280 research outputs found


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    Together with the nautical chart a pilot is a navigational tool which the navigator uses in solving a navigational task. The pilot contains complex data obtained during long multidisciplinary researches in the sea. A special section of the pilot contains descriptions of geographic, oceanographic and weather data for the area covered by the pilot. The accuracy of the data and their optimal presentation in the pilot has a great significance for the safety of navigation. The approach to processing the data important for navigation and the description of an aquatorium may be various. Therefore the contents of the pilots in various countries may be different in some sections. In this paper the authors analysed, by means of method of comparison, the exactness of the description of data published in existing official national and foreign pilots, and differences in contents and values of certain parameters for the same areas are presented. Possible solutions have been presented which may reduce to minimum the observed differences and discrepancies in descriptions of certain parameters used by various publishers of official maritime publications.Peljar je uz pomorsku kartu osnovno navigacijsko pomagalo kojim se navigator služi pri rjeÅ”avanju navigacijskog zadatka. Sadrži kompleksne podatke dobivene dugotrajnim multidisciplinarnim istraživanjima na moru. Posebnu cjelinu peljara čini opis geografskih, oceanografskih i meteoroloÅ”kih podataka za područje koje obuhvaća sadržaj peljara. Točnost tih podataka i njihovo optimalno prikazivanje u peljaru imaju veliko značenje za sigurnost navigacije. Pristup obradi svih podataka važnih za plovidbu i opis određenog akvatorija može biti raznolik. Stoga se u peljarima raznih zemalja sadržaji u nekim segmentima razlikuju. U radu se komparativnom metodom analizira egzaktnost opisa podataka u postojećim službenim izdanjima domaćih i stranih peljara, prikazuju se razlike u sadržajima i vrijednostima pojedinih parametara za ista područja. Prezentiraju se moguća rjeÅ”enja kojima bi se uočene razlike i neujednačenosti u opisu pojedinih parametara različitih izdavača službenih pomorskih publikacija svele na najmanju moguću mjeru

    The magnetic behavior of Li2MO3 (M=Mn, Ru and Ir) and Li2(Mn1-xRux)O3

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    The present study summerizes magnetic and Mossbauer measurements on ceramic Li2MO3 M= Mn, Ru and Ir and the mixed Li2(Mn1-xRux)O3 materials, which show many of the features reflecting to antiferromagnetic ordering or to existence of paramagnetic states. Li2IrO3 and Li2RuO3 are paramagnetic down to 5 K. Li2(Mn1-xRux)O3 compounds are antiferromagnetically ordered at TN = 48 K for x=0. TN decreases as the Ru content increases and, for x=0.8, TN =34 K.Comment: accepted to Physica

    Snakebites in Mostar Region, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the snakebites in patients hospitalized at the Mostar Clinical Hospital, admitted between 1983 and 2006. A total of 341 patients were recorded, with moderate men predominance (52.8%). Majority of patients were bitten for the first time (99.1%). In 98.8% of patients snakebite occurred to the bare skin, most commonly during June to September period (64.2%). Snakebites were the commonest in agricultural workers (48.1%). Until 2003 all admitted patients were treated according to Russelā€™s scheme (3-anti). As of 2003 new treatment scheme was applied, resulting in the reduction of antidote and supportive treatment use, causing a reduction in the number of clinically apparent allergic reactions. Serum sickness was recorded in only 2 patients, while lethal outcome was recorded in one (0.3%). Overall results indicate that lethality of snakebite is low, and that patients were often administered treatment without medical indication. High number of tourists as well as the presence of the peace keeping troops and other visiting personnel in this region make the snakebites and awareness on snakes not only a local issue, but also more general concern


