97 research outputs found

    Apartment house in Mariánske hory

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    BRANDOVÁ, N.: Bytový dům v Mariánských Horách: Bakalářská práce. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra architektury, 2019, 50 s., Vedoucí práce: doc. Ing. arch. Jindřich Svatoš. Cílem bakalářské práce s názvem „Bytový dům v Mariánských Horách“ je zpracování projektové dokumentace pro provádění stavby podle vyhlášky 405/2017 Sb. Podkladem pro zhotovení této dokumentace pro provádění stavby předcházela architektonická studie objektu zpracována v předmětu Ateliérová tvorba I. a zhotovení dokumentace pro stavební povolení v předmětu Ateliérová tvorba Va. Hlavní myšlenkou návrhu bylo využití potenciálu dané lokality a vytvoření kvalitního prostředí pro bydlení v zeleni. Práce je rozdělena na textovou dokumentaci a výkresovou dokumentaci. Textová část obsahuje průvodní a technickou zprávu. Výkresová část je rozšířená o architektonický detail a vizualizaci.BRANDOVÁ, N. Apartment house in Mariánské Hory: Bachelor thesis. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Architecture, 2019, 50 s., Thesis supervisor: doc. Ing. arch. Jindřich Svatoš. The aim of the bachelor's thesis entitled "Apartment house in Mariánské Hory" is the elaboration of the project documentation for realization of the construction according to decree No. 405/2017 Coll. The basis for the preparation of this documentation for the realization of the construction was the preparation of the documentation for the building permit in the subject Ateliérová tvorba Va and the architectural study of the object in the subject Ateliérová tvorba I. The main idea of the proposal was to use the potential of the given locality and create a quality environment for living surrounded by greenery. The project is divided into text documentation and drawing documentation. The text part contains an accompanying and technical report. The drawing part is complemented by architectural detail and visualization.226 - Katedra architekturyvýborn


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    Synthesis and examination of special pigments prepared by reactions of condensed phosphates with bivalent metals. Application of different analytical methods to their examination. The thermal methods give the most serviceable informations concerning reaction mechanism and products

    Multifunctional center Holešovice

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    B R A N D O V Á , N .: M u l t i f u n k č n í c e n t r u m H o l e š o v i c e : V Š B - T U O s t r a v a , F a k u l t a s t a v e b n í , K a t e d r a a r c h i t e k t u r y , D i p l o m o v á p r á c e , 2 0 2 0 , V e d o u c í p r á c e : d o c . I n g . a r c h . J i n d ř i c h S v a t o šB R A N D O V Á , N .: M u l t i f u n c t i o n a l c e n t e r H o l e š o v i c e : V Š B - T U O s t r a v a , F a c u l t y o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g , D e p a r t m e n t o f A r c h i t e c t u r e, D i p l o m a t h e s i s , 2 0 1 9 , S u p e r v i s o r : d o c . I n g . a r c h . J i n d ř i c h S v a t o š226 - Katedra architekturyvýborn

    Muzeum Zdeňka Sýkory v Lounech

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je návrh Muzea Zdeňka Sýkory, významné umělecké osobnosti Loun, která doposud nemá svou vlastní instituci. Řešenou parcelou je proluka v ulici Hilbertova, která sousedí se synagogou a obchodem. Ze severní strany parcelu uzavírají městské hradby. Z tohoto místa je výhled na České Středohoří, ke kterému měl Sýkora blízký vztah a bylo mu to zdrojem inspirace.The subject of the bachelor project is design of Zdenek Sykora museum, very important person of city Louny who does not have his own institution yet. The parcel is a gap site in Hilbertova street, next to a synagogue and a shop. From the north side the parcel is closed by city walls. There is a view to Ceske Stredohori, Zdenek Sykora had very close relationship to it and it was a source of inspirations

