348 research outputs found

    Recurrent ~24 h Periods in RXTE ASM Data

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    Analysis of data from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite's All Sky Monitor instrument for several X-ray binary sources has identified a recurrent \~24 h period. This period is sometimes highly significant, giving rise to the possibility of it being identified as an orbital or super-orbital period. Further analysis has revealed the same period in a number of other X-ray sources. As a result this period has been discounted as spurious, described variously as arising from daily variations in background levels and beating between the sampling period and long-term secular trends in the light curves. We present here an analysis of the spurious periods and show that the dominant mechanism is in fact spectral leakage of low-frequency power present in the light curves.Comment: 9 Pages, 10 figures, 1 table, submitted to PASA 20th December 2004. Added 1 page of text and 3 figures to clarify results and discussion. Resubmitted 16th May 2005. Accepted 25th June 200

    Detection of Low-Hard State Spectral and Timing Signatures from the Black Hole X-Ray Transient XTE J1650-500 at Low X-Ray Luminosities

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    Using the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, we have studied the black hole candidate (BHC) X-ray transient XTE J1650-500 near the end of its 2001-2002 outburst after its transition to the low-hard state at X-ray luminosities down to L = 1.5E34 erg/s (1-9 keV, assuming a source distance of 4 kpc). Our results include a characterization of the spectral and timing properties. At the lowest sampled luminosity, we used an 18 ks Chandra observation to measure the power spectrum at low frequencies. For the 3 epochs at which we obtained Chandra/RXTE observations, the 0.5-20 keV energy spectrum is consistent with a spectral model consisting of a power-law with interstellar absorption. We detect evolution in the power-law photon index from 1.66 +/- 0.05 to 1.93 +/- 0.13 (90% confidence errors), indicating that the source softens at low luminosities. The power spectra are characterized by strong (20-35% fractional rms) band-limited noise, which we model as a zero-centered Lorentzian. Including results from an RXTE study of XTE J1650-500 near the transition to the low-hard state by Kalemci et al. (2003), the half-width of the zero-centered Lorentzian (roughly where the band-limited noise cuts off) drops from 4 Hz at L = 7E36 erg/s (1-9 keV, absorbed) to 0.067 +/- 0.007 Hz at L = 9E34 erg/s to 0.0035 +/- 0.0010 Hz at the lowest luminosity. While the spectral and timing parameters evolve with luminosity, it is notable that the general shapes of the energy and power spectra remain the same, indicating that the source stays in the low-hard state. This implies that the X-ray emitting region of the system likely keeps the same overall structure, while the luminosity changes by a factor of 470. We discuss how these results may constrain theoretical black hole accretion models.Comment: 11 pages, accepted by ApJ after minor revision

    Low State of the X-ray Burster SLX 1732-304 in the Globular Cluster Terzan 1 According to RXTE Data

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    Observations of the X-ray burster SLX 1732-304 in the globular cluster Terzan 1 with the PCA/RXTE instrument in April 1997 are presented. The source was in a low state; its flux in the standard X-ray band was half the flux recorded by the ART-P/Granat telescope also during its low state. At the same time, its spectrum was softer than the ART-P spectrum; it was well described by a power law with a photon index of 2.3 without any evidence of a high-energy cutoff.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Accepted to publication in Astronomy Letter

    Evaluating Spectral Models and the X-ray States of Neutron-Star X-ray Transients

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    We propose a hybrid model to fit the X-ray spectra of atoll-type X-ray transients in the soft and hard states. This model uniquely produces luminosity tracks that are proportional to T^4 for both the accretion disk and boundary layer. The model also indicates low Comptonization levels for the soft state, gaining a similarity to black holes in the relationship between Comptonization level and the strength of integrated rms variability in the power density spectrum. The boundary layer appears small, with a surface area that is roughly constant across soft and hard states. This result may suggestion that the NS radius is smaller than its inner-most stable circular orbit.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in the Ap

