146 research outputs found

    Competing logics in evaluating employee performance: Building compromises through conventions

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    Recent interest in institutional complexity has raised the question how organizations manage rival institutional logics. In this paper we argue that organizations can embed compromises between institutional logics in conventions that impart information how organization members should align competing logics. Using the case of performance appraisal reform in a German public sector organization, we illustrate how a convention aligns accountability and professional logic and show how the compromise between these competing logics is established over time. By introducing the concept of convention, we provide an alternative to research that studies coexistence of logics in organizations as a result of organization members with different identities

    Etablierung einer rheumatologischen Früherkennungssprechstunde unter Zuhilfenahme eines digitalen Fragebogen-Scoringsystems

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    Vor dem Hintergrund knapper rheumatologischer Ressourcen wurde eine Früherkennungssprechstunde (FS) etabliert, die Patienten mit entzündlich-rheumatischen Erkrankungen früh erkennen und einer entsprechenden Therapie zuführen soll und umgekehrt Patienten zeitsparend und sicher als nicht-entzündlich identifiziert, so dass sie keinen weiteren Sprechstundentermin benötigen. Hierzu erhielten 500 Erstvorstellungs-Patienten einen Termin innerhalb von 2-3 Wochen an drei Schwerpunktpraxen in Baden-Württemberg mit fünf teilnehmenden Rheumatologen/- innen. Sie wurden in der Praxis mit Hilfe eines digitalen Fragebogens (RhePort) befragt, anschließend kurz (3-5 Minuten) körperlich untersucht mit der Möglichkeit zur KlĂ€rung unklarer Fragebogen-Antworten, danach erfolgte eine Bestimmung rheumatologischer Basislaborwerte. Die Fragebogen-Antworten wurden mit einem in RhePort hinterlegten Algorithmus gescort (von 0=sicher nicht-entzündlich bis 4=sicher entzündlich). Ebenso wurde von den Rheumatologen nach Abschluss der FS ein Score ihrer Gesamt-EinschĂ€tzung vergeben (FS-Score 1= sicher nicht-entzündlich bis 4=sicher entzündlich). RhePort-Score und FS-Score wurden verglichen mit der „wahren“ Diagnose, die bei einer ausführlichen Zweituntersuchung nach im Mittel 10 Wochen (Range 0-47) erfolgte. Bei 490 auswertbaren Patienten (medianes Alter 51 Jahre, 70% Frauen) wurden 133 entzündlich-rheumatische (27%) und 357 nicht-entzündliche Erkrankungen (73%) diagnostiziert. Bei einem Score >1 klassifizierte die rheumatologische EinschĂ€tzung nach kombinierter digitaler Befragung, Kurzuntersuchung und Labor 130 von 133 Patienten als entzündlich (SensitivitĂ€t 98%). 261 von 357 wurden als richtigerweise nicht-entzündlich eingestuft (SpezifitĂ€t 73%). Eine Klassifikation allein auf Grund des RhePort-Fragebogens (Score >1) erkannte 103 von 129 als entzündlich (Sens. 80%) und 125 von 355 als nicht entzündlich (Spez. 35%). In der ROC-Analyse ergab sich für den RhePort-Algorithmus eine AUC von 0,62. In der HĂ€lfte der FĂ€lle mit entzündlichen Erkrankungen (69 von 133) wurde der geplante Wiedervorstellungstermin nach Beurteilung in der FS auf einen Median von 2 Wochen nach Erstvorstellung (Range 0-10) vorgezogen, um eine beschleunigte Therapieeinleitung zu ermöglichen. Somit können die zusĂ€tzliche Kurzuntersuchung und die Bestimmung von rheumatologischen Basis-Laborwerten SensitivitĂ€t und vor allem SpezifitĂ€t einer rheumatologischen Frühsprechstunde entscheidend steigern im Vergleich zu einer alleinigen „automatisierten“ Befragung mittels Fragebogen. Neben der frühen Identifikation und Behandlung von Patienten mit entzündlich-rheumatischen Erkrankungen können durch schnelle Identifikation nicht rheumatologisch behandlungsbedürftiger Patienten KapazitĂ€ten für die Versorgung geschaffen werden.Background and objectives: Regarding scarce capacities an early detection consultation (EDC) was established to discriminate patients in an outpatient setting with inflammatory from non-inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Materials and methods: 500 patients suspicious of rheumatic disease received an appointment within 2 weeks. They were interviewed with the help of a digital questionnaire (RhePort), briefly physically examined followed by a determination of CRP. The questionnaire answers were scored using an algorithm within RhePort (from 0=certainly non-inflammatory to 4=safely inflammatory). Likewise, after completion of the EDC, the rheumatologists scored their overall assessment. RhePort score and EDC score were compared with the "true" diagnosis made in a detailed second examination after an average of 10 weeks. Results: In 490 evaluable patients 133 inflammatory-rheumatic (27%) and 357 non-inflammatory diseases (73%) were diagnosed. With a score >1, the rheumatological assessment after EDC classified 130 out of 133 patients as inflammatory (sensitivity 98%) and 261 out of 357 as non-inflammatory (specificity 73%). A classification based solely on the RhePort questionnaire (score >1) identified 103 out of 129 as inflammatory (Sens. 80%) and 125 out of 355 as non-inflammatory (spec. 35%) resulting in an AUC of 0.62 after ROC analysis. Conclusion: Combined EDC can decisively increase the sensitivity and specificity compared to an "automated" survey by means of a digital questionnaire alone. In addition to the early identification and treatment of inflammatory patients, rapid identification of patients who are not in need of rheumatological treatment can create capacities for care

