject to Strong Magnetic Field

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    Neutron stars are one of the most exotic objects in the universe and a unique laboratory to study the nuclear matter above the nuclear saturation density. In this work, we study the equation of state of the nuclear matter within a relativistic model subjected to a strong magnetic field. We then apply this EoS to study and describe some of the physical characteristics of neutron star, especially the mass-radius relation and chemical compositions. To study the influence of a the magnetic field and the hyperons in the stellar interior, we consider altogether four solutions: two different values of magnetic field to obtain a weak and a strong influence, and two configurations: a family of neutron stars formed only by protons, electrons and neutrons and a family formed by protons, electrons, neutrons, muons and hyperons. The limit and the validity of the results found are discussed with some care. In all cases the particles that constitute the neutron star are in β\beta equilibrium and zero total net charge. Our work indicates that the effect of a strong magnetic field has to be taken into account in the description of magnetars, mainly if we believe that there are hyperons in their interior, in which case, the influence of the magnetic field can increase the mass by more than 10%. We have also seen that although a magnetar can reach 2.48MM_{\odot}, a natural explanation of why we do not know pulsars with masses above 2.0MM_{\odot} arises. We also discuss how the magnetic field affects the strangeness fraction in some standard neutron star masses and, to conclude our paper, we revisit the direct URCA process related to the cooling of the neutron stars and show how it is affected by the hyperons and the magnetic field.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    The Impact of YouTube and TikTok Influencers in the Customer Journey: An Empirical Comparative Study Among Generation Z Users

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    Trabalho apresentado em 2022 International Conference on Marketing and Technologies (ICMarkTech’22), 1-3 dezembro 2022, Santiago de Compostela, EspanhaThe present paper aims to analyse the impact of YouTubers and TikTokers influencers in the customer journey phases, among Generation Z users. To do so, a quantitative deductive empirical study was carried out. The respective data collection was made via an online questionnaire survey, obtaining a valid sample of 529 participants. The results show that both type of influencers might influence the customer journey, but mainly in the first stages of the process. It was also found that YouTubers tend to have a higher influence in each of those stages than TikTokers. Although the topic of social media influencers is growing significantly and has already been studied, no similar study was found addressing separately the stages of the customer journey decision-making process, neither comparing influencer of both platforms in that contextN/

    Diálogo judicial no Ius Commune latino-americano: coerência, coesão e conformação constitucional

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo retratar o papel dos diálogos judiciais no Ius Commune, elencando suas três principais funções constitucionais: coerência, coesão e conformação. Utilizando-se de pesquisa bibliográfica doutrinária, analisou-se que o constitucionalismo contemporâneo, marcado pelos efeitos da globalização, sofre uma forte instabilidade que também atinge a América Latina, que, não obstante possuir algumas disparidades entre seus Estados nacionais, detém uma zona comum de direitos a serem protegidos pelas Cortes nacionais e pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (Corte IDH). Assim, foram esclarecidas duas falácias argumentativas sobre o Ius Constitucionale Commune da América Latina (ICCAL): (i) o suposto Estatuto Jurídico Único; e (ii) a equivocada segurança no excesso de normatizações. Ato contínuo, foram explicados três pressupostos da conversação entre Cortes, entendidos como atividades de: (i) cooperação judicial; (ii) consistência racionalista; e (iii) concretização da dignidade humana. Após tais premissas, discorreu-se acerca das funcionalidades do diálogo judicial e sua interação para a construção e consolidação do ICCAL, concluindo ser uma prática capaz de: (i) estabelecer uma via de mão dupla na compatibilização de atos normativos (coerência); (ii) estabelecer uma estruturação do Judiciário para compartilhar discursos jurídicos influentes (coesão); e (iii) construir uma convergência decisória calcada no engajamento das Cortes como "amplificadores da justiça constitucional" (conformação). Portanto, a partir dessas fundamentações, a proteção dos direitos humanos, do sistema democrático e do Estado de direito apresentam novas perspectivas para a integridade do ICCAL e para o estudo científico do constitucionalismo transformador


