505 research outputs found

    Robustness of entanglement in Hawking radiation for optical systems immersed in thermal baths

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    Entanglement is the quantum signature of Hawking's particle pair-creation from causal horizons, for gravitational and analog systems alike. Ambient thermal fluctuations, ubiquitous in realistic situations, strongly affects the entanglement generated in the Hawking process, completely extinguishing it when the ambient temperature is comparable to the Hawking temperature. In this work, we show that optical analog systems have a built-in robustness to thermal fluctuations which are at rest in the laboratory. In such systems, horizons move relative to the laboratory frame at velocities close to the speed of light. We find that a subtle interplay between this relative velocity and dispersion protects the Hawking-generated entanglement -- allowing ambient temperatures several orders of magnitude larger than the Hawking temperature without significantly affecting entanglement.Comment: 13 + 3 pages, 5 figures. Comments and questions welcom

    Symplectic circuits, entanglement, and stimulated Hawking radiation in analog gravity

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    We introduce a convenient set of analytical tools (the Gaussian formalism) and diagrams (symplectic circuits) to analyze multi-mode scattering events in analog gravity, such as pair-creation a l\'a Hawking by black hole and white hole analog event horizons. The diagrams prove to be valuable ansatzes for the scattering dynamics, especially in settings where direct analytic results are not straightforward and one must instead rely on numerical simulations. We use these tools to investigate entanglement generation in single- and multi-horizon scenarios, in particular when the Hawking process is stimulated with classical (e.g., thermal noise) and non-classical (e.g., single-mode squeezed vacuum) input states -- demonstrating, for instance, that initial squeezing can enhance the production of entanglement and overcome the deleterious effects that initial thermal fluctuations have on the output entanglement. To make further contact with practical matters, we examine how attenuation degrades quantum correlations between Hawking pairs. The techniques that we employ are generally applicable to analog gravity setups of (Gaussian) bosonic quantum systems, such as analog horizons produced in optical analogs and in Bose-Einstein condensates, and should be of great utility in these domains. We show the applicability of these techniques by putting them in action for an optical system containing a pair white-black hole analog, extending our previous analysis of [Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 091301 (2022)].Comment: 25 + 10 pages and 21 figures. Comments welcom

    Advances in Bosonic Quantum Error Correction with Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill Codes: Theory, Engineering and Applications

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    Encoding quantum information into a set of harmonic oscillators is considered a hardware efficient approach to mitigate noise for reliable quantum information processing. Various codes have been proposed to encode a qubit into an oscillator -- including cat codes, binomial codes and Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) codes. These bosonic codes are among the first to reach a break-even point for quantum error correction. Furthermore, GKP states not only enable close-to-optimal quantum communication rates in bosonic channels, but also allow for error correction of an oscillator into many oscillators. This review focuses on the basic working mechanism, performance characterization, and the many applications of GKP codes, with emphasis on recent experimental progress in superconducting circuit architectures and theoretical progress in multimode GKP qubit codes and oscillators-to-oscillators (O2O) codes. We begin with a preliminary continuous-variable formalism needed for bosonic codes. We then proceed to the quantum engineering involved to physically realize GKP states. We take a deep dive into GKP stabilization and preparation in superconducting architectures and examine proposals for realizing GKP states in the optical domain (along with a concise review of GKP realization in trapped-ion platforms). Finally, we present multimode GKP qubits and GKP-O2O codes, examine code performance and discuss applications of GKP codes in quantum information processing tasks such as computing, communication, and sensing.Comment: 77+5 pages, 31 figures. Minor bugs fixed in v2. comments are welcome