    Analysis of the unconventional cutting method in practice

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    katedra: KKV; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 50s., 18 s. přílohÚvodní část práce poskytuje široký přehled technologií využívaných pro oddělování textilních materiálů. Zabývá se jak konvenčními, tak nekonvenčními způsoby oddělování, včetně výhod a nevýhod jejich využití v praxi. Zaměřuje se především na oddělování pomocí laserového paprsku, protože tento způsob dělení materiálu, vzhledem ke své kvalitě, nachází v praxi stále častější využití. Ústřední část práce je zaměřená na výrobce laserových zařízení pro oddělování textilních materiálů, a také na jejich konečné uživatele. U výrobců těchto zařízení poskytuje přehled o typech vyráběných zařízení, jejich parametrech a využití pro textilní průmysl. U firem, které zařízení využívají, je pak provedena analýza zaměřená na kvalitu prováděných operací a jejich efektivitu z hlediska ekonomického. Závěrečná část práce podrobně analyzuje a srovnává oddělovací proces využívající konveční způsob oddělování materiálu s oddělováním pomocí laserového zařízení. Tato část vyhodnocuje provozní náklady při použití jednotlivých způsobů dělení s cílem poukázat na nesporné výhody využívání nových technologií v praxi.The introductory part of this thesis offers wide scale of technologies used for cutting textiles. It deals with conventional as well as unconventional cutting methods including advantages and disadvantages of their applications. The thesis focuses on cutting with laser rays because this method is getting more and more popular for its high quality. The main part of the thesis focuses on textiles cutting laser manufacturers and their customers. With the manufacturers, it offers an outline of the types of manufactured device, their variables and usage for the textile industry. With the companies using this technology an analysis focusing on quality and economical effectivity is made. The conclusion of the thesis compares cutting methods using conventional way of cutting to the laser method. It assesses running costs using the two methods and points out advantages of using the new technologies in practice

    Further teachers' education in the ICT field: evaluation of a course using Kirkpatrick's framework

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    Centrum školského managementuFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Revised Quaternary glacial succession and post-LGM recession, southern Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA

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    We present here a more complete cosmogenic chronology of Pleistocene glacial deposits for the Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA. Fifty-one new and thirty-nine re-calculated 10Be and 26Al exposure ages from Sinks and North Fork canyons, Stough Basin, Cirque of the Towers and the Temple Lake valley allow us to more tightly constrain the timing and sequence of glacial alloformations in the southern portion of the range. Moraines, diamicts and bedrock exposures here have previously been correlated with as many as five Pleistocene and four Holocene glacial events. Exposure ages from Pleistocene alloformations associated with trunk glaciers in Sinks Canyon and North Fork Canyon generally confirm earlier age estimates. Cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN, 10Be and 26Al) ages from moraines and striated bedrock surfaces previously mapped as Pinedale correspond to MIS2, while boulder exposure ages from moraines mapped as Bull Lake correspond generally to MIS5-MIS6. Geomorphic data from a moraine previously mapped as Younger pre-Sacagawea Ridge appears to correspond most closely to the Sacagawea Ridge glacial episode (MIS-16), but the uncertainty of a single 10Be exposure age suggests the unit could be as young as MIS-10 or as old as MIS-18. Boulders from a diamict on Table Mountain previously reported as Older pre-Sacagawea Ridge yield two 10Be exposure ages that suggest the presence of Early Pleistocene glacial activity here possibly older than 1–2 Ma (>MIS-30). Bedrock exposure ages within Sinks Canyon suggest the Pinedale valley glacier had retreated from the floor of Sinks Canyon to above PopoAgie Falls by ca. 15.3 ka. Cirque glaciers in Stough Basin appear to have retreated behind their riegels by ca. 16 ka, which suggests the cirque glaciers were decoupling across their riegels from the valley glaciers below at this time, prior to their readvance to form Lateglacial moraines. New 10Be boulder exposure ages from moraines previously correlated to the Temple Lake and Alice Lake allostratigraphic units in the cirques of Stough Basin and Cirque of the Towers show general equivalence to the stadial event just prior to the onset of the Bølling interstadial (17.5–14.7 ka) and to the Intra-Allerød Cold Period-Younger Dryas stadial phase (13.9–11.7 ka), respectively. From this evidence, the Temple Lake Alloformation of the Wind River Mountains now should correspond to the INTIMATE GS-2.1a (Oldest Dryas) stadial event while the Alice Lake Alloformation should correspond to the INTIMATE GS-2 stadial (IACP-Younger Dryas). Thus, we consider that evidence no longer exists for early-to mid-Holocene glacial events in the southern Wind River Range

