23 research outputs found

    Wyznaczenie resztkowej energii spr臋偶ystej oraz energii rozpraszanej podczas odwracalnej przemiany martenzytycznej w stopie Ni52,2Mn21,3Ga26,5

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    In this paper we present results of an analysis of the influence of annealing time on the residual pseudo-chemical energy and dissipative energy Fdis(z) during reversible martensitic transformation. Analysis was performed without equilibrium temperature and basis on the model proposed in the study: (LIKHACHEV 1998). From designated courses of residual non-chemical and pseudo-chemical dissipative energies come, that carried thermal treatment causes significant changes of them. Immediately after casting the studied alloy shows continuous increase of the dissipative energy with increasing of martensite fraction. After annealing at the time from 1-0 h, curves Fdis(z) have a curse close to constant function whereas beyond this range show dynamic increasing or decreasing of dissipation energy.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy wp艂ywu czasu wygrzewania pr贸bek stopu Ni52,2Mn21,3Ga26,5 na resztkow膮 energi臋 spr臋偶yst膮 oraz energi臋 dyssypowan膮 Fdis(z) podczas odwracalnej przemiany martenzytycznej. Analiz臋 przeprowadzono z pomini臋ciem temperatury r贸wnowagi fazowej na podstawie modelu zaproponowanego w pracy LIKHACHEVA (1998). Z wyznaczonych przebieg贸w zmian resztkowej energii spr臋偶ystej oraz energii rozpraszanej wynika, 偶e przeprowadzona obr贸bka termiczna powoduje znaczne ich zmiany. W stanie bezpo艣rednio po wytopie badany stop wykazuje ci膮g艂y wzrost energii rozpraszanej wraz ze wzrostem zawarto艣ci frakcji martenzytu. Po zastosowaniu wygrzewania w czasach 1-20 h, krzywe Fdis(z) maj膮 przebieg zbli偶ony do funkcji sta艂ej, natomiast poza nim wykazuj膮 dynamiczny wzrost b膮d藕 spadek energii dyssypowanej


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    Characteristics of porous beds based on fractal parameters

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    The paper presents the results of a fractal analysis of the cross-sections of a porous mineral deposit consisting of spherical elements which formed a spatial system with varying porosity (0.4 to 0.95). The virtual deposit was generated using the Discrete Element Method in the YADE code by means of the so-called Radius Expansion Method. The fractal analysis was carried out using the structure function method, determining the fractal dimension (D), the topothesy (L) and the corner frequency (l) (MAINSAH et al. 2001). The conducted simulations have confirmed to a considerable extent the test results available in the literature involving the fractal analysis of mineral deposits with varying porosity. They clearly indicate that the fractal dimension does not change along with the porosity of the deposit, if the autocorrelation function or their transformations (e.g. structure function) methods are used. Moreover, based on the information available in the literature, it can be concluded that the value of the fractal dimension corresponds to mineral deposits with the specified geometric shapes of the elements which form them

    A Comparison between Contact and Tapping AFM Mode in Surface Morphology Studies

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    The paper presents recent results from studies of a surface topography of a platinum calibration grid on silicon substrate obtained in both contact and tapping modes of the AFM microscope. The results are analyzed in order to determine the influence of the scan set-up and the SPM probe onto estimated fractal parameters and surface anisotropy ratio

    Changes in magnetic domain structure of maraging steel studied by magnetic force microscopy

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    The paper presents results on whether and how the magnetic domain structure in maraging steel undergoes any change due to the aging process. It continues the works on application of correlation methods and fractal analysis into studies of magnetic properties of various steel alloys using Scanning Probe Microscopy. It is aimed at verifying the usefulness of the structure function for description of spatial changes in shape and orientation of magnetic domains, and the magnitude of magnetic stray field affected by the heat treatment. Obtained results suggest that despite vanishing magnetic tip-surface interaction, and hence vanishing magnetic stray field, magnetic domains remain nearly perfectly isotropic although randomly oriented. Similar to isotropic real surfaces, the fractal dimension of the magnetic domains turns out to be independent of the structural changes induced by the aging process, whereas the topothesy is found to vary within order of magnitude along with changes in the magnetic stray field. After all, obtained results lead to conclusion that the aging process leaves its fingerprints in the structure of the steel alloys, which can be studied using numerical analysis of images of magnetic interactions between vibrating tip and the stray field

    Structural studies of welds in wear-resistant steels

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    The work presents results of the research on changes in microstructural, and mechanical properties of the structural XAR 400 wear-resistant steel caused by the welding procedure. Metallographic and microhardness studies revealed complex microstructure of the welds that turned out to vary with the distance from the weld axis: predominance of the acicular ferrite (ACF) structures in the weld itself, quasi-polygonal ferrite (QPF) crystals with precipitates of troostite (T) in the heat-affected zone, and the bainitic ferrite (BF) structures in the heat-partially-affected zone

    Functional and Fractal Properties of Fe-Al Coatings After Gas Detonation Spraying (GDS)