    Optimal encoding of oscillators into more oscillators

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    Bosonic encoding of quantum information into harmonic oscillators is a hardware efficient approach to battle noise. In this regard, oscillator-to-oscillator codes not only provide an additional opportunity in bosonic encoding, but also extend the applicability of error correction to continuous-variable states ubiquitous in quantum sensing and communication. In this work, we derive the optimal oscillator-to-oscillator codes among the general family of Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP)-stablizer codes for homogeneous noise. We prove that an arbitrary GKP-stabilizer code can be reduced to a generalized GKP two-mode-squeezing (TMS) code. The optimal encoding to minimize the geometric mean error can be constructed from GKP-TMS codes with an optimized GKP lattice and TMS gains. For single-mode data and ancilla, this optimal code design problem can be efficiently solved, and we further provide numerical evidence that a hexagonal GKP lattice is optimal and strictly better than the previously adopted square lattice. For the multimode case, general GKP lattice optimization is challenging. In the two-mode data and ancilla case, we identify the D4 lattice—a 4-dimensional dense-packing lattice—to be superior to a product of lower dimensional lattices. As a by-product, the code reduction allows us to prove a universal no-threshold-theorem for arbitrary oscillators-to-oscillators codes based on Gaussian encoding, even when the ancilla are not GKP states

    Entanglement from superradiance and rotating quantum fluids of light

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    The amplification of radiation by superradiance is a universal phenomenon observed in numerous physical systems. We demonstrate that superradiant scattering generates entanglement for different input states, including coherent states, thereby revealing the inherently quantum nature of this phenomenon. To put these concepts to the test, we propose a novel approach to create horizonless ergoregions, which are nonetheless dynamically stable thanks to the dissipative dynamics of a polaritonic fluid of light. We numerically simulate the system to demonstrate the creation of a stable ergoregion, and experimentally realize a comparable configuration. Subsequently, we investigate rotational superradiance within this system, with a primary focus on entanglement generation and the possibilities for its enhancement using current techniques. Our methods permit the investigation of quantum emission by rotational superradiance by controlling the input state at will.Comment: 13 pages with 10 figures + 9 pages (references + appendices with an extra figure and a table with numerical data

    Global Time Distribution via Satellite-Based Sources of Entangled Photons

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    We propose a satellite-based scheme to perform clock synchronization between ground stations spread across the globe using quantum resources. We refer to this as a quantum clock synchronization (QCS) network. Through detailed numerical simulations, we assess the feasibility and capabilities of a near-term implementation of this scheme. We consider a small constellation of nanosatellites equipped only with modest resources. These include quantum devices such as spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) sources, avalanche photo-detectors (APDs), and moderately stable on-board clocks such as chip scale atomic clocks (CSACs). In our simulations, the various performance parameters describing the hardware have been chosen such that they are either already commercially available, or require only moderate advances. We conclude that with such a scheme establishing a global network of ground based clocks synchronized to sub-nanosecond level (up to a few picoseconds) of precision, would be feasible. Such QCS satellite constellations would form the infrastructure for a future quantum network, able to serve as a globally accessible entanglement resource. At the same time, our clock synchronization protocol, provides the sub-nanosecond level synchronization required for many quantum networking protocols, and thus, can be seen as adding an extra layer of utility to quantum technologies in the space domain designed for other purposes.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures and 6 tables. Comments are welcom

    Systematic analysis of Plasmodium myosins reveals differential expression, localisation, and function in invasive and proliferative parasite stages

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    The myosin superfamily comprises of actin‐dependent eukaryotic molecular motors important in a variety of cellular functions. Although well studied in many systems, knowledge of their functions in Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, is restricted. Previously, six myosins were identified in this genus, including three Class XIV myosins found only in Apicomplexa and some Ciliates. The well characterized MyoA is a Class XIV myosin essential for gliding motility and invasion. Here, we characterize all other Plasmodium myosins throughout the parasite life cycle and show that they have very diverse patterns of expression and cellular location. MyoB and MyoE, the other two Class XIV myosins, are expressed in all invasive stages, with apical and basal locations, respectively. Gene deletion revealed that MyoE is involved in sporozoite traversal, MyoF and MyoK are likely essential in the asexual blood stages, and MyoJ and MyoB are not essential. Both MyoB and its essential light chain (MCL‐B) are localised at the apical end of ookinetes but expressed at completely different time points. This work provides a better understanding of the role of actomyosin motors in Apicomplexan parasites, particularly in the motile and invasive stages of Plasmodium during sexual and asexual development within the mosquito