    Revised Quaternary glacial succession and post-LGM recession, southern Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA

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    We present here a more complete cosmogenic chronology of Pleistocene glacial deposits for the Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA. Fifty-one new and thirty-nine re-calculated 10Be and 26Al exposure ages from Sinks and North Fork canyons, Stough Basin, Cirque of the Towers and the Temple Lake valley allow us to more tightly constrain the timing and sequence of glacial alloformations in the southern portion of the range. Moraines, diamicts and bedrock exposures here have previously been correlated with as many as five Pleistocene and four Holocene glacial events. Exposure ages from Pleistocene alloformations associated with trunk glaciers in Sinks Canyon and North Fork Canyon generally confirm earlier age estimates. Cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN, 10Be and 26Al) ages from moraines and striated bedrock surfaces previously mapped as Pinedale correspond to MIS2, while boulder exposure ages from moraines mapped as Bull Lake correspond generally to MIS5-MIS6. Geomorphic data from a moraine previously mapped as Younger pre-Sacagawea Ridge appears to correspond most closely to the Sacagawea Ridge glacial episode (MIS-16), but the uncertainty of a single 10Be exposure age suggests the unit could be as young as MIS-10 or as old as MIS-18. Boulders from a diamict on Table Mountain previously reported as Older pre-Sacagawea Ridge yield two 10Be exposure ages that suggest the presence of Early Pleistocene glacial activity here possibly older than 1–2 Ma (>MIS-30). Bedrock exposure ages within Sinks Canyon suggest the Pinedale valley glacier had retreated from the floor of Sinks Canyon to above PopoAgie Falls by ca. 15.3 ka. Cirque glaciers in Stough Basin appear to have retreated behind their riegels by ca. 16 ka, which suggests the cirque glaciers were decoupling across their riegels from the valley glaciers below at this time, prior to their readvance to form Lateglacial moraines. New 10Be boulder exposure ages from moraines previously correlated to the Temple Lake and Alice Lake allostratigraphic units in the cirques of Stough Basin and Cirque of the Towers show general equivalence to the stadial event just prior to the onset of the Bølling interstadial (17.5–14.7 ka) and to the Intra-Allerød Cold Period-Younger Dryas stadial phase (13.9–11.7 ka), respectively. From this evidence, the Temple Lake Alloformation of the Wind River Mountains now should correspond to the INTIMATE GS-2.1a (Oldest Dryas) stadial event while the Alice Lake Alloformation should correspond to the INTIMATE GS-2 stadial (IACP-Younger Dryas). Thus, we consider that evidence no longer exists for early-to mid-Holocene glacial events in the southern Wind River Range

    Assessing sustainable practices and managerial approaches in the hotel industry: A comparative case study