    Students’ Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Dairy Production: A Survey Methodology Report

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    This report presents findings from a pilot survey conducted among undergraduate and graduate students (N = 410) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln about students’ perspectives on technology usage, consumption, and sustainability in dairy production systems. An interdisciplinary research team developed the survey instrument and report. The main purpose of this pilot study was to create and administer survey items to support further research on experiential education and outreach opportunities related to robotics in small-scale dairy production and rural economic development. Descriptive findings indicated that most students had some familiarity with dairy production and the nutritional aspects of dairy products but expressed a desire to learn more. The majority of participants agreed that “The sustainability of our food system is important to me personally.” Among three statements about technology usage in dairy production, the statement “technology will improve the livelihoods of people working in agriculture” received the highest mean score, indicating that students largely agreed with this statement. Regarding animal welfare, students believed that caretakers should ensure the health of dairy cows. Many indicated that they think small dairy farms can be financially viable. Notably, most students agreed with the statement “I enjoy learning through immersive experiences (hands-on or virtual reality).” Half of the students expressed a high or moderate level of interest in agricultural-related careers, 80 percent showed a high or moderate interest in technology-related careers, and 82 percent demonstrated a high or moderate interest in careers in sustainability

    Entwicklungsdynamik von VergĂŒtungssystemen in Nonprofit-Organisationen

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    Der Erforschung von VergĂŒtungssystemen fĂŒr FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte und gehobene FachkrĂ€fte in Forprofit-Unternehmen wird in der Personalmanagementforschung hohe Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. Hingegen wurde diese Thematik bislang fĂŒr Nonprofit- Organisationen (NPO) kaum untersucht. In diesem Beitrag wird ein mit Hilfe der Grounded Theory entwickeltes Modell vorgestellt, welches drei Grundtypen von VergĂŒtungssystemen fĂŒr FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte und gehobene FachkrĂ€fte in NPOs unterscheidet und deren Entwicklungsdynamik aufzeigt. VergĂŒtungssysteme entwickeln sich demzufolge von Personen- ĂŒber Funktions- hin zu Leistungsorientierung. Der Übergang von Personen- zu Funktionsorientierung ist durch organisationales Wachstum und Ausdifferenzierung gekennzeichnet. Obwohl die Transparenz funktionenzentrierter VergĂŒtung in Verbindung mit individuellen Leistungsunterschieden in NPOs zunehmend Irritationen erzeugt, werden leistungsorientierte VergĂŒtungssysteme, wie sie in Forprofit- Unternehmen zu finden sind, in NPOs abgelehnt. Es wird diskutiert, welche Ursachen der Ablehnung zu Grunde liegen und unter welchen Bedingungen NPOs dennoch leistungsorientierte VergĂŒtungssysteme einfĂŒhren könnten.Although a considerable amount of research focuses on compensation systems for executives and specialists in for-profit organizations, this issue has tended to be neglected in the context of non-profit organizations (NPO). This paper introduces a model describing dynamics of compensation systems for executives and specialists in NPOs. The construction of the model is based on grounded theory method. We show that compensation systems in NPOs develop from person-based to function-based systems and from function-based to performance-based ones. The first change from person-based to function-based systems is characterized by organizational growth and differentiation. That followed, we find that NPOs do not implement performancebased systems even though the transparency of individual performance differences is a source of irritation in NPOs which have adopted a function-based compensation logic. Finally, we identify reasons for this non-adoption of performance-based systems and discuss the conditions under which performance-based compensation systems can be established in NPOs

