3 research outputs found

    Impact of oil on groundwater chemical composition

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    The objective of the paper is to characterize the chemical composition of groundwater samples from the monitoring wells drilled in the petrol station areas within the vicinity of Tomsk. The level of contamination has increased since many macro - and microcomponent concentrations (such as petroleum products, chlorine, sulphates, carbon dioxide and lead, etc.) in groundwater samples of the present study is higher than that in previous period samples

    Impact of petroleum products on soil composition and physical-chemical properties

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    The article describes the grain-size distribution, physical and mechanical properties, swelling and specific electrical resistivity of soils before and after the contact with petroleum products. The changes in mechanical properties of soils contaminated with petroleum products have been stated. It leads to the increase in compressibility values, decline in internal friction angle and cohesion

    Hydraulic conductivity of peat in Western Siberia

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    The paper aims at estimating hydraulic conductivity of peat. It is a complicated process since peat has some unique properties that are not typical for mineral soils. Other difficulties involve the lack of elaborated procedure for laboratory testing and data processing, high sensitivity of peat soils to external and internal factors; which leads to considerable fluctuation in peat hydraulic conductivity values. The specific properties of hydraulic conductivity in peat soils are proved by numerous experimental data. The article also provides the permeability values for the most typical peat species in Western Siberia. The obtained data allow forecasting peat soil response to the development of peatlands