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    PURPOSE: The study is comparative, comparing sustainable practices and approaches in two hotels to better understand different management approaches. The study’s design provides valuable insights into the topic of sustainability practices in the hotel industry, and the results are analyzed and discussed in the context of existing academic knowledge on the issue. METHODOLOGY: The goal of the selection process was to find information-rich cases. After conducting initial online research, two four-star hotels in the same regional capital city in the Czech Republic were intentionally chosen. These hotels are direct competitors and have very similar target customers. To collect data, the authors conducted two separate semi-structured, in-depth interviews with the CEOs of both hotels, as well as observations in both establishments and additional interviews with staff. The interview protocol, which is innovative and newly assembled, was added to ensure the case study’s reliability and enable future comparisons. A comprehensive criterion table methodically presents the research outcomes. FINDINGS: Besides the list of sustainability practices applied in the hotels under study, the authors described two distinct management approaches. The first approach takes a broad perspective, considering all aspects of sustainability and incorporating it as a fundamental part of the company’s vision. In contrast, the second approach focuses narrowly on cost savings and profit generation. The form of business is the critical factor responsible for the difference in managerial approach. Interestingly, the study suggested that hotels belonging to large chains (and stock companies) may be more compelled to adopt sustainability practices and may have more established sustainability programs than independent hotels. IMPLICATIONS: In light of previous literature, the findings of this case study provide valuable theoretical contributions to managerial approaches to sustainability programmes, sustainability reporting, transparency, and more. Additionally, the newly assembled interview protocol is an innovative and important foundation for future research. The study also uncovers significant new barriers to the adoption of sustainability practices. From a managerial perspective, this study offers a comprehensive overview of hotels’ sustainability practices and serves as a practical list of potential sustainable practices for hotels to consider. Finally, the conclusion provides suggestions for future research that can further advance sustainable practices in the hotel industry. ORIGINALITY AND VALUE: The study’s significance stems from a thorough analysis of prior literature and conducting additional research in a new setting, providing a unique perspective on the topic of hotel sustainability within a specific area. The case study approach allowed for an in-depth examination of the selected cases, with attention to detail. The methodology and public interview protocol offer the potential for comparable studies in other regions to be conducted and compared in the future

    Mass fluxes and clay mineral formation in soils developed on slope deposits of the Kowarski Grzbiet (Karkonosze Mountains, Czech Republic/Poland)

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    Weathering, mineral formation, and transformation processes along slopes are complex. In cool mountainous regions, undisturbed soil development with a strong vertical leaching element may abruptly change as a result of erosion, accumulation, lateral water fluxes and aeolian input. We investigated soils in the eastern Karkonosze Mountains that have developed on silicatic slope deposits. To date, illite, vermiculite and chlorite are the minerals that have been detected in the clay fraction. Although the climate and parent material should be favourable for the formation of smectites, expandable phases were not verified so far. We investigated if expandable phases could be detected and how they related to elemental fluxes along a short slope sequence (1142–1268 m a.s.l. on the border between the Czech Republic and Poland). Mass balance calculations indicated intensive mineral weathering together with a significant leaching of Mg, Al, Ca and Mn on the shoulder and foot slope positions. In the middle zone, which has a concave or undulating surface shape, however, the mass balances of several elements (Na, K, Al, P) revealed a less pronounced leaching (corresponding to a lower degree of podsolization) and in some cases even accumulation. At all sites, mass balance calculations and detected soil minerals (e.g. the increase in illite towards the surface together with an increase in Al and K) indicate some aeolian input. Kaolinite was detected in all soil horizons. Its concentration slightly increased towards the soil surface. Together with the pronounced leaching of Ca, part of kaolinite originates from plagioclase weathering. Besides being a weathering product of primary minerals, part of the kaolinite is inherited from the parent material and probably is also due to aeolian input. In all soils, illite was being transformed into vermiculite and smectites (through regularly-interstratified illite-smectite phases). In addition, the content of chloritic components which increases with depth indicated their concurrent weathering and transformation into smectites. Amphibole also may have acted as a source of smectites. Not all smectite is being actively formed in the soil. Most likely due to slope processes (cover beds) that affected even the subsoil, some smectite has been transferred along the slope. Part of the smectite also seems to derive from the parent material. Active formation of expandable clay minerals is related to convex and planar landscape forms. This relationship suggests intense element leaching, inheritance from the parent material and cover bed mixing processes have contributed to the presence of smectite. Along the slope, zones with predominant vertical transport (shoulder, foot slopes) may repeatedly be interchanged with zones dominated by lateral transport (undulating slope, concave forms)