143 research outputs found
Comparative analysis of a portable smartphonebased electrocardiograph (DHeart®) versus standard 6leads electrocardiograph in the canine patient.
D-Heart® is a portable, smartphone-based device, which streams tracing via Bluetooth, enabling multiple leads electrocardiograms (ECGs) acquisition, currently used in human cardiology (Maurizi et al. 2017).The aim was to determine the accuracy of DHeart® compared with the gold standard nonportable 6lead electrocardiograph in the evaluation of cardiac rhythm in dogs.Standard 6lead and DHeart® ECGs were acquired in conscious dogs. Concordance between methods was assessed by weighted k Cohen index, with its relative significance, taking as end point variable standard 6lead ECG group. Bland Altman method (95% confidence level) was applied for P, PR, QRS, T and QT. Since differences didn’t follow a normal distribution, a nonparametric approach was used to determine limits of agreement. P was significant when < 0.05 (Maurizi et al. 2017). Amplitude of waves was not considered because currently the software doesn’t allow voltage variation.115 dogs of different weights and breeds admitted to the Cardiology Service of DIMEVET were enrolled. Mean age was 7,5±4 years. Most were intact males (45%, n=51). The most represented breed was mongrel (27%, n=32).Weighted Cohen's kappa test demonstrated excellent concordance in the evaluation of the heart rhythm (0.989, p<0.001), for ST segment morphology (0.991, p<0,001) and for T wave morphology (0.838, p=0.040). There was a 100% concordance in P morphology determination. P, PR, QRS, T and QT intervals comparison with BlandAltman showed an extremely good concordance for DHeart® measurements (95% limit of agreement ±0.9 ms for P, ±10 ms for PR, ±35 ms for QRS, ±5 ms for T wave). Less concordance resulted for QT (±80 ms).In Conclusion, DHeart® proved effective accurate recording of ECG comparable to standard 6lead electrocardiographs, opening new perspectives to improve diagnostic tools in veterinary cardiology. Future perspective will be the development of a telecardiology network and to improve arrhythmia’s diagnosis in small animal practice (Bruining et al., 2014; Haberman et al., 2015).
Monitoring wildlife population trends with sample counts: a case study on the Alpine ibex (Capra ibex)
Monitoring population dynamics is of fundamental importance in conservation but assessing trends in abundance can be costly, especially in large and rough areas. Obtaining trend estimations from counts performed in only a portion of the total area (sample counts) can be a cost‐effective method to improve the monitoring and conservation of species difficult to count.We tested the effectiveness of sample counts in monitoring population trends of wild animals, using as a model population the Alpine ibex Capra ibex in the Gran Paradiso National Park (Italy), both with computer simulations and using historical count data collected over the last 65 years. Despite sample counts failed to correctly estimate the true population abundance, sampling half of the target area could reliably monitor the trend of the target population. In case of strong changes in abundance, an even lower proportion of the total area could be sufficient to identify the direction of the population trend. However, when there is a high yearly trend variability, the required number of samples increases and even counting in the entire area can be ineffective to detect population trends. The effect of other parameters, such as which portion of the area is sampled and detectability, was lower, but these should be tested case by case.Sample counts could therefore constitute a viable alternative to assess population trends, allowing for important, cost‐effective improvements in the monitoring of wild animals of conservation interest
Bronchopulmonary Nematodes in Alpine Ibex: Shedding of First Stage Larvae Analyzed at the Individual Host Level
Pneumonia is the most frequent cause of death for Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) in Gran Paradiso National Park, (Italy). The etiology of this form of pneumonia is currently unknown and the identification of the primary etiological agent remains difficult due to biological and logistic constraints. Uncovering individual differences in Protostrongylid prevalence and intensity is important to further investigate the epidemiology of respiratory diseases and their relationship to heterozygosity and inbreeding in a once almost extinct population like C. ibex. In a group of 21 individually recognizable adult male we monitored monthly prevalence and intensity of Protostrongylid first-stage larvae using Baerman's technique from June to September 2019. First-stage larvae of 5 genera were detected. Muellerius (P = 100%, CI95% = 84–100) and Protostrongylus (P = 86%, CI95%:71–100) were two dominant genera according to Bush's importance index. Neostrongylus (P = 38%,CI95%: 17–59), Cystocaulus (P = 33%,CI95% = 13–53) were classified as co-dominant genera while Dictyocaulus filaria (P = 0.05%, CI95% = 0.04–0.13) was detected, for the first time in Alpine ibex, in one subject. Protostrongylidae larval excretion varied significantly over time, with minimum L1 excretion in July. Individual median larval intensity ranged from 4.4 lpg to 82.2 lpg with Poulin's discrepancy index showing highly aggregated distribution patterns for Muellerius spp. (D = 0.283, CI95% = 0.760–0.895) and Protostrongylus spp. (D = 0.635, CI95% = 0.580–0.705). Presented data provide the necessary base point to further investigate how lungworm infection account for the different rates of progression of pneumonia in C. ibex. Individual aggregation of larval intensity must be further evaluated to determine whether these differences mirror different levels of parasitic infection related to individual differences in immune response, hormonal-states or genetic fitness
