106 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative unification in the light of LEP results

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    We consider an alternative to conventional GUTs originally proposed by Maiani, Parisi and Petronzio, where owing to the existence of extra fermion generations at some intermediate scale, the gauge couplings become large at high energies. We first comment on how the non- supersymmetric version of this scenario is ruled out; we then consider the two-loop evolution of the couplings in the supersymmetric extension of this scenario, and check whether such a scenario is feasible in the light of the precies values of couplings now available from LEP.Comment: Latex file 7 pages+1 fig. (ps file appended after the latex file), CERN-TH.6913/9

    Hormonal Changes Under Altitude Stress

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    The separate effects of exposure for six hours to cold (8 degree Celsius), hypoxia (4267 m.) and simulated altitude (8 degree Celsius at 4267 m.)have been studied on ten human subjects in a decompression chamber, with respect to the changes in blood cortisol, ADH and urinary catecholamines. Changes in blood cortisol, PBI, ADH urinary excretion of 17-keto steroids and urine volume have been recorded on another ten subjects on acute exposure to high altitude (3505 m.). Changes in the same parameters alongwith urinary testosterone level, have been recorded on another 20 subjects on prolonged exposure for two years to high altitude (3505 m.). The results have been discussed

    Left-Right Symmetry and Supersymmetric Unification

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    The existence of an SU(3) X SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R X U(1) gauge symmetry with g_L = g_R at the TeV energy scale is shown to be consistent with supersymmetric SO(10) grand unification at around 1O^{16} GeV if certain new particles are assumed. The additional imposition of a discrete Z_2 symmetry leads to a generalized definition of R parity as well as highly suppressed Majorana neutrino masses. Another model based on SO(10) X SO(10) is also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures not included, UCRHEP-T124, Apr 199

    Adjoint bulk scalars and supersymmetric unification in the presence of extra dimensions

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    There are several advantages of introducing adjoint superfields at intermediate energies around M=1013M=10^{13} GeV. Such as (i) gauge couplings still unify (ii) neutrino masses and mixings are produced (iii) primordial lepton asymmetry can be produced. We point out that if adjoint scalars have bulk excitations along with gauge bosons whereas fermions and the doublet scalar live on boundary then N=2 supersymmetric beta functions bi~\tilde{b_i} vanish. Thus even if extra dimensions open up at an intermediate scale Ό0\mu_0 and all N=2 Yang-Mills fields as well as N=2 matter fields in the adjoint representation propagate in the bulk, still gauge couplings renormalize beyond Ό0\mu_0 just like they do in 4-dimensions with adjoint scalars. Consequently unification is achieved in the presence to extra dimensions, mass scales are determined uniquely via Renormalization Group Equations(RGE) and unification scale remains high enough to suppress proton decay. This scenario can be falsified if we get signatures of extra dimensions at low energy.Comment: New references added. This version will appear in Phys. Rev.

    Effects of 126 dimensional Higgs scalar on Bottom-Tau unification and quasi-infrared fixed point

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    In the presence of 126+126ˉ{\bf 126 + \bar{126}} Higgs multiplets in a SO(10) theory, the fermion masses get contributions from an induced vacuum expectation value (VEV) of a SU(2)LSU(2)_L doublet residing in 126{\bf 126} which differentiates between quarks and leptons by a relative sign leading to a significant correction to the prediction of the mass ratio of the bottom quark and the tau lepton for ranges of the mass of this extra doublet. We perform a two-loop renormalization group analysis of the minimal version of the one-step supersymmetric SO(10) model to display this and re-calculate the corrections to the top quark mass in the presence of such an induced VEV. We show that these effects make the infra-red fixed point scenario consistent with experimental results.Comment: revised version with same conclusions. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Constraints on Baryon-Nonconserving Yukawa Couplings in a Supersymmetric Theory

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    The 1-loop evolution of couplings in the minimal supersymmetric standard model, extended to include baryon nonconserving (B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/)(B\!\!\!/) operators through explicit RR-parity violation, is considered keeping only B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/B\!\!\!/ superpotential terms involving the maximum possible number of third generation superfields. If all retained Yukawa couplings YiY_i are required to remain in the perturbative domain (Yi<1)(Y_i < 1) upto the scale of gauge group unification, upper bounds ensue on the magnitudes of the B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/B\!\!\!/ coupling strengths at the supersymmetry breaking scale, independent of the model of unification. They turn out to be similar to the corresponding fixed point values reached from a wide range of YiY_i (including all YiY_i greater than unity) at the unification scale. The coupled evolution of the top and B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/B\!\!\!/ Yukawa couplings results in a reduction of the fixed point value of the former.Comment: PRL-TH-94/8 and TIFR/TH/94-7, 15 pages, LaTe

