19 research outputs found

    Rapid evolution of leaf physiology in an introduced beach daisy

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    Photosynthesis is a key biological process. However, we know little about whether plants change their photosynthetic strategy when introduced to a new range. We located the most likely source population for the South African beach daisy Arctotheca populifolia introduced to Australia in the 1930s, and ran a common-garden experiment measuring 10 physiological and morphological leaf traits associated with photosynthesis. Based on predictions from theory, and higher rainfall in the introduced range, we hypothesized that introduced plants would have a (i) higher photosynthetic rate, (ii) lower water-use efficiency (WUE) and (iii) higher nitrogen-use efficiency. However, we found that introduced A. populifolia had a lower photosynthetic rate, higher WUE and lower nitrogen-use efficiency than did plants from Arniston, South Africa. Subsequent site visits suggested that plants in Arniston may be able to access moisture on a rocky shelf, while introduced plants grow on sandy beaches where water can quickly dissipate. Our unexpected findings highlight that: (1) it is important to compare introduced species to their source population for an accurate assessment of evolutionary change; (2) rainfall is not always a suitable proxy for water availability and (3) introduced species often undergo evolutionary changes, but without detailed ecological information we may not be able to accurately predict the direction of these changes

    Rapid reshaping: The evolution of morphological changes in an introduced beach daisy

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    Thousands of species have been introduced to new ranges worldwide. These introductions provide opportunities for researchers to study evolutionary changes in form and function in response to new environmental conditions. However, almost all previous studies of morphological change in introduced species have compared introduced populations to populations from across the species' native range, so variation within native ranges probably confounds estimates of evolutionary change. In this study, we used micro-satellites to locate the source population for the beach daisy Arctotheca populifolia that had been introduced to eastern Australia. We then compared four introduced populations from Australia with their original South African source population in a common-environment experiment. Despite being separated for less than 100 years, source and introduced populations of A. populifolia display substantial heritable morphological differences. Contrary to the evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis, introduced plants were shorter than source plants, and introduced and source plants did not differ in total biomass. Contrary to predictions based on higher rainfall in the introduced range, introduced plants had smaller, thicker leaves than source plants. Finally, while source plants develop lobed adult leaves, introduced plants retain their spathulate juvenile leaf shape into adulthood. These changes indicate that rapid evolution in introduced species happens, but not always in the direction predicted by theory

    Evolution of defense and herbivory in introduced plants-Testing enemy release using a known source population, herbivore trials, and time since introduction

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    The enemy release hypothesis is often cited as a potential explanation for the success of introduced plants; yet, empirical evidence for enemy release is mixed. We aimed to quantify changes in herbivory and defense in introduced plants while controlling for three factors that might have confounded past studies: using a wide native range for comparison with the introduced range, measuring defense traits without determining whether they affect herbivore preferences, and not considering the effect of time since introduction. The first hypothesis we tested was that introduced plants will have evolved lower levels of plant defense compared to their source population. We grew South African (source) and Australian (introduced) beach daisies (Arctotheca populifolia) in a common-environment glasshouse experiment and measured seven defense traits. Introduced plants had more ash, alkaloids, and leaf hairs than source plants, but were also less tough, with a lower C:N ratio and less phenolics. Overall, we found no difference in defense between source and introduced plants. To determine whether the feeding habits of herbivores align with changes in defense traits, we conducted preference feeding trials using five different herbivore species. Herbivores showed no overall preference for leaves from either group. The second hypothesis we tested was that herbivory on introduced plant species will increase through time after introduction to a new range. We recorded leaf damage on herbarium specimens of seven species introduced to eastern Australia and three native control species. We found no change in the overall level of herbivory experienced by introduced plants since arriving in Australia.Conclusion In the field of invasion ecology, we need to rethink the paradigm that species introduced to a new range undergo simple decreases in defenses against herbivores. Instead, plants are likely to employ a range of defense traits that evolve in both coordinated and opposing ways in response to a plethora of different biotic and abiotic selective pressures

    Rural waste generation: a geographical survey at local scale

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    "The paper examines the per capita waste generation rates from from rural areas of Neamț County (Romania) using thematic cartography. Geographical approach of this issue is difficult because the lack of a geostatistic database at commune scale. Spatial analysis of waste indicators reveals several disparities between localities. Comparability of data between communes located in various geographical conditions must be carrefully made according to local waste management systems. Several dysfunctionalities are outlined in order to compare these results, on the one hand, between localities and on the one hand, between recent years. Geographical analysis of waste generation rates is imperative for a proper monitoring of this sector. Data from 2009, 2010 and 2012 shows that rural waste management is in a full process of change towards a more organized, stable and efficient system." (author's abstract

    Evolution of defense and herbivory in introduced plants—Testing enemy release using a known source population, herbivore trials, and time since introduction

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    The enemy release hypothesis is often cited as a potential explanation for the success of introduced plants; yet, empirical evidence for enemy release is mixed. We aimed to quantify changes in herbivory and defense in introduced plants while controlling for three factors that might have confounded past studies: using a wide native range for comparison with the introduced range, measuring defense traits without determining whether they affect herbivore preferences, and not considering the effect of time since introduction. The first hypothesis we tested was that introduced plants will have evolved lower levels of plant defense compared to their source population. We grew South African (source) and Australian (introduced) beach daisies (Arctotheca populifolia) in a common-environment glasshouse experiment and measured seven defense traits. Introduced plants had more ash, alkaloids, and leaf hairs than source plants, but were also less tough, with a lower C:N ratio and less phenolics. Overall, we found no difference in defense between source and introduced plants. To determine whether the feeding habits of herbivores align with changes in defense traits, we conducted preference feeding trials using five different herbivore species. Herbivores showed no overall preference for leaves from either group. The second hypothesis we tested was that herbivory on introduced plant species will increase through time after introduction to a new range. We recorded leaf damage on herbarium specimens of seven species introduced to eastern Australia and three native control species. We found no change in the overall level of herbivory experienced by introduced plants since arriving in Australia. Conclusion: In the field of invasion ecology, we need to rethink the paradigm that species introduced to a new range undergo simple decreases in defenses against herbivores. Instead, plants are likely to employ a range of defense traits that evolve in both coordinated and opposing ways in response to a plethora of different biotic and abiotic selective pressures. © 2020 The Author

    Endogenous thresholds and assurance networks in collective action

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    This article treats a multi-player Stag Hunt where each player may have a different threshold (the number of other players that need to act along with the player for benefits of collective action to arise). Players are modeled as solving the strategic-uncertainty problem of whether or not to act, by assuring each other of their willingness to act. We show that in equilibrium there may, but need not, be homophily (players with the same thresholds seek assurance from each other) or a threshold-based social hierarchy (players with high thresholds, or “conservatives,” seek assurance from players with low thresholds, or “radicals,” but not vice versa). Put otherwise, a new strategic-uncertainty problem arises, namely, the problem of who should seek assurance from whom. We propose that players solve this problem by forming core-periphery assurance networks, with a number of players equal to the largest threshold in the core, and the remaining players in the periphery