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    The paper presents the results and provides an analyse of the geometric structure of Fe-Al protective coatings, gas-treated under specified GDS conditions. The analysis of the surface topography was conducted on the basis of the results obtained from the SEM data. Topographic images were converted to three-dimensional maps, scaling the registered amplitude coordinates of specific gray levels to the relative range of 0梅1. This allowed us to assess the degree of surface development by determining the fractal dimension. At the same time, the generated three-dimensional spectra of the autocorrelation function enabled the researchers to determine the autocorrelation length (Sal) and the degree of anisotropy (Str) of the surfaces, in accordance with ISO 25178. Furthermore, the reconstructed three-dimensional images of the topography allowed us to evaluate the functional properties of the studied surfaces based on the Abbott-Firestone curve (A-F), also known as the bearing area curve. The ordinate describing the height of the profile was replaced by the percentage of surface amplitude in this method, so in effect the shares of the height of the three-dimensional topographic map profiles of various load-bearing properties were determined. In this way, both the relative height of peaks, core and recesses as well as their percentages were subsequently established

    Zastosowanie funkcji autokorelacji oraz geometrii fraktalnej do analizy obraz贸w struktur domenowych rejestrowanych metod膮 MFM

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    Presented work is focused on the use of correlation methods for numerical analysis of magnetic stray field over the surface of materials. Obtained results extend our previous findings about application of the autocorrelation function and the fractal analysis for characterization of magnetic surfaces. Several domain images are recorded at various tip-sample gaps (i.e. the lift heights), and then their average widths were extrapolated down to the zero distance in order to estimate the width seen right on the surface. Apart from that, fractal parameters were derived from autocorrelation function, which turned out to be sensitive to the lift height, and might constitute universal measure (the critical lift height), above which the MFM signal became dominated by thermal noises and non-magnetic residual interactions.Niniejsza praca dotyczy zastosowania metod korelacyjnych do numerycznej analizy obraz贸w rozk艂adu pola magnetycznego emitowanego z obszar贸w spontanicznego namagnesowania. W pracy przedstawiono kontynuacj臋 bada艅 nad zastosowaniem funkcji autokorelacji oraz metod analizy fraktalnej w badaniach struktury domenowej oraz charakterystyki emitowanego z nich pola magnetycznego. Wyniki bada艅 wykazuj膮 zale偶no艣膰 mierzonej metodami mikroskopii si艂 magnetycznych (MFM) szeroko艣ci domen od wysoko艣ci skanowania nad badan膮 powierzchni膮, sugeruj膮c przeprowadzanie serii pomiar贸w na r贸偶nych wysoko艣ciach (h), ich aproksymacj臋 z nast臋pn膮 ekstrapolacj膮 do powierzchni (h=0). Przeprowadzona analiza fraktalna, wskazuje na mo偶liwo艣膰 jej aplikacji do charakterystyki zmian sygna艂u magnetycznego rejestrowanego przez MFM. Pozwala ona r贸wnie偶 na wyznaczenie wysoko艣ci krytycznej (hkr), na kt贸rej sygna艂em dominuj膮cym staj膮 si臋 nak艂adaj膮ce si臋 na sygna艂 magnetyczny pozosta艂o艣ci niemagnetycznych interakcji mi臋dzy ig艂膮 sondy i badan膮 powierzchni膮, stanowi膮ce rejestrowany przez MFM szum

    Application of Fractal Analysis Methods for Lift Height Optimization in Magnetic Force Microscopy Measurements

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    The paper presents results of a research on simulation of magnetic tip-surface interaction as a function of the lift height in the magnetic force microscopy. As expected, magnetic signal monotonically decays with increasing lift height, but the question aris es, whether or not optimal lift height eventually exists. To estimate such a lift height simple procedure is proposed in the paper based on the minimization of the fractal dimension of the averaged profile of the MFM signal. In this case, the fractal dimension ser ves as a measure of distortion of a pure tip-surface magnetic coupling by various side effects, e.g. thermal noise and contribution of topographic features. Obtained simulation results apparently agree with experimental data

    Wp艂yw procesu wytwarzania stali X2CrNiMoN25-7-4 na jej budow臋 strukturaln膮

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    This paper presents results of X2CrNiMoN25-7-4 steel structure investigation. Measurements were carried out in commercial state and after additional solution heat treatment. The structure analysis was carried out based on XRD measurements. Obtained results allowed for determination of structure parameters, phase's volume and lattice defects. Obtained results suggested, that applied finishing treatments didn't influent on structure parameters and the lattice defects.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 struktury stali X2CrNiMoN25-7-4. Badania przeprowadzono dla stanu komercyjnego materia艂u oraz po procesie powt贸rnego przesycania. Struktur臋 materia艂u analizowano na podstawie pomiar贸w dyfraktometrycznych. Okre艣lono parametry sieciowe sk艂adnik贸w, stopie艅 zdefektowania struktury oraz wyznaczono udzia艂y fazowe. Analiza wynik贸w bada艅 wykaza艂a, 偶e stosowane na etapie produkcji zabiegi wyka艅czaj膮ce nie wp艂yn臋艂y na parametry strukturalne oraz stopie艅 zdefektowania struktury