1 research outputs found
An Empirical Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Effects on Financial Performance for Romanian Listed Companies
- Author
- Branco M.C. and Rodrigues, L.L.
- Buchholz R.A.
- Castka P. and Corbett, C.
- Chen K. and Metcalf, R.
- Chiu T.K. and Wang, Y.H.
- Cormier D. and Gordon, I. M.
- Dahlsrud A.
- Dumitrescu D. and Simionescu, L.
- Frederick W. C.
- Friedman M.
- Graves S. B, and Waddock, S. A.
- Graves S. B. and Waddock, S.A,
- Hemphill T.
- Hirigoyen G. and Poulain-Rehm, T.
- Iqbal N., Ahmad N., Basheer, N. A. and Nadeem, M.
- Kang K.H., Lee, S. and Huh, C.,
- Khan F., Rahman, M.M., Ullah, W.M. and Tanu, T.M.
- Moratis L.
- Orlitzky M.
- Porter M. and Kramer, M.R.
- Simionescu L.N. and Gherghina, S.C.
- Smeureanu I., Diosteanu, A., Delcea, C. and Cotfas, L.
- Taskin D.
- Tschopp D. and Nastanski, M.
- Wagner M.
- Wartick S.L. and Cochran, P.L.
- Wu M. L
- Wuttichindanon S.
- Ávila L.V., Hoffmann, C., Correa, A.C., da Rosa Gama Madruga, L.R., Schuch Jĺnior,V.F., de Sousa Jĺnior, A.F. and Zanini, R.
- Publication venue
- 'Bucharest University of Economic Studies'
- Publication date
- Field of study