7 research outputs found

    Obsah živín a profil mastných kyselín v rôznych druhoch olejnín

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    The aim of this study was to determine nutrients content of 4 oilseeds (sunflower, soybean, flaxseed and rapessed) and fatty acid profile of oils obtained from the seeds. Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), nitrogen free extract (NFE) and fat content of the seeds were determined by standard laboratory methods and procedures. Significant (P<0.05) differences in composition of all the analyzed seeds were found. Fatty acid profile analysis was performed using the Agilent 6890 A GC machine. The analyzed oils mainly composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), with the exception of rapeseed oil which primarily contained monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). Flaxseed oil has significantly (P<0.05) proven to be the richest in PUFA content (76.46%), but on the other hand it contained the least amount of MUFA (13.47%). The saturated fatty acid (SFA) content, except for soybean oil, was below 10%. The most optimal ratio between n-6 and n-3 unsaturated fatty acids (USFA) was found in rapeseed oil (2.22:1). From the fatty acid profile of analyzed oils significant (P<0.05) differences in the content of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidic, eicosenoic, behenic and lignoceric acids were detected.Cieľom práce bolo analyzovať obsah živín rôznych semien olejnín (slnečnicových, sójových, ľanových a repkových) a profil mastných kyselín rastlinných olejov získaných z týchto semien. Analýza obsahu sledovaných živín v semenách olejnín (sušina, dusíkaté látky, bezdusíkaté látky výťažkové a tuk) bola vykonaná prostredníctvom štandardných laboratórnych metód a postupov. Zistili sa preukazné (P<0.05) rozdiely v zložení všetkých analyzovaných semien. Analýza profilu mastných kyselín bola vykonaná pomocou zariadenia Agilent 6890 A GC. Analyzované oleje pozostávali hlavne z polynenasýtených mastných kyselín (PUFA), s výnimkou repkového oleja, ktorý obsahoval najmä mononenasýtené mastné kyseliny (MUFA). Ľanový olej bol preukazne (P<0.05) najbohatší na obsah PUFA (76.46%), ale na druhej strane obsahoval najmenšie množstvo MUFA (13.47%). Obsah nasýtených mastných kyselín (SFA), s výnimkou sójového oleja, bol nižší ako 10%. Najoptimálnejší pomer medzi n-6 a n-3 nenasýtenými mastnými kyselinami (USFA) sa zistil v repkovom oleji (2.22:1). V profile mastných kyselín analyzovaných olejov sa zistili preukazné (P<0,05) rozdiely v obsahu kyseliny palmitovej, steárovej, olejovej, linolovej, arachidónovej, eikosaénovej, behénovej a lignocerovej

    Vliv probiotických krmných doplňků na funkční stav bachoru

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    The aim of this study was to determine how the administration of probiotic feed supplements affects selected parameters rumen environment of cattle, how it impresses the basic chemical and biological processes in the rumen, and also to check their influence on the total digestibility of feed in the cannulated cattle. For the experiment two adult cows of Aberdeen Angus breed with implanted permanent cannula were used, whom probiotics Bifidobacterium sp. were administered daily and subsequently the degradability of the organic matter was determined by the in sacco method. From the samples of rumen fluid, the amount of ammonia, volatile fatty acids, ciliates and pH were analyzed. The impact of probiotics has not been demonstrated in testing the influence of probiotics on the different variables with fixed effect of an individual. When testing the influence of probiotics without the effect of an individual, in the linear model, obtained data of acetic and butyric acid were the best. In their dependence, numbers of protozoa were increasing. However, only two experiment individuals were tested, a strong effect of the individual was found. These results indicate that the effect of probiotics Bifidobacterium sp. on the functional state of the rumen is low.Cílem této studie bylo zjistit, jak podávání probiotických krmných doplňků ovlivňuje vybrané parametry bachorového prostředí, jak působí na základní chemické a biologické procesy v bachoru, a také jejich vliv na celkovou stravitelnost krmiva kanylovaných krav. V pokusu byly použity dvě dospělé krávy plemene Aberdeen-angus se zavedenou permanentní kanylou, kterým byla denně podávána probiotika Bifidobacterium sp. a následně stanovena degradovatelnost organické hmoty metodou in sacco. Z odebraných vzorku bachorové tekutiny bylo analyzováno množství amoniaku, těkavé mastné kyseliny, nálevníci a pH. Při testování vlivu probiotik na jednotlivé proměnné, s pevným efektem jedince nebyl vliv probiotik prokázán. Při testování bez efektu jedince vyšla v lineárním modelu nejlépe popisujícím má data kyselina octová a máselná. V jejich závislosti se zvyšovaly počty protozoí. Jelikož byli použiti pouze dva pokusní jedinci, je zde silný efekt jedince. Z těchto výsledků vyplývá, že vliv probiotik Bifidobacterium sp. na funkční stav bachoru je nízký. Tyto výsledky mohly být ovlivněny nízkým počtem replikací aplikace probiotik a také nízkým počtem zvířat

