13 research outputs found

    Concepts of change propagation analysis in engineering design

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    Interest in change propagation analysis for engineering design has increased rapidly since the topic gained prominence in the late 1990s. Although there are now many approaches and models, there is a smaller number of underlying key concepts. This article contributes a literature review and organising framework that summarises and relates these key concepts. Approaches that have been taken to address each key concept are collected and discussed. A visual analysis of the literature is presented to uncover some trends and gaps. The article thereby provides a thematic analysis of state-of-the-art in design change propagation analysis, and highlights opportunities for further work


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    Decisions made in the concept generation phase have a significant effect on the product. While product- related risks typically can be considered in the early stages of design, risks such as supply chain and manufacturing methods are rarely easy to account for in early phases. This is because the currently available methods require mature data, which may not be available during concept generation. In this paper, we propose an approach to address this. First, the product and the non-product (manufacturing and/or supply chain) attributes are modelled using the enhanced function means (EF-M) modelling method. The EF-M method provides the opportunity to model alternative solutions-set for functions. Dependencies are then mapped within the product and the manufacturing models, and also in between them. An automatic combinatorial method of concept generation is employed where each generated instance is a design concept-manufacturing method pair. A risk propagation algorithm is then used to assess the risks of all the generated alternatives

    Calculating target thresholds for the margin value method using computational tools

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    Overspecification or excess margin in a design can enhance its ability to absorb changes and uncertainty, but also deteriorates performance criteria such as weight and cost. This paper shows how the Margin Value Method (article in review) can be applied in conjunction with CAE tools such as FEA to quantify excess margin where a design is too complex for algebraic analysis. This new application context for the MVM is illustrated using a case study of a flange coupling design, in which topology optimisation is used within the MVM to identify opportunities for design improvement

    Margin value method for engineering design improvement

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    Margin occurs where a design is overspecified with respect to the minimum required. Margin may be desirable to mitigate risk and absorb future changes, but at the same time, may be undesirable if the overspecification deteriorates the design’s performance. In this article, the margin value method (MVM) is introduced to analyse an engineering design, localise the excess margin, and quantify it considering change absorption potential in relation to design performance deterioration. The method provides guidance for improving a design by prioritising excess margin that provides relatively little advantage at high cost, and that\ua0could, therefore, be eliminated to improve design performance. It shows how the value of excess margin depends on its localisation in the design parameter network, the importance of design performance parameters, and the importance of absorbing potential future changes. The method is applied to a belt conveyor design. This case indicates that the method is practicable, reveals implications, and suggests opportunities for further work

    A study on the mechanisms of change propagation in mechanical design

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    Design changes and change propagation have been recognized as ubiquitous in the engineering design process. But why are some design changes propagated while others are absorbed? This paper reports on a study to investigate the specific properties of a mechanical design that influence whether a change is either propagated or absorbed. Student participants in the study were asked to complete a well-defined mechanical design task and then to introduce several design changes. Analysis of the recorded design processes reveals new insight into the mechanisms of change propagation in terms of properties of the design. The insights suggest avenues for future research to make designs more tolerant to potential future change and to develop improved methods to predict change propagation

    A new model for capturing design information with an aim to aid change propagation assessment and subsequent redesign

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    A new model is developed to investigate the causes of change propagation and guide the redesign process. The model offers a micro-level perspective on the mechanisms through which changes propagate or are absorbed. Extending the Information Structure Framework (ISF) reported by Ahmad et al. (2013), the model uses a multi-domain approach combined with a reformulated detail design process layer. It is illustrated through a desk-based case study of routine mechanical design. Advantages and limitations are discussed along with possibilities for further work

    Use of Margin to Absorb Variation in Design Specifications: An Analysis Using the Margin Value Method

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    Predicting the impact of changes in a design can be challenging, especially for complex designs. Margins are often built into the designs which can absorb the knock-on effect of such changes, erroneously allocating which can however, lead to propagation. A method for localising and sizing margins in an incremental design context is the Margin Value Method. This paper adapts MVM in the context of uncertainty in input specifications. It discusses possible ways to allocate them in a design such that undesirable effects of margins are minimised while preventing change propagation

    Industrialization of Additive Manufacturing: Assessing the Impact of Excess Margins on Manufacturing Costs

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    The rapid industrialization of additive manufacturing (AM) has revealed significant challenges in terms of its position in the value chain. Since the technology has attained reasonable maturity, companies are now focusing on its economic viability to identify areas where AM can justifiably replace conventional manufacturing. Such decision supports can be provided by quantitative cost models which can highlight potential cost savings and increase in manufacturability. Most existing cost models do not consider the possible design advantage of AM, which may help companies save costs. One way is to systematically identify excess margins and quantify them in terms of their cost and manufacturability impact. In this paper, we use the concept of margins and their undesirable effect on performance as a proxy for quantifying the cost of overdesign. This can be used to justify the choice of the manufacturing method in a commercial setting. A simplified industrial example of an aeroengine component is used to demonstrate the approach. The example compares the impact of margins on manufacturability when using additive manufacturing as opposed to a conventional manufacturing (CM) methods such as casting