18 research outputs found

    Radionuclides and heavy metals in soil, vegetables, and medicinal plants in suburban areas of the cities of Belgrade and Pancevo, Serbia

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    The content of radionuclides (K-40 , U-238 , Ra-226 , Th-232, and Cs-137) and heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, and Pb) was determined in samples of soil, vegetables and medicinal plants collected in the period 2007-2017, from two suburban areas of Belgrade - the municipalities of Palilula and Surcin, and Pancevo - the Dr Josif Pancic Institute for the Study of Medicinal Herbs. During the research period, activity concentration of Cs-137 in soil decreased from 16 Bqkg(-1) to 3.9 Bqkg(-1) (Palilula, Belgrade) and from 18 Bqkg(-1) to 12 Bqkg(-1) (Surcin, Belgrade). Mean activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in the soil were higher than the global average. lkend for heavy metal levels, according to the average concentrations found in the soil, were as follows: Cu >Pb >As >Cd for Palilula, Pb >Cu >As >Cd for Surcin and Dr Josif Pancic Institute, Pancevo. The obtained results indicate that the industrial pollution has no impact on food production in the study area and that the main anthropogenic source of radionuclides and heavy metals in soil are mineral phosphorous fertilizers, often used in agricultural fields

    Determination of the activity concentration of 137Cs and 40K in blueberry-based products consumed in Serbia

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    The aim of the study is the investigation of the activity concentration of 137Cs and 40K in blueberry-based products that are available on the market in the Republic of Serbia. Samples were bought in stores during September 2017 and in total, ten packaged juices, two jams, two sweets and a fresh wild blueberry were measured. The activity concentrations of 137Cs in blueberry-based juices, jams and sweets varied from <MDA to 4.1 Bq/kg, <MDA to 21 Bq/kg and 0.6 Bq/kg to 28 Bq/kg, respectively. The average activity concentration of 137Cs in fresh wild blueberry was 4.1 Bq/kg. In Serbia, the recommended activity concentration of 137Cs in juices and sweets is 15 Bq/kg and 150 Bq/kg in fresh blueberries. The tested samples of juices, jams, fresh wild blueberry and one of the sweets meet the set criteria for 137Cs while one sweets sample exceeds the limit. The activity concentrations of 40K in juices, jams and sweets varied from 3.5 to 55 Bq/kg, 13.9 to 19.2 Bq/kg and 17.2 to 227 Bq/kg, respectively. The average activity concentration of 40K in fresh wild blueberry was 32 Bq/kg. With the obtained result the annual effective dose equivalent due to ingestion of blueberry-based products for adults was calculated, and for 137Cs in blueberry-based juices, jams, sweets and fresh wild blueberry varied from 0.2 to 2.5 Sv, 2.8 Sv, 0.4 to 17.0 Sv and 2.5 Sv, respectively. The annual effective dose equivalent for 40K in blueberry-based juices, jams, sweets and fresh wild blueberry varied from 1.0 to 16.0 Sv, 1.2 Sv, 5.0 to 66.0 Sv, and 9.3 Sv, respectively. © 2019 RAD Association. All rights reserved.Conference of 6th International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, RAD 2018 ; Conference Date: 18 June 2018 Through 22 June 2018; Conference Code:14955

    Radioactivity in the environment and food chain at mt. Maljen, Serbia

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    This paper provides activity concentrations of40K,238U,226Ra,232Th, and137Cs in samples of cultivated soil, hay, cow milk, cheese, mushrooms, and mosses collected at Mt. Maljen, Serbia, during 2018 and 2019. The average contents of40K (435 ± 33 Bq/kg),238U (42 ± 5 Bq/kg),226Ra (42 ± 4 Bq/kg) and232Th (47 ± 4 Bq/kg) in the soil are slightly higher than the global means. Radiation hazard index is less than one.137Cs is detected in soil (3.1 – 111 Bq/kg), hay (4.6 – 9.4 Bq/kg), cow milk (2.0 ± 0.2 Bq/kg), cheese (1.7 ± 0.2 Bq/kg), mushrooms (26 ± 2 Bq/kg), and mosses (21 ± 2 Bq/kg). Investigated dairy products are safe for consumption