    A texture of neutrino mass matrix in view of recent neutrino experimental results

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    In view of recent neutrino experimental results such as SNO, Super-Kamiokande (SK), CHOOZ and neutrinoless double beta decay (ÎČÎČ0Îœ)(\beta\beta_{0\nu}), we consider a texture of neutrino mass matrix which contains three parameters in order to explain those neutrino experimental results. We have first fitted parameters in a model independent way with solar and atmospheric neutrino mass squared differences and solar neutrino mixing angle which satisfy LMA solution. The maximal value of atmospheric neutrino mixing angle comes out naturally in the present texture. Most interestingly, fitted parameters of the neutrino mass matrix considered here also marginally satisfy recent limit on effective Majorana neutrino mass obtained from neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. We further demonstrate an explicit model which gives rise to the texture investigated by considering an SU(2)L×U(1)YSU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y gauge group with two extra real scalar singlets and discrete Z2×Z3Z_2\times Z_3 symmetry. Majorana neutrino masses are generated through higher dimensional operators at the scale MM. We have estimated the scales at which singlets get VEV's and M by comparing with the best fitted results obtained in the present work.Comment: Journal Ref.: Phys. Rev. D66, 053004 (2002

    Low Energy Grand Unification With SU(16)

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    We study the possibility of achieving low unification scale in a grand unification scheme based on the gauge group SU(16). Baryon number symmetry being an explicit local gauge symmetry here gauge boson mediated proton decay is absent. We present in detail a number of symmetry breaking patterns and the higgs field representations giving rise to the desired symmetry breakings and identify one chain giving low energy unification. These higgs field representations are constructed in such a way that higgs mediated proton decay is absent. At the end we indicate the very rich low energy physics obtainable from this model which includes quark-lepton un-unified symmetry and chiral color symmetry. In brief some phenomenological implications are also studied.Comment: Phys. Rev. D48 1266, 1993. Such GUT models predict leptoquarks within TeV scale which is of current experimental interest at HER

    Particle spectrum in the modified NMSSM in the strong Yukawa coupling limit

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    A theoretical analysis of solutions of renormalisation group equations in the MSSM corresponding to the quasi-fixed point conditions shows that the mass of the lightest Higgs boson in this case does not exceed 94±5GeV94\pm 5\text{GeV}. It means that a substantial part of the parameter space of the MSSM is practically excluded by existing experimental data from LEP II. In the NMSSM the upper bound on the lightest Higgs boson mass reaches its maximum in the strong Yukawa coupling regime, when Yukawa constants are considerably larger the gauge ones on the Grand Unification scale. In this paper a particle spectrum in a simple modification of NMSSM which leads to a self-consistent solution in the considered region of the parameter space is studied. This model allows one to get mh∌125GeVm_h\sim 125\text{GeV} even for comparatively low values of tan⁥ÎČ≄1.9\tan\beta\ge 1.9. For an analysis of the Higgs boson spectrum and neutralino spectrum a method for diagonalisation of mass matrices proposed formerly is used. The mass of the lightest Higgs boson in this model does not exceed 130.5±3.5GeV130.5\pm 3.5\text{GeV}.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures included, LaTeX 2

    SU(16) grandunification: breaking scales, proton decay and neutrino magnetic moment

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    We give a detailed renormalization group analysis for the SU(16) grandunified group with general breaking chains in which quarks and leptons transform separately at intermediate energies. Our analysis includes the effects of Higgs bosons. We show that the grandunification scale could be as low as ∌108.5\sim 10^{8.5} GeV and give examples where new physics could exist at relatively low energy (∌250\sim 250 GeV). We consider proton decay in this model and show that it is consistent with a low grandunification scale. We also discuss the possible generation of a neutrino magnetic moment in the range of 10−1110^{-11} to 10−10ÎŒB10^{-10}\mu_B with a very small mass by the breaking of the embedded SU(2)Îœ_\nu symmetry at a low energy.Comment: (16 pages in REVTEX + 6 figures not included) OITS-49
