2 research outputs found

    Donor and Donation Images (DDI)

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    Organ transplantation is associated with significant physical and psychological burden for the recipients. Qualitative reports indicate that organ recipients develop donor and donation images (DDI)-conceptions of the donor and/or the organ. A deeper understanding of DDI is needed in the care of transplant recipients. To present the current state of knowledge, we searched for and identified DDI-related publications in PubMed and Scopus. Inclusion criteria were (1) studies addressing transplant recipients, and (2) English or German language. Twenty-one studies of individuals with transplanted hearts, lungs, or kidneys were included in this scoping review. Prevalence for DDI ranged from 6% to 52.3%. DDI occurs both before and after transplantation and includes ideas about the donor as well as whether and how the recipient’s personality may be altered by the transplanted organ. Some transplant recipients did indeed report personality changes following transplantation due to the adoption of assumed donor characteristics. One study showed a positive association between the presence of DDI and anxiety scores and one described a coping effect. DDI is understudied and should be systematically assessed to improve care for the vulnerable group of individuals undergoing organ transplantation. Current research gaps and future directions are discussed

    Medical students' perspectives on LGBTQI+ healthcare and education in Germany

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    The healthcare needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons are often overlooked, prompting national and international calls to include diversity-related competencies into medical students' training. However, LGBTQI+-focused healthcare education targets remain elusive, as surveys reveal considerable variability across national student populations. To generate empirical data and vocalize recommendations for medical education, we conducted the first nationwide online survey among 670 German medical students from 33 universities. Overall, most respondents reported low confidence regarding their medical training preparing them for LGBTQI+ patients, stated that LGBTQI+ themes were not covered during training, and agreed that the inclusion of such themes is urgently needed. In addition, we found gender and LGBTQI+ community member status to be key variables. Men scored lower in knowledge than women, while community members scored higher than non-community members. Similarly, community members reported higher comfort levels. Non-community men showed the highest levels of prejudice and efficacy beliefs, while at the same time had the lowest scores in contacts and the perceived importance of LGBTQI+-related teaching. Keeping subgroup differences in mind, we recommend that educational training should include LGBTQI+ healthcare aspects and address self-efficacy beliefs in future medical professionals to overcome LGBTQI+ healthcare disparities