12 research outputs found

    PRM122 Atopic Dermatitis on Families: Creation of a Specific Burden Questionnaire

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    PGI12 Mean Annual Cost Of Patients Hospitalized For Chronic Hepatitis C In France: The Hepc-Lone Study

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    Las relaciones laborales marítimas se singularizan por caracteres que han propiciado la necesidad de formular instrumentos que tutelen los derechos de la gente de mar. Entre las singularidades más destacadas está el centro de trabajo: el buque. Su casuística para navegar por las aguas de diversos Estados ha dificultado localizar un punto de conexión que determine la ley aplicable. Ello es vértice para conocer quién debe garantizar la protección social del trabajador, y a su vez, es el instrumento para concretar las obligaciones del armador. Uno de los principios que caracterizan la Seguridad Social es el criterio de la territorialidad. Este criterio es complejo de trasladar a las relaciones laborales marítimas por varios factores, entre ellos: porque el buque no es una extensión del territorio del Estado donde el armador matricula a aquel. El principio de territorialidad, de forma tradicional se ha trasladado a las relaciones laborales con el criterio de la ley del Estado de bandera que da nacionalidad a la nave.The Maritime Labour relations are characterized by characters that have led to the need to develop instruments, which regulate the rights of seafarers. Among the most prominent singularities is the centre of work: the vessel. Their case series for navigating the waters of various States has made it difficult to locate a connection point to determine the applicable law. This is key point to know who should guarantee the social protection of the worker, and it is the instrument to concretize the liability of the shipowner. One of the principles that characterize social security is the criterion of territoriality. This criterion is complex to move the maritime labour relations by several factors: the vessel is not an extension of the territory of the State where the ship-owner has registered it. The principle of territoriality, in the traditional form, has been transferred to the labour relations with the criterion of the law of the flag State which gives nationality to the vesse