Dietary differences in males and females of a strongly sexually dimorphic ungulate
Detailed knowledge of dietary preferences in wild species are important both for understanding evolutionary processes as well as for their conservation. By means of DNA metabarcoding analysis of faecal samples, we investigated the diet of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex), a mountain ungulate characterised by strong sexual dimorphism and segregation, and analysed differences between male and female diet. Despite a low level of selectivity, we found differences in the diet of males and females that consumed different plant in different quantities. Differences were maintained during both spring and summer. Males tended to feed more on plants richer in fibres (i.e., grasses and sedges) and showed stronger seasonal differences while females consumed more digestible plant families (i.e., forbs). Differences in diet between male and female Alpine ibex are compatible with the strong sexual dimorphism and segregation typical of the species and with female reproductive constraints. These results also show that conservation actions have to take into account different ecological needs of males and females in species characterized by sexual dimorphism and segregation
Preliminary evaluation of an ELISA kit for the detection of Aldosterone concentration in dog’s urine
Aldosterone is a corticosteroid hormone that plays a pivotal role in homeostatic regulation of water and salt reabsorption, blood volume and pressure. Aldosterone levels tent to rise in humans in hypertension, chronic and acute congestive heart failure (CHF); detrimental effects are opposed by drugs like ACE inhibitors and anti-mineralocorticoid. Aldosterone has a pulsatile secretion, so measurement in serum is less indicative than in urine, where concentration can be indexed to creatinine ratio for estimation of the 24-h aldosterone excretion.Few studies have evaluated aldosterone in canine urine patients, and none by ELISA. Aim of the study was to evaluate a commercial ELISA kit for measuring aldosterone in dog’s urine.Urine was collectedby free catchfrom four dogs. Two were healthy, one was affected by CHF and prescribed anti-mineralocorticoiddaily, one was affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD). Urine was centrifuged (1250g/5 min) and supernatant frozen (-20°C). Aldosterone was measured by a competitive ELISA previously validated for dogs. Twenty-four hours acid hydrolysis was performed on urinary samples before assay.The ELISA standard curve in a semi-log plot was linear between 2.5 and 3.9 ng/mL. Spike-and-recovery, linearity-of-dilution and parallelism experiments showed accuracy inmeasuring aldosterone in dog urine samples. The intra-assay coefficient of variation showed good reproducibility of the assay.Urinary samples are easy to collect, and the ELISA used in this preliminary study seems promising in determining aldosterone in dog urine. Its levels can be of great diagnostic and prognostic value for dogs affected by acute and chronic CHF, in order to assess the best therapeutic strategy. This preliminary analysis will be followed by further studies in patients affected by acute and chronic CHF
Severe ocular involvement in a newborn with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
Abstract Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare proliferative disease of the mononuclear phagocyte system, characterised by tissue infiltration of CD1a + CD207+ histiocytes. The clinical presentation is variable, ranging from unifocal asymptomatic bone involvement to life-threatening multisystem disease, requiring aggressive therapeutic approaches. Intraocular involvement is uncommon and associated to poor visual and general prognosis. We report a case of LCH in a newborn with severe ocular and multisystem risk-organ involvement, unresponsive to several lines of chemotherapy. Off-label administration of vemurafenib led to dramatic improvement at systemic level; however, chronic sequelae of ocular involvement resulted in poor visual prognosis. Intraocular LCH involvement may be asymptomatic and clinical signs delayed, leading to severe complications, especially in newborns and young children. Screening for ocular involvement is essential for early treatment initiation, which can possibly improve the visual outcome. Vemurafenib is effective on systemic involvement, and its role in ocular LCH needs to be evaluated
First Insight Into Genetic Diversity of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) in Slovenia
In Europe, the Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) was on the brink of extinction in the 19th century. Therefore, different conservation measures were implemented, and several reintroductions were made in the Alpine arc, starting from the only surviving population in Gran Paradiso, Italy. An extreme historical bottleneck and additional reintroductions have strongly shaped the genetic make-up of recent populations, resulting in significant genetic drift and profound inbreeding across the species range. To support science-based conservation actions, molecular methods have been increasingly used. However, such analyses did not include populations in Slovenia.
