187 research outputs found

    Energy spectra of vortex distributions in two-dimensional quantum turbulence

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    We theoretically explore key concepts of two-dimensional turbulence in a homogeneous compressible superfluid described by a dissipative two-dimensional Gross-Pitaeveskii equation. Such a fluid supports quantized vortices that have a size characterized by the healing length ξ\xi. We show that for the divergence-free portion of the superfluid velocity field, the kinetic energy spectrum over wavenumber kk may be decomposed into an ultraviolet regime (k≫ξ−1k\gg \xi^{-1}) having a universal k−3k^{-3} scaling arising from the vortex core structure, and an infrared regime (k≪ξ−1k\ll\xi^{-1}) with a spectrum that arises purely from the configuration of the vortices. The Novikov power-law distribution of intervortex distances with exponent -1/3 for vortices of the same sign of circulation leads to an infrared kinetic energy spectrum with a Kolmogorov k−5/3k^{-5/3} power law, consistent with the existence of an inertial range. The presence of these k−3k^{-3} and k−5/3k^{-5/3} power laws, together with the constraint of continuity at the smallest configurational scale k≈ξ−1k\approx\xi^{-1}, allows us to derive a new analytical expression for the Kolmogorov constant that we test against a numerical simulation of a forced homogeneous compressible two-dimensional superfluid. The numerical simulation corroborates our analysis of the spectral features of the kinetic energy distribution, once we introduce the concept of a {\em clustered fraction} consisting of the fraction of vortices that have the same sign of circulation as their nearest neighboring vortices. Our analysis presents a new approach to understanding two-dimensional quantum turbulence and interpreting similarities and differences with classical two-dimensional turbulence, and suggests new methods to characterize vortex turbulence in two-dimensional quantum fluids via vortex position and circulation measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Snell's Law for a vortex dipole in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    A quantum vortex dipole, comprised of a closely bound pair of vortices of equal strength with opposite circulation, is a spatially localized travelling excitation of a planar superfluid that carries linear momentum, suggesting a possible analogy with ray optics. We investigate numerically and analytically the motion of a quantum vortex dipole incident upon a step-change in the background superfluid density of an otherwise uniform two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate. Due to the conservation of fluid momentum and energy, the incident and refracted angles of the dipole satisfy a relation analogous to Snell's law, when crossing the interface between regions of different density. The predictions of the analogue Snell's law relation are confirmed for a wide range of incident angles by systematic numerical simulations of the Gross-Piteavskii equation. Near the critical angle for total internal reflection, we identify a regime of anomalous Snell's law behaviour where the finite size of the dipole causes transient capture by the interface. Remarkably, despite the extra complexity of the surface interaction, the incoming and outgoing dipole paths obey Snell's law.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, Scipost forma

    Mutual friction and diffusion of two-dimensional quantum vortices

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    We present a microscopic open quantum systems theory of thermally-damped vortex motion in oblate atomic superfluids that includes previously neglected energy-damping interactions between superfluid and thermal atoms. This mechanism couples strongly to vortex core motion and causes dissipation of vortex energy due to mutual friction, as well as Brownian motion of vortices due to thermal fluctuations. We derive an analytic expression for the dimensionless mutual friction coefficient that gives excellent quantitative agreement with experimentally measured values, without any fitted parameters. Our work closes an existing two orders of magnitude gap between dissipation theory and experiments, previously bridged by fitted parameters, and provides a microscopic origin for the mutual friction and diffusion of quantized vortices in two-dimensional atomic superfluids

    Spectral analysis for compressible quantum fluids

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    Turbulent fluid dynamics typically involves excitations on many different length scales. Classical incompressible fluids can be cleanly represented in Fourier space enabling spectral analysis of energy cascades and other turbulence phenomena. In quantum fluids, additional phase information and singular behaviour near vortex cores thwarts the direct extension of standard spectral techniques. We develop a formal and numerical spectral analysis for U(1)U(1) symmetry-breaking quantum fluids suitable for analyzing turbulent flows, with specific application to the Gross-Pitaevskii fluid. Our analysis builds naturally on the canonical approach to spectral analysis of velocity fields in compressible quantum fluids, and establishes a clear correspondence between energy spectral densities, power spectral densities, and autocorrelation functions, applicable to energy residing in velocity, quantum pressure, interaction, and potential energy of the fluid. Our formulation includes all quantum phase information and also enables arbitrary resolution spectral analysis, a valuable feature for numerical analysis. A central vortex in a trapped planar Bose-Einstein condensate provides an analytically tractable example with spectral features of interest in both the infrared and ultraviolet regimes. Sampled distributions modelling the dipole gas, plasma, and clustered regimes exhibit velocity correlation length increasing with vortex energy, consistent with known qualitative behaviour across the vortex clustering transition. The spectral analysis of compressible quantum fluids presented here offers a rigorous tool for analysing quantum features of superfluid turbulence in atomic or polariton condensates.Comment: 17 pages. Fixed error in appendix C presentation, added references. Results and conclusions unchange

    Scaling dynamics of the ultracold Bose gas

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    The large-scale expansion dynamics of quantum gases is a central tool for ultracold gas experiments and poses a significant challenge for theory. In this work we provide an exact reformulation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for the ultracold Bose gas in a coordinate frame that adaptively scales with the system size during evolution, enabling simulations of long evolution times during expansion or similar large-scale manipulation. Our approach makes no hydrodynamic approximations, is not restricted to a scaling ansatz, harmonic potentials, or energy eigenstates, and can be generalized readily to non-contact interactions via the appropriate stress tensor of the quantum fluid. As applications, we simulate the expansion of the ideal gas, a cigar-shaped condensate in the Thomas-Fermi regime, and a linear superposition of counter propagating Gaussian wavepackets. We recover known scaling for the ideal gas and Thomas-Fermi regimes, and identify a linear regime of aspect-ratio preserving free expansion; analysis of the scaling dynamics equations shows that an exact, aspect-ratio invariant, free expansion does not exist for nonlinear evolution. Our treatment enables exploration of nonlinear effects in matter-wave dynamics over large scale-changing evolution.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 2 appendice
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