12 research outputs found

    Can the soil geology and chemistry analysis of a site predict the geographic origin of wild edible mushrooms (Porcini group)?

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    This study aimed to assess the element content of Porcini mushrooms collected from broadleaf Mediterranean forests (NW Italy) and underlying soil layers, and to elucidate the chemical connection between the mushrooms and their geographic site of origin. Comparing the elements in mushrooms with those in soil samples, we observed that the concentration of some microelements detected in mushrooms had similar distribution as that measured in both the soil layers assessed, especially with surface soil. Statistical analyses showed that the microelement pattern in mushrooms reflects the soil site of origin. Moreover, by comparing our results with other studies, we observed that the soil where Porcini grow is characterized by a high concentration of zinc. Some toxic elements were also detected in mushroom samples. Analysis of elements in mushrooms and soil layers can be used for quality assurance of natural products and help distinguish them from uncertified and unknown-origin products

    Pietre policrome nelle architetture di Genova durante il regime fascista: aspetti di documentazione e rilevamento

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    During the last decades the scientific review of architectural works gradually improved thanks toon-site and non-destructive techniques. Though the historical-critical method of direct analysis of buildings with drawing tools and representation, combined with the archive documents, remains the fundamental approach for any research in architecture, important advantages can derive from the results of chemical, mineralogical, physical, and biological analysis. The \u201ccromia\u201d topic applied to decorative and ornamental lithotypes is strongly growing up in the last times, and requires an objective and scientific approach, instead of a subjective perceprion or visual evaluation. The X-Ray Fluorescence analysis by means of portable instruments (FP EDXRF) supplies a survey based on compositional data of materials, that are the base for developing conservation protocols and restoration projects, and provides a chance for new historiographic and hermeneutics paths

    La geodiversit\ue0 dei suoli: uno strumento di valorizzazione del prodotto ligure di qualit\ue0

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    L\u2019apposizione di marchi spesso si rivela sufficiente ad una protezione efficace dei nostri prodotti di eccellenza. I marchi in prevalenza sono legati ad un\u2019area geografica e ad un disciplinare di produzione. L\u2019area geografica \ue8, in genere, riferita ad un territorio di tipo amministrativo. In questo lavoro si vuole evidenziare che, ferme restando le tecniche di produzione, oltre all\u2019appartenenza geografico-amministrativa, a un determinato territorio di una D.O.P. o ad uno dei marchi descritti, \ue8 possibile integrare con l\u2019etichetta geologica che, garantendo il prodotto in modo territorialmente radicato e scientificamente provato, riesce anche a definirne i particolari caratteri all\u2019interno della stessa D.O.P. esaltando il legame prodotto/terroir che \ue8 unico ed indissolubile

    GeodiversitĂ  e vigneti: il terroir della Liguria

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    The Liguria region (NW Italy) is characterized by a wide geodiversity, which is strictly correlated with a huge variety of landscapes. This article reports and discusses the results of a multidisciplinary research performed to investigate the relationships among the “geological fingerprint” of soils and the quality of wines, going beyond the classical quality labels, such as the DOC (Controlled Designation of Origin), the DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) and the IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) labels. We applied an innovative multidisciplinary approach (geological, geomorphological, geochemical, mineralogical, ecological and vegetational) aimed to demonstrate the close relationships between the “geological fingerprint” of an area and the organoleptic properties of agricultural products in general and wines in particular

    An integrated geophysical-geochemical approach for soil precision mapping in a Cinque Terre Vineyard (Italy)

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    The study has presented an integrated approach to viticultural soil characterization using geophysical and geochemical methods. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the presence of geophysical and geochemical anomalies in soil within a vineyard located in well-known Cinque Terre Zone, North-Western Italy. To this scope soil and bedrock features have been studied with electromagnetic induction (EMI) and spettrophotometry method: both the methods have allowed to realize maps of conductivity anomalies values and major chemical elements distribution respectively for the investigated area. Although still at a preliminar stage, the results presented here are encouraging, indicating a good agreement between EMI and EDXRF data. The geological heterogeneity of the study area is clearly reflected both in the conductivity data and in the geochemical composition of the near-surface soils examined. The approach applied here can be extended to larger agricultural areas used by the agrofood industry, either alone or with the aim of integrating data from standard approaches based on pedological analysis. Correlation among data of different nature can nowadays be simply examined through the use of GIS softwar

    Quaderni Ircres numero 1/2020

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    - Il contagio tra passato e presente, tra Oriente e Occidente. Intervista a Salvatore Speziale #5- Le fasce in Liguria: dal dissesto al recupero verso nuove opportunità. L’etichetta geologica di prodotto (EGP) #17- Una miniera in riva al mare. Le importazioni di carbon fossile attraverso il porto di Genova e la crescita moderna in Italia (1820-1913) #53- Problematiche variazionali e strategie traduttive in lingua italiana per l’Africa subsahariana francofona #6