    The influence of addition of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis on the fermentation quality of silages from permanent grassland

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    Cieľom experimentu bolo zistiť vplyv prídavku Lactobacillus plantarum a Lactobacillus brevis na kvalitu fermentačného procesu siláží z trvalých trávnych porastov po 12 mesiacoch uskladnenia v silážnych vakoch. Vo fytomase trvalého trávneho porastu predstavoval podiel tráv 86% (s prevahou Arrhenatherum elatius), bylín 13% a ďatelinovín (1%). Experiment pozostával z dvoch variantov: variant C (kontrola - bez aditíva) a variant A s prídavkom biologického aditíva. V pokusnom variante A sa aplikoval biologický prípravok (Lactobacillus plantarum a Lactobacillus brevis 2*105 KTJ (kolónií tvoriacich jednotky)*g-1) na uvädnutú trávnu hmotu v dávke 1 liter na tonu. Silážovaná hmota sa pomocou lisu uskladnila do silážnych vakov s priemerom 2,7 m (jeden vak s hmotou bez aditíva - variant C a druhý vak s prídavkom aditíva -variant A). Po 12 mesiacoch uskladnenia sa odobrali priemerné vzorky siláží pre stanovenie parametrov fermentačného procesu. Aplikácia mikrobiálneho aditíva na báze homo a heterofermentatívnych baktérií mliečneho kvasenia (Lactobacillus plantarum a Lactobacillus brevis) ovplyvnila kvalitu siláží z trvalých trávnych porastov po 12 mesiacoch uskladnenia štatisticky preukazne nižším obsahom kyseliny octovej, maslovej, alkoholov, stupňom proteolýzy a nižšou hodnotou pH. Výsledky potvrdili, že prídavok Lactobacillus plantarum a Lactobacillus brevis pozitívne ovplyvnil kvalitu fermentačného procesu siláží z trvalých trávnych porastov.The aim of the experiment was to determine the influence of the addition of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis on the quality of the fermentation process of silage from the permanent grassland after 12 months of storage in silage bags. In the phytomas of the permanent grassland the proportion of grass was 86% (with the prevalence of Arrhenatherum elatius), herbs 13% and leguminous 1%. The experiment consisted of two variants: variant C (control-without additive) and variant A with the addition of additive. In experimental variant A, biological additive consisting of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis 2*105 CFU (colony forming units)*g-1 was applied on wilted grass matter at a rate of 1 liter per ton. The silage matter was stored with a press in silo bags with a diameter of 2.7 m (first bag without additive - variant C and second bag with additive - variant A). After 12 months of storage, average samples of silages were taken to determine the parameters of fermentation process. Application of biological additive based on homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis) influenced the quality of the silages from permanent grassland after 12 months of storage with statistically lower acetic and butyric acid content, alcohols, degree of proteolysis and lower pH value. The results confirmed, that the addition Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis had positive influence on the quality of the fermentation process of silage from the permanent grassland

    The influence of addition of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis on the fermentation quality of silages from permanent grassland