We analysed neutral loci (partial fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome b, mtDNA) and the adaptive major histocompatibility complex (MHC DRB exon 2) of the Alpine ibex from both Slovenian populations (Julian and Kamnik-Savinja Alps) to understand how past reintroductions and recent management have affected the genetic diversity of the species. Results showed that both populations are genetically severely depleted, carrying only one mtDNA haplotype and one functional allele for MHC DRB exon 2, Caib-DRB*01. This calls for further conservation actions, including the reintroduction of individuals with different genetic background. However, the Alpine ibex is currently considered a non-native species in Slovenia, which makes conservation actions extremely difficult and threatens the long-term survival of the species. Therefore, scientists and population managers are urging policy/decision makers to change the status of the species to the native one and consequently to allow reintroductions. These appeals are supported by previous archaeological data on the existence of bones assigned to Alpine ibex in the Julian Alps, and evidence of severe genetic depletion in current ibex populations confirmed in this study.
Izvleček: V Evropi je bil alpski kozorog (Capra ibex) v 19. stoletju na robu izumrtja. Izvajali so se različni ukrepi za njegovo ohranjanje. V alpskem loku je bilo izvedenih več ponovnih naselitev, najprej z edino ohranjeno populacijo v kraju Gran Paradiso v Italiji. Izredna okrnjenost vrste v preteklosti in dodatne ponovne naselitve so močno vplivale na genetsko sestavo populacije, kar je povzročilo znaten genetski zdrs in parjenje v sorodstvu na celotnem območju vrste. V podporo znanstveno utemeljenim ukrepom ohranjanja se vse pogosteje uporabljajo molekularne metode, vendar takšne analize niso vključevale populacij v Sloveniji.
Da bi razumeli, kako je ponovno naseljevanje in nedavno upravljanje vplivalo na genetsko raznolikost vrste, smo analizirali nevtralne lokuse (delni fragment mitohondrijskega citokroma b, mtDNA) in adaptivni poglavitni histokompatibilnostni kompleks (MHC DRB ekson 2) alpskega kozoroga iz obeh slovenskih populacij (Julijske in Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe). Rezultati so pokazali, da sta obe populaciji genetsko zelo osiromašeni, saj nosita le en haplotip mtDNA in en funkcionalni alel za MHC DRB ekson 2, Caib-DRB*01. Zato so potrebni nadaljnji ukrepi za ohranjanje, vključno s ponovno naselitvijo živali z drugačnim genetskim ozadjem. Vendar alpski kozorog v Sloveniji trenutno velja za tujerodno vrsto, kar zelo otežuje ukrepe za njegovo ohranitev in ogroža dolgoročno preživetje vrste. Znanstveniki in upravljavci populacij zato pozivajo politike/odločevalce, naj spremenijo status vrste v avtohtono in posledično omogočijo ponovno naselitev. Ti pozivi so podprti s predhodnimi arheološkimi podatki o obstoju kosti alpskega kozoroga v Julijskih Alpah in z dokazi o izraziti genetski osiromašenosti sedanjih populacij kozoroga, potrjenimi v tej študiji.
Ključne besede: Capra ibex; mitohondrijska DNA; MHC DRB exon2; ponovna naselitev; upravljanj
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