14 research outputs found

    Active and poised promoter states drive folding of the extended HoxB locus in mouse embryonic stem cells

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    Gene expression states influence the three-dimensional conformation of the genome through poorly understood mechanisms. Here, we investigate the conformation of the murine HoxB locus, a gene-dense genomic region containing closely spaced genes with distinct activation states in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. To predict possible folding scenarios, we performed computer simulations of polymer models informed with different chromatin occupancy features, which define promoter activation states or CTCF binding sites. Single cell imaging of the locus folding was performed to test model predictions. While CTCF occupancy alone fails to predict the in vivo folding at genomic length scale of 10 kb, we found that homotypic interactions between active and Polycomb-repressed promoters co-occurring in the same DNA fibre fully explain the HoxB folding patterns imaged in single cells. We identify state-dependent promoter interactions as major drivers of chromatin folding in gene-dense regions

    Transcription and Chromatin Organization of a Housekeeping Gene Cluster Containing an Integrated β-Globin Locus Control Region

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    The activity of locus control regions (LCR) has been correlated with chromatin decondensation, spreading of active chromatin marks, locus repositioning away from its chromosome territory (CT), increased association with transcription factories, and long-range interactions via chromatin looping. To investigate the relative importance of these events in the regulation of gene expression, we targeted the human β-globin LCR in two opposite orientations to a gene-dense region in the mouse genome containing mostly housekeeping genes. We found that each oppositely oriented LCR influenced gene expression on both sides of the integration site and over a maximum distance of 150 kilobases. A subset of genes was transcriptionally enhanced, some of which in an LCR orientation-dependent manner. The locus resides mostly at the edge of its CT and integration of the LCR in either orientation caused a more frequent positioning of the locus away from its CT. Locus association with transcription factories increased moderately, both for loci at the edge and outside of the CT. These results show that nuclear repositioning is not sufficient to increase transcription of any given gene in this region. We identified long-range interactions between the LCR and two upregulated genes and propose that LCR-gene contacts via chromatin looping determine which genes are transcriptionally enhanced

    CryoFISH: fluorescence in situ hybridization on ultrathin cryosections

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    The visualization of cellular structures and components has become an invaluable tool in biological and medical sciences. Imaging subcellular compartments and single molecules within a cell has prompted the development of a wide range of sample preparation techniques as well as various microscope devices to obtain images with increased spatial resolution. Here, we present cryoFISH, a method for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on thin (~150 nm thick) cryosections from sucrose-embedded fixed cells or tissues. CryoFISH can be used in combination with immunodetection (IF) of other cellular components. The main advantages of cryoFISH and cryoIF over whole-cell labeling methods are increased spatial resolution with confocal microscopy, greater sensitivity of detection due to increased probe accessibility, and better image contrast. CryoFISH and cryoIF methods typically used on samples fixed in conditions that preserve ultrastructure, are compatible with the labeling of cells in their tissue context and are ideal for correlative studies that compare fluorescence with electron microscopy

    Complex multi-enhancer contacts captured by genome architecture mapping.

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    The organization of the genome in the nucleus and the interactions of genes with their regulatory elements are key features of transcriptional control and their disruption can cause disease. Here we report a genome-wide method, genome architecture mapping (GAM), for measuring chromatin contacts and other features of three-dimensional chromatin topology on the basis of sequencing DNA from a large collection of thin nuclear sections. We apply GAM to mouse embryonic stem cells and identify enrichment for specific interactions between active genes and enhancers across very large genomic distances using a mathematical model termed SLICE (statistical inference of co-segregation). GAM also reveals an abundance of three-way contacts across the genome, especially between regions that are highly transcribed or contain super-enhancers, providing a level of insight into genome architecture that, owing to the technical limitations of current technologies, has previously remained unattainable. Furthermore, GAM highlights a role for gene-expression-specific contacts in organizing the genome in mammalian nuclei

    Transcription factories : gene expression in unions?

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    Transcription is a fundamental step in gene expression, yet it remains poorly understood at a cellular level. Visualization of transcription sites and active genes has led to the suggestion that transcription occurs at discrete sites in the nucleus, termed transcription factories, where multiple active RNA polymerases are concentrated and anchored to a nuclear substructure. However, this concept is not universally accepted. This Review discusses the experimental evidence in support of the transcription factory model and the evidence that argues against such a spatially structured view of transcription. The transcription factory model has implications for the regulation of transcription initiation and elongation, for the organization of genes in the genome, for the co-regulation of genes and for genome instability.\u