    Line Managers and HRM: A Relational Approach to Paradox

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    The scholarly literature on line manager involvement in HRM increasingly acknowledges competing demands that pervade this work. This chapter introduces a relational approach to paradox that postulates that the way line managers translate competing demands is highly relevant for, and impacts on, other HRM actors’ experiences of tensions and abilities to handle them. We draw on suggestions from paradox literature that active engagement with competing demands can promote learning and focus on the role of training and supportive practices in organizations that enable the development of paradox mindsets and practical ways to handle tensions. By taking a relational approach to paradox, we model how individual responses to competing demands enable or hinder beneficial learning dynamics and promote virtuous cycles

    Basal-Forebrain Cholinergic Nuclei Alterations are Associated With Medication and Cognitive Deficits Across the Schizophrenia Spectrum

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    © The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.[Background and Hypothesis] The cholinergic system is altered in schizophrenia. Particularly, patients’ volumes of basal-forebrain cholinergic nuclei (BFCN) are lower and correlated with attentional deficits. It is unclear, however, if and how BFCN changes and their link to cognitive symptoms extend across the schizophrenia spectrum, including individuals with at-risk mental state for psychosis (ARMS) or during first psychotic episode (FEP).[Study Design] To address this question, we assessed voxel-based morphometry (VBM) of structural magnetic resonance imaging data of anterior and posterior BFCN subclusters as well as symptom ratings, including cognitive, positive, and negative symptoms, in a large multi-site dataset (n = 4) comprising 68 ARMS subjects, 98 FEP patients (27 unmedicated and 71 medicated), 140 patients with established schizophrenia (SCZ; medicated), and 169 healthy controls.[Results] In SCZ, we found lower VBM measures for the anterior BFCN, which were associated with the anticholinergic burden of medication and correlated with patients’ cognitive deficits. In contrast, we found larger VBM measures for the posterior BFCN in FEP, which were driven by unmedicated patients and correlated at-trend with cognitive deficits. We found no BFCN changes in ARMS. Altered VBM measures were not correlated with positive or negative symptoms.[Conclusions] Results demonstrate complex (posterior vs. anterior BFCN) and non-linear (larger vs. lower VBM) differences in BFCN across the schizophrenia spectrum, which are specifically associated both with medication, including its anticholinergic burden, and cognitive symptoms. Data suggest an altered trajectory of BFCN integrity in schizophrenia, influenced by medication and relevant for cognitive symptoms.M.K. acknowledges support from the National Bank Fellowship (McGill University) and the Swiss National Foundation (P2SKP3_178175). F.B. was supported by the Else Kröner Memorial Stipendium and the Hans und Klementia Langmatz Foundation. C.S. was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; 01ER0803) and the German Research Council (DFG; SO1336/7).Peer reviewe

    Star Formation History of a Young Super-Star Cluster in NGC 4038/39: Direct Detection of Low Mass Pre-Main Sequence Stars

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    We present an analysis of the near-infrared spectrum of a young massive star cluster in the overlap region of the interacting galaxies NGC 4038/39 using population synthesis models. Our goal is to model the cluster population as well as provide rough constraints on its initial mass function (IMF). The cluster shows signs of youth such as thermal radio emission and strong hydrogen emission lines in the near-infrared. Late-type absorption lines are also present which are indicative of late-type stars in the cluster. The strength and ratio of these absorption lines cannot be reproduced through either late-type pre-main sequence (PMS) stars or red supergiants alone. Thus we interpret the spectrum as a superposition of two star clusters of different ages, which is feasible since the 1" spectrum encompasses a physical region of ~90 pc and radii of super-star clusters are generally measured to be a few parsecs. One cluster is young (<= 3 Myr) and is responsible for part of the late-type absorption features, which are due to PMS stars in the cluster, and the hydrogen emission lines. The second cluster is older (6 Myr - 18 Myr) and is needed to reproduce the overall depth of the late-type absorption features in the spectrum. Both are required to accurately reproduce the near-infrared spectrum of the object. Thus we have directly detected PMS objects in an unresolved super-star cluster for the first time using a combination of population synthesis models and pre-main sequence tracks. This analysis serves as a testbed of our technique to constrain the low-mass IMF in young super-star clusters as well as an exploration of the star formation history of young UC HII regions.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