    Radioactivity in monocalcium phosphate and complete feed mixtures for pigs

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    Mineral additives, such as monocalcium phosphate, that are commonly used on pig farms, are obtained by processing phosphate mineral ore, and can contain high levels of 238U. Since ingestion is the main route of radioactive contamination of both animals and humans, the goal of this paper is to measure specific activity of natural and artificial radionuclides in monocalcium phosphate and complete feed mixtures for pigs. Mineral additives with high levels of natural radionuclides can contaminate complete feed mixtures making them unsuitable for use. Samples were collected from three different farms, and in total fifteen samples of monocalcium and forty five samples of complete feed mixture were measured. Samples of monocalcium phosphate show the 238U activity concentration of 13.2-2097Bq/kg. Other naturally occurring radionuclides are measured in monocalcium and the results give: 21.4-25.5 Bq/kg for 40K, 1.5 -12.1 Bq/kg for226Ra, 1.5-2.9 Bq/kg for 232Th, and 1.5-10.8 Bq/kg for 214Bi. These radionuclides are further measured in complete feed mixtures and only one sample shows elevated concentrations of 238U (3.1 Bq/kg) and 226Ra (3.5 Bq/kg). Potassium-40 is detected in all samples, with the specific activity range 208-329 Bq/kg, while other naturally occurring radionuclides and artificial radioceasium are below the detection limits

    Радиоцезијум у животној средини планинских региона на територији Републике Србије

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    Tokom 1987–2013. godine vršena su ispitivanja na planinama Kopaonik, Tara, Maljen i Zlatibor, sa ciljem da se utvrdi sadržaj 137Cs u ovim područjima i njegova migracija kroz lanac ishrane. Specifična aktivnost 137Cs u zemlji, travi, senu, mleku, mlečnim proizvodima, mesu i biljnim čajevima određena je standardnom metodom spektrometrije gama zračenja na poluprovodničkim detektorima. Rezultati pokazuju da je černobiljski radiocezijum i dalje prisutan u životnoj sredini. U svim karikama lanca ishrane: zemljište – biljke – proizvodi životinjskog porekla, tokom 2000–2007. godine na Tari i Maljenu, detektovan je radiocezijum, a najviši stepen kontaminacije nađen je u uzorcima sa područja Maljena. Međutim, u uzorcima sa Kopaonika koji su prikupljeni 2013. godine, radiocezijum nije detektovan u mleku, siru niti u mesu. Razlike u nivou kontaminacije zemljišta na ispitivanim lokacijama posledica su razlika u količini padavina posle černobiljskog akcidenta, nadmorske visine, karakteristika reljefa, sastava zemljišta i vrste biljaka. Najviša specifična aktivnost 137Cs u lekovitom bilju sakupljenom tokom 2011–2012. godine u planinskim područjima, izmerena je u vrsti V. myrtillusTo investigate content of 137Cs and its migration through the food chain in mountainous regions in Serbia, environmental samples were collected over 1987–2013. Specific activity of 137Cs in samples of the soil, grass, hay, milk, dairy products, meat and herbal tea plants was determined by standard gamma spectroscopy on semiconductor detectors. Samples from the mountains of Kopaonik, Tara, Maljen and Zlatibor were analysed. The results imply that the Chernobyl radioceasium is still present in the environment. Radioceasium was detected in all parts of the food chain, from the soil, through plants to animal products, in Tara and Maljen over 2000–2007. A higher level of contamination was found in the samples from Maljen. However, 137Cs was not detected in the milk, cheese and meat samples that were collected from Kopaonik during 2013. Differences in the soil contamination noted across the investigated locations are a result of a number of factors, including the amount of precipitation after the Chernobyl nuclear accident, altitude, type of relief, soil and plants. The highest 137Cs specific activity in herbal tea plants that were collected over 2011–2012, is measured in V. mirtillus.Article is part of: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8230

    Радиоцезијум у животној средини планинских региона на територији Републике Србије