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    Cieľom experimentu bolo zistiť vplyv prídavku Lactobacillus plantarum a Lactobacillus brevis na kvalitu fermentačného procesu siláží z trvalých trávnych porastov po 12 mesiacoch uskladnenia v silážnych vakoch. Vo fytomase trvalého trávneho porastu predstavoval podiel tráv 86% (s prevahou Arrhenatherum elatius), bylín 13% a ďatelinovín (1%). Experiment pozostával z dvoch variantov: variant C (kontrola - bez aditíva) a variant A s prídavkom biologického aditíva. V pokusnom variante A sa aplikoval biologický prípravok (Lactobacillus plantarum a Lactobacillus brevis 2*105 KTJ (kolónií tvoriacich jednotky)*g-1) na uvädnutú trávnu hmotu v dávke 1 liter na tonu. Silážovaná hmota sa pomocou lisu uskladnila do silážnych vakov s priemerom 2,7 m (jeden vak s hmotou bez aditíva - variant C a druhý vak s prídavkom aditíva -variant A). Po 12 mesiacoch uskladnenia sa odobrali priemerné vzorky siláží pre stanovenie parametrov fermentačného procesu. Aplikácia mikrobiálneho aditíva na báze homo a heterofermentatívnych baktérií mliečneho kvasenia (Lactobacillus plantarum a Lactobacillus brevis) ovplyvnila kvalitu siláží z trvalých trávnych porastov po 12 mesiacoch uskladnenia štatisticky preukazne nižším obsahom kyseliny octovej, maslovej, alkoholov, stupňom proteolýzy a nižšou hodnotou pH. Výsledky potvrdili, že prídavok Lactobacillus plantarum a Lactobacillus brevis pozitívne ovplyvnil kvalitu fermentačného procesu siláží z trvalých trávnych porastov.The aim of the experiment was to determine the influence of the addition of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis on the quality of the fermentation process of silage from the permanent grassland after 12 months of storage in silage bags. In the phytomas of the permanent grassland the proportion of grass was 86% (with the prevalence of Arrhenatherum elatius), herbs 13% and leguminous 1%. The experiment consisted of two variants: variant C (control-without additive) and variant A with the addition of additive. In experimental variant A, biological additive consisting of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis 2*105 CFU (colony forming units)*g-1 was applied on wilted grass matter at a rate of 1 liter per ton. The silage matter was stored with a press in silo bags with a diameter of 2.7 m (first bag without additive - variant C and second bag with additive - variant A). After 12 months of storage, average samples of silages were taken to determine the parameters of fermentation process. Application of biological additive based on homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis) influenced the quality of the silages from permanent grassland after 12 months of storage with statistically lower acetic and butyric acid content, alcohols, degree of proteolysis and lower pH value. The results confirmed, that the addition Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis had positive influence on the quality of the fermentation process of silage from the permanent grassland

    Dose-Dependent Impact of Bee Pollen Supplementation on Macroscopic and Microscopic Structure of Femoral Bone in Rats

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    Bee pollen has been successfully used as a feed additive with beneficial impacts on productive, reproductive, and immune conditions of animals. However, its effect on bone structure and bone health remains controversial. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to examine the impact of bee pollen supplementation on macroscopic and microscopic structure of a femoral bone using rats as suitable animal models. Male rats (1 month-old) were assigned into three groups: control (C group) that was fed a standard diet without bee pollen and two bee pollen supplemented groups (P1 and P2 groups) that received an experimental diet including 0.5% and 0.75% of bee pollen, respectively, for 3 months. A number of unfavorable effects of 0.75% bee pollen administration on bone weight, cortical bone thickness, calcium content, alkaline phosphatase activity, sizes of primary osteons’ vascular canals, Haversian canals and secondary osteons in the cortical bone have been recorded, whereas these bone parameters were significantly decreased in the P2 group versus the C group. On the contrary, the concentration of 0.5% did not affect any of bone features mentioned above. In conclusion, the impact of bee pollen supplementation on femoral bone structure of rats depends on the dose used