    X-Ray Light Curves of Gamma-ray Bursts Detected with the All-Sky Monitor on RXTE

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    We present X-ray light curves (1.5-12 keV) for fifteen gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected by the All-Sky Monitor on the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. We compare these soft X-ray light curves with count rate histories obtained by the high-energy (>12 keV) experiments BATSE, Konus-Wind, the BeppoSAX Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor, and the burst monitor on Ulysses. We discuss these light curves within the context of a simple relativistic fireball and synchrotron shock paradigm, and we address the possibility of having observed the transition between a GRB and its afterglow. The light curves show diverse morphologies, with striking differences between energy bands. In several bursts, intervals of significant emission are evident in the ASM energy range with little or no corresponding emission apparent in the high-energy light curves. For example, the final peak of GRB 970815 as recorded by the ASM is only detected in the softest BATSE energy bands. We also study the duration of bursts as a function of energy. Simple, singly-peaked bursts seem consistent with the E^{-0.5} power law expected from an origin in synchrotron radiation, but durations of bursts that exhibit complex temporal structure are not consistent with this prediction. Bursts such as GRB 970828 that show many short spikes of emission at high energies last significantly longer at low energies than the synchrotron cooling law would predict.Comment: 15 pages with 20 figures and 2 tables. In emulateapj format. Accepted by ApJ

    A Giant Glitch in the Energetic 69 ms X-ray Pulsar AXS J161730-505505

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    We present new results on the recently discovered 69 ms X-ray pulsar AXS J161730-505505, the sixth youngest sample of all known pulsars. We have undertaken a comprehensive X-ray observing campaign of AXS J161730-505505 with the ASCA, SAX, and XTE observatories and follow its long term spin-down history between 1989 and 1999, using these, archival GINGA and ASCA data sets, and the radio ephemeris. The spin-down is not simply described by a linear function as originally thought, but instead we find evidence of a giant glitch (|Delta P/P| > 10E-6) between 1993 August and 1997 September, perhaps the largest yet observed from a young pulsar. The glitch is well described by steps in the period and its first derivative accompanied by a persistent second derivative similar to those in the Vela pulsar. The pulse profile of AXS J161730-505505 presents a single asymmetric peak which is maintained over all observation epochs. The energy spectrum is also steady over time, characterized by a highly absorbed power-law with a photon index 1.4 +/- 0.2, consistent with that found for other young rotation powered pulsars.Comment: 6 pages with 2 figures, LaTex, emulateapj.sty. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    On the Correlated X-ray and Optical Evolution of SS Cygni

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    We have analyzed the variability and spectral evolution of the prototype dwarf nova system SS Cygni using RXTE data and AAVSO observations. A series of pointed RXTE/PCA observations allow us to trace the evolution of the X-ray spectrum of SS Cygni in unprecedented detail, while 6 years of optical AAVSO and RXTE/ASM light curves show long-term patterns. Employing a technique in which we stack the X-ray flux over multiple outbursts, phased according to the optical light curve, we investigate the outburst morphology. We find that the 3-12 keV X-ray flux is suppressed during optical outbursts, a behavior seen previously, but only in a handful of cycles. The several outbursts of SS Cygni observed with the more sensitive RXTE/PCA also show a depression of the X-rays during optical outburst. We quantify the time lags between the optical and X-ray outbursts, and the timescales of the X-ray recovery from outburst. The optical light curve of SS Cygni exhibits brief anomalous outbursts. During these events the hard X-rays and optical flux increase together. The long-term data suggest that the X-rays decline between outburst. Our results are in general agreement with modified disk instability models (DIM), which invoke a two-component accretion flow consisting of a cool optically thick accretion disk truncated at an inner radius, and a quasi-spherical hot corona-like flow extending to the surface of the white dwarf. We discuss our results in the framework of one such model, involving the evaporation of the inner part of the optically thick accretion disk, proposed by Meyer & Meyer-Hofmeister (1994).Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Galactic black hole transient H1743-322 during outburst decay: connections between timing noise, state transitions and radio emission