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    U ovom trenutku dostupna terapija za liječenje hepatitisa B rijetko može eradicirati infekciju (normalizacija ALT, negativizacija HBV DNK, serokonverzija HBsAg u anti-HBs). U posljednje 4 godine postignuti su manji pomaci u pogledu uspjeÅ”nosti liječenja. Promjene u odnosu na ranije hrvatske konsenzus konferencije iz 2005. i 2009. g. su temeljene na stajaliÅ”tima osuvremenjene Konsenzus konferencije Američkog druÅ”tva za istraživanje jetre iz 2009., Konsenzus konferencije Europske udruge za istraživanje jetre (EASL) iz 2012.g. te Smjernicama Azijsko-Pacifičke udruge za istraživanje jetre (APASL) iz 2012. g. U ovom radu ćemo navesti samo razlike u odnosu na ranije spomenute Hrvatske smjernice iz 2005. i 2009. godine. Novosti se odnose na primjenu neinvazivnih metoda za prosudbu fibroze, kvantifikaciju HBsAg u cilju predviđanja ishoda liječenja, registraciju novih lijekova i neke nove preporuke u cilju učinkovitijeg i racionalnijeg liječenja. Novosti su i preporuke za liječenje bolesnika u posebnim okolnostima Å”to uključuje liječenje trudnica, bolesnika s rezistencijom na lijekove, bolesnika s koinfekcijama, jetrenom dekompenzacijom, bolesnika na imuno i kemoterapiji i bolesnika nakon transplantacije jetre te bolesnike s HCC.Currently, therapy for hepatitis B has a limited effect and can rarely eradicate infection (ALT normalization, undetectable HBV DNA, HBsAg/anti-HBs seroconversion). Minimal progress in terms of treatment success has been achieved in the past four years. Changes from the previous Croatian Consensus Conferences in 2005 and 2009 are based on standings of the Consensus Conference of the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) 2009, Consensus Conference of the European Association for the Study of Liver (EASL) 2012, and Asia-Pacific Association Guidelines for the Study of Liver (APASL) 2012. In this paper, we will mention only differences in relation to the before mentioned Croatian guidelines from 2005 and 2009. New developments relating to the application of noninvasive methods for assessing fibrosis, quantification of HBsAg to predict treatment outcome, registration of new drugs, and some new recommendations for more efficient and rational treatment will be reviewed. New findings as well as recommendations for the treatment of patients in special circumstances including treatment of pregnant women, patients with drug resistance, patients with co-infection, hepatic decompensation, patients on immune and chemotherapy, patients after liver transplantation, and patients with HCC will also be included

    Maria Theresa's Matrimonial Policy

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    Velik je dio života Marije Terezije osim političkih poteza bio prožet i ženidbenom politikom njene djece. Poučena negativnim iskustvima svojih predaka u ratu za Å”panjolsko nasljeđe, kao i svojom borbom za prijestolje u ratu za austrijsko nasljeđe, Marija Terezija osigurala je budućnost austrijskoj kući sa svojih Å”esnaestero djece. U igri ženidbenih saveza Marija Terezija koristila je svoju djecu kao zalog i time osigurala veze s Burbonima, Å”panjolskom i francuskom lozom. Josip II. imao je dvije ženidbe, prvu s Izabelom od Parme, a drugu s Marijom Josipom od Bavarske. Leopold II. oženio se Å”panjolskom infantom Marijom Lujzom. Marija Kristina udala se za Alberta Saksonskog. Marija Karolina je, udavÅ”i se za Ferdinanda, kralja Napulja i Sicilije, i sama postala kraljicom. Marija Amalija udala se za Ferdinanda od Parme. Marija Antoaneta postala je suprugom francuskog kralja Luja XVI. Ferdinand se oženio Marijom Beatricom d'Este


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    Predmet ovog rada je utvrđivanje miÅ”ljenja i stavova stanovnika grada Splita prema Ultra Europe festivalu. Istraživanje je provedeno putem anketnog upitnika na prigodnom uzorku od 54 ispitanika različitog stupnja obrazovanja i dobnih skupina. Kao bitan faktor, uzeto je u obzir ostvaruju li ispitanici prihode od turizma. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako zadovoljstvo lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva nije povezano s visinom prihoda kojeg ostvaruju od turizma. Međutim, stanovnici koji ne ostvaruju prihode od turizma imaju negativan stav prema Ultra Europe festivalu. Promatrajući u kojoj mjeri gužva prouzrokovana velikim brojem posjetitelja festivala remeti svakodnevicu rezidenata, utvrđeno je da party turizam negativno utječe na kvalitetu života lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva.The subject of this paper is to determine the opinions and attitudes of the citizens of Split towards the Ultra Europe Festival. The survey collected