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    Tokom 1987–2013. godine vršena su ispitivanja na planinama Kopaonik, Tara, Maljen i Zlatibor, sa ciljem da se utvrdi sadržaj 137Cs u ovim područjima i njegova migracija kroz lanac ishrane. Specifična aktivnost 137Cs u zemlji, travi, senu, mleku, mlečnim proizvodima, mesu i biljnim čajevima određena je standardnom metodom spektrometrije gama zračenja na poluprovodničkim detektorima. Rezultati pokazuju da je černobiljski radiocezijum i dalje prisutan u životnoj sredini. U svim karikama lanca ishrane: zemljište – biljke – proizvodi životinjskog porekla, tokom 2000–2007. godine na Tari i Maljenu, detektovan je radiocezijum, a najviši stepen kontaminacije nađen je u uzorcima sa područja Maljena. Međutim, u uzorcima sa Kopaonika koji su prikupljeni 2013. godine, radiocezijum nije detektovan u mleku, siru niti u mesu. Razlike u nivou kontaminacije zemljišta na ispitivanim lokacijama posledica su razlika u količini padavina posle černobiljskog akcidenta, nadmorske visine, karakteristika reljefa, sastava zemljišta i vrste biljaka. Najviša specifična aktivnost 137Cs u lekovitom bilju sakupljenom tokom 2011–2012. godine u planinskim područjima, izmerena je u vrsti V. myrtillusTo investigate content of 137Cs and its migration through the food chain in mountainous regions in Serbia, environmental samples were collected over 1987–2013. Specific activity of 137Cs in samples of the soil, grass, hay, milk, dairy products, meat and herbal tea plants was determined by standard gamma spectroscopy on semiconductor detectors. Samples from the mountains of Kopaonik, Tara, Maljen and Zlatibor were analysed. The results imply that the Chernobyl radioceasium is still present in the environment. Radioceasium was detected in all parts of the food chain, from the soil, through plants to animal products, in Tara and Maljen over 2000–2007. A higher level of contamination was found in the samples from Maljen. However, 137Cs was not detected in the milk, cheese and meat samples that were collected from Kopaonik during 2013. Differences in the soil contamination noted across the investigated locations are a result of a number of factors, including the amount of precipitation after the Chernobyl nuclear accident, altitude, type of relief, soil and plants. The highest 137Cs specific activity in herbal tea plants that were collected over 2011–2012, is measured in V. mirtillus.Article is part of: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8230

    Radionuclides in the food chain at the Grocka municipality

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    U cilju procene uticaja deponije komunalnog otpada na životnu sredinu i lanac ishrane, gamaspektrometrijskom analizom ispitani su uzorci zemljišta, vode, kao i proizvodi biljnog i životinjskog porekla. Uzorci su prikupljeni tokom 2016. godine na području prigradske Opštine Grocka, u naselju Vinča. Rezultati pokazuju da je sadržaj prirodnih radionuklida na nivou karakterističnom za ispitivane vrste uzoraka. Proizvedeni radionuklid 137Cs detektovan je u zemljištu (7,1–41,1) Bq/kg, ali nije uključen u lanac ishrane. Svi uzorci hrane biljnog i životinjskog porekla su radijaciono higijenski bezbedni za ljudsku ishranu.To estimate an influence of amunicipal waste landfill on the environment and food chain, gamma spectrometric analysis of the various environmental samples is conducted. The samples were collected in the village of Vinča, Grocka municipality, Belgrade, Serbia, during 2016, and included the following: soil at a depth of 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm; water samples from wells and the Danube river; fruit samples of apples, pears, peaches and apricots; vegetable samples of onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbages and corn; products of animal origin used in human diet–eggs, goat milk, goat cheese, pork, pork liver and chicken meat. A content of 40K, 238U, 235U, 226Ra, 214Bi, 232Th, and 137Cs in the samples is investigated. The results show concentrations of the natural radionuclides within the reported ranges for Serbia. The artificial 137Cs is detected in the soil (7.1–41.1 Bq/kg), but not in any of the other samples from the food chain. Therefore, our results imply that the products of plant and animal origin produced in the vicinity of the landfill are radiologically safe for human consumption