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    Multi-wavelength observations of Galactic black hole transients during outburst decay are instrumental for our understanding of the accretion geometry and the formation of outflows around black hole systems. H1743-322, a black hole transient observed intensely in X-rays and also covered in the radio band during its 2003 decay, provides clues about the changes in accretion geometry during state transitions and also the general properties of X-ray emission during the intermediate and the low-hard states. In this work, we report on the evolution of spectral and temporal properties in X-rays and the flux in the radio band with the goal of understanding the nature of state transitions observed in this source. We concentrate on the transition from the thermal dominant state to the intermediate state that occurs on a timescale of one day. We show that the state transition is associated with a sudden increase in power-law flux. We determine that the ratio of the power-law flux to the overall flux in the 3--25 keV band must exceed 0.6 to observe strong timing noise. Even after the state transition, once this ratio was below 0.6, the system transited back to the thermal dominant state for a day. We show that the emission from the compact radio core does not turn on during the transition from the thermal dominant state to the intermediate state but does turn on when the source reaches the low-hard state, as seen in 4U 1543-47 and GX 339-4. We find that the photon index correlates strongly with the QPO frequency and anti-correlates with the rms amplitude of variability. We also show that the variability is more likely to be associated with the power-law emission than the disk emission.Comment: 23 pages, 5 Figures, 1 Table, accepted for publication in Ap

    Relativistic Iron Emission and Disk Reflection in Galactic Microquasar XTE J1748-288

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    We report evidence for an Fe K-alpha fluorescence line feature and disk reflection in the Very High, High, and Low State X-ray spectra of the galactic microquasar XTE J1748-288 during its June~1998 outburst. Spectral analyses are made on data gathered throughout the outburst by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Proportional Counter Array. Gaussian line, relativistic disk emission line, and ionized disk reflection models are fit to the data. In the Very High State the line profile appears strongly redshifted, consistent with disk emission from the innermost stable orbits around a maximally rotating Kerr black hole. In the High State the line profile is less redshifted and increasingly prominent. The Low State line profile is very strong (~0.5 keV equivalent width) and centered at 6.7 +/- 0.10 keV; disk line emission model fits indicate that the inner edge of the disk fluctuates between ~20 and ~100 gravitational radii in this state. The disk reflection fraction is traced through the outburst; reflection from an ionized disk is preferred in the VHS and HS, and reflection from a relatively neutral disk is preferred in the LS. We discuss the implications of our findings for the binary system dynamics and accretion flow geometry in XTE J1748-288.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables. ApJ accepted 8/16/0

    X-Ray Observations of V4641 SGR (= SAX J1819.3-2525) During the Brief and Violent Outburst of 2003

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    We present the results of detailed analysis of pointed X-ray observations by RXTE PCA/HEXTE of the black hole X-ray binary (BHXRB) system V4641 Sgr (= SAX J1819.3-2525) during its outburst of August 2003. Soft X-ray (3-20 keV) flux variations by factors of 10 or more on timescales of minutes or shorter were seen. The rapid and strong variability of this source sets it apart from typical XRBs. In spite of large luminosity fluctuations, the spectral state of the source did not change significantly during the dwells which suggests that the physical emission processes did not change much during the observations. The energy spectra during the dwells were dominated by a hard Comptonized powerlaw component, indicative of the canonical low/hard state observed in other BHXRBs. No soft thermal component was found in three out of the four RXTE pointings. However spectral deconvolution of the observation with largest average luminosity suggests an obscured, hot accretion disk. During one of the observations we detected a short term (about 100s) soft X-ray dropout which is apparently due to variability in the observed column density. Strong Fe Kα\alpha fluorescent emisssion line near 6.5 keV was detected with large equivalent widths in the range of 700 - 1000eV. In the temporal domain, the Fourier power spectra were dominated by red noise below a few Hz. Poisson noise dominated at higher frequencies and no high frequency features were detected. The strong Comptonized spectra, broad iron emission line, absence of disk component in the spectra, absence of any timing variability above few Hz and occasional large changes in the column density along the line-of-sight, all support an enshrouded black hole with occasional outflow and a very dynamic environment.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures (1 color figure), accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. It is tentatively scheduled for the ApJ 01 February 2006, v637, 2 issu
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