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    O presente artigo pretende analisar os reflexos das  reestruturações por que passa o direito privado, através da publicística dos princípios consagrados na legislação civil brasileira e no direito comparado, recriando a importância do  princípio da boa fé objetiva na teoria dos contratos,  destacadamente, na fase preambular. Será examinado o novo  perfil do princípio da bona fides, uma vez que os atos  contratuais lato sensu criam para os  contraentes uma confiança legítima na efetivação do negócio, caso não surja um motivo relevante para seu rompimento, gerando para  aquele que negocia um dever jurídico cuja infringência enseja a sua responsabilização pelos prejuízos causados ao outro  negociante

    Protocolo de micropropagación de mora-verde (Rubus erythroclados) nativa del Brasil

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 405-415).This study presents the first micropropagation protocol for greenberry (Rubus erythroclados), a wild Brazilian species with edible green fruits. In the in vitro multiplication stage, three concentrations of benzyladenine (BA) were tested (0, 5 and 10 μM), combined with three concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) (0, 3 and 6 μM) in two subsequent subcultures. In the rooting stage, in and ex vitro rooting were compared after pulse treatment of the microcutting for 10 seconds in IBA (0, 2.46, 4.92 and 7.38 mM). For the in vitro trial, the microcuttings were maintained in glass bottles with an MS medium under controlled conditions inside a growth room. For the ex vitro trial, the microcuttings were planted in styrofoam containers with vermiculite and maintained inside a greenhouse with an intermittent mist system. R. erythroclados multiplication was obtained with the addition of BA to the culture medium, while IBA reduced the shoot proliferation and increased mortality. The ex vitro rooting showed the best results, reaching 95.8% for rooted and acclimatizated plants without IBA. An efficient and simple protocol can be used for R. erythroclados micropropagation with 5 μM BA for in vitro shoot proliferation and ex vitro rooting of microcuttings with intermittent misting.El presente trabajo presenta el primer protocolo de micropropagación de morera verde (Rubus erythroclados), una especie fructífera nativa de Brasil. En la fase de multiplicación in vitro, se probaron tres concentraciones de benziladenina (BA) (0, 5 y 10 μM) combinadas con tres concentraciones de ácido indolbutírico (IBA) (0, 3 y 6 μM) en dos cultivos subsiguientes. En la etapa de enraizamiento, el enraizamiento in y ex vitro fue comparado después del tratamiento de inmersión rápida de las microestacas durante 10 segundos en solución de IBA (0; 2,46; 4,92 y 7,38 mM). Para el experimento in vitro, las microestacas se mantuvieron en recipientes de vidrio con medio de cultivo MS en una sala de crecimiento con condiciones de temperaturas controladas. Para el experimento ex vitro, las microestacas fueron plantadas en bandejas de poliestireno expandido con vermiculita, y se mantuvieron en una casa de vegetación con sistema de nebulización intermitente. La multiplicación de R. erythroclados fue obtenida con la adición de BA en el medio de cultivo, mientras que IBA redujo la emisión de brotes y aumentó la mortalidad de explantes. El enraizamiento ex vitro mostró los mejores resultados, llegando al 95,8% de microestacas enraizadas y aclimatadas sin tratamiento con IBA. Un protocolo simple y eficiente puede ser utilizado para la micropropagación de R. erythroclados con 5 μM de BA para multiplicación in vitro y enraizamiento de microestacas ex vitro en sistema de nebulización intermitente.Bibliografía: páginas 414-41

    Brands’ green activism: an empirical comparison between posts of digital influencers and brands

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    In this article, we present a study that investigates the effectiveness of social media communication in conveying brands’ green activism actions framed by corporate social responsibility. To address this question, a survey was conducted with 550 participants, comparing their opinions about the green posts made by brands and influencers. Statistical analysis (Wilcoxon rank-sum test means comparison of responses between the two groups) revealed significant differences in consumer perceptions between them. The findings indicate that using social media channels to communicate green initiatives is effective for brands. Moreover, the study concludes that direct brand communication is more beneficial than relying on digital influencers. This research contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence on the comparative effectiveness of brand-generated social media posts and influencer-generated content in promoting green activism actions. The study highlights the importance of direct brand communication in enhancing consumer perception and engagement with green initiatives. It offers valuable insights for brands seeking to optimize their social media strategies for sustainability messaging.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Click fraud

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2018.Este trabalho tem por foco o “Click Fraud” bem como a elaboração de um robô virtual para realizá-lo. O Click Fraud consiste na manipulação dos dados de contabilização de cliques visando a obtenção de vantagens indevidas, sendo assim uma preocupação legítima a sua compreensão visando o desenvolvimento de contramedidas eficazes. Desta maneira, procura-se entender o mecanismo de ataque desta fraude em busca de elaborar, em trabalhos futuros, formas mais eficientes de defesa contra tal mecanismo. O objetivo do robô é acessar diversas vezes um mesmo site, simulando cliques que por sua vez seriam interpretados como os de usuários interessados em determinado conteúdo, o que de fato não são. Os robôs implementados serão instrumentos que facilitarão o desenvolvimento de técnicas de defesa.This work focuses on "Click Fraud" as well as the elaboration of virtual robots to accomplish it. Click Fraud consists of the manipulation on click counting system aiming at obtaining undue advantages and it is a legitimate concern to understand them in order do develop effective countermeasures. In this way, it is tried to understand the mechanism of attack of this fraud in order to elaborate, in future works, more efficient forms of defense against such mechanisms. The robots’ goal is to access several times a same site, simulating clicks that in turn would be interpreted as those of users interested in certain content, which in fact they are not. The robots implemented will be tools that will facilitate the development of defense techniques

    Consumers associate high-quality (fine) wines with complexity, persistence and unpleasant emotional responses

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    The conventional method for the sensory evaluation of wine is based on visual, olfactory and gustatory perceptions described by a domain-specific language. This is a complex task, requiring extensive training, which is not feasible from a consumer perspective. The objective of this study was to apply a wine tasting sheet, including sensory and emotional responses, to simplify the recognition of fine white wines by consumers. First, a panel of 15 semi-trained judges evaluated eight sensory attributes through Optimized Descriptive Profile (ODP) methodology. Then, a group of 104 consumers evaluated five white wines with di erent sensory characteristics using an improved emotional wine tasting sheet. The emotions and sensations most frequently associated with white wines were obtained through the Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) approach. The eight sensory attributes were significant (p-value < 0.05) in the distinction of wines by the ODP. Likewise, the distinction of the wines also provided significant di erences in all the emotional and sensory attributes (p-value < 0.05). The di erent wine styles could be distinguished by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using the semi-trained judges or the consumer responses. The highest score in the “global evaluation” was given to two young, fruity wines characterized by high aromatic “initial impression”. The two fine wines, including a 2004 Burgundy Pouilly-Fuissé, were the lowest rated in “initial impression” and “global evaluation”, although they were considered by the consumers among the most complex and persistent. These wines were also most frequently associated with unpleasant emotions by the CATA test. The recognition of these fine wine attributes and their incongruity with emotional responses can be used in a rapid way by professionals to explain the di erent wine styles to consumersinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Investigar o processo de organização das cadeiras de Ciências Físicas, Químicas e Naturais é o objetivo desse artigo. Para tanto utilizamos como fontes prioritárias textos normativos da legislação que regulam essas disciplinas no ensino secundário, notadamente em Sergipe, documentos manuscritos como atas, ofícios, relatórios, dentre outros salvaguardados no CEMAS - Centro de Educação e Memória do Atheneu Sergipense, e fotografias de professores em excursões, aulas, laboratórios, gabinetes, reuniões. As palavras e imagens revelam os programas das disciplinas, os personagens atuantes da história, os momentos que necessitaram registrar práticas das suas aulas nas cadeiras de Ciências Físicas, Químicas e Naturais