    Radionuclides in the food chain at the Grocka municipality

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    U cilju procene uticaja deponije komunalnog otpada na životnu sredinu i lanac ishrane, gamaspektrometrijskom analizom ispitani su uzorci zemljišta, vode, kao i proizvodi biljnog i životinjskog porekla. Uzorci su prikupljeni tokom 2016. godine na području prigradske Opštine Grocka, u naselju Vinča. Rezultati pokazuju da je sadržaj prirodnih radionuklida na nivou karakterističnom za ispitivane vrste uzoraka. Proizvedeni radionuklid 137Cs detektovan je u zemljištu (7,1–41,1) Bq/kg, ali nije uključen u lanac ishrane. Svi uzorci hrane biljnog i životinjskog porekla su radijaciono higijenski bezbedni za ljudsku ishranu.To estimate an influence of amunicipal waste landfill on the environment and food chain, gamma spectrometric analysis of the various environmental samples is conducted. The samples were collected in the village of Vinča, Grocka municipality, Belgrade, Serbia, during 2016, and included the following: soil at a depth of 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm; water samples from wells and the Danube river; fruit samples of apples, pears, peaches and apricots; vegetable samples of onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbages and corn; products of animal origin used in human diet–eggs, goat milk, goat cheese, pork, pork liver and chicken meat. A content of 40K, 238U, 235U, 226Ra, 214Bi, 232Th, and 137Cs in the samples is investigated. The results show concentrations of the natural radionuclides within the reported ranges for Serbia. The artificial 137Cs is detected in the soil (7.1–41.1 Bq/kg), but not in any of the other samples from the food chain. Therefore, our results imply that the products of plant and animal origin produced in the vicinity of the landfill are radiologically safe for human consumption

    Radioecology and population exposure to ionizing radiation - the first 55 years

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    U ovom radu dat je pregled radova prezentovanih u oblasti Radioekologije i izlaganja stanovništva na skupovima Društva za zaštitu od zračenja, počev od I jugoslovenskog simpozijuma o radiološkoj zaštiti u Portoroţu 1963. godine i zaključno sa XXIX Simpozijumom Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore odrţanom na Srebrnom jezeru 2017. godine. U radu je dat pregled aktuelnih tema, osvrt na razvoj metoda i tehnika merenja, kao i opšti trendovi razvoja i diferenciranja oblasti radioekologije uslovljenih dogaĎanjima u obuhvaćenom vremenskom periodu.This paper gives an overview of the papers in the field of radioecology and population exposure to ionizing radiation presented at the Radiation Protection Association symposia starting with the 1stYugoslav Radiation Protection Association symposium held in Portoroţ in 1963 and concluding with the 29thsymposium of the Society for Radiation Protection of Serbia and Montenegro held at Srebrno jezero in 2017. An overview of current topics, methods andmeasurement techniques development review, as well as general trends in the development and differentiation of the radioecology field due to different events in the covered period are presented.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681

    AFCF and clinoptilolite use in reduction of Cs-137 deposition in several days' contaminated broiler chicks

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the binding efficiency of AFCF and clinoptilolite, mixed to the feed and administered orally using gastric tube to chronically Cs-137 alimentary contaminated broiler chicks. Seventy-five male Hybro broiler chicks, between 35 and 47 days of age were divided into five groups (15 birds per group) reared in cages (five birds in a cage) and fed a standard diet. Every day during 13 days of the experimental period all chicks received orally 1 ml CsCl water solution with activity of 13 10 Bq ml(-1) Cs-137 (gastric tube). Group I was the control group and received no binders. The experimental groups received the binders. Group 2 received 0.2 g of AFCF in the form of water solution (gastric tube); group 3 received 0.2% AFCF in the feed; group 4 received 2 g clinoptilolite in the form of water suspension (gastric tube) and group 5 received 2% clinoptilolite in the feed. Five chicks from each group were sacrificed on days 4, 10 and 13 of the experimental period. Using gamma spectrometric methods specific activity of Cs-137 was determined in the samples of breast meat, liver and gizzard. The results obtained showed that administering binders to the chronically contaminated broiler chicks significantly (p < 0.01) reduced Cs-137 transfer and deposition in breast meat, liver and gizzard. Decreasing deposition of Cs-137 in breast meat and internal organs increased with time of contamination and binders administration. With AFCF as a cesium binder, on day 13 of measuring the Cs-137 activity in breast meat was 80-83% lower than that in the control group, 89% in liver and 83-84% in gizzard. Natural clinoptilolite activity in breast meat tilolite demonstrated lower binding efficiency. On day 13 of measuring the 137 was 53-69% lower than that in the control group, 67-60% in liver and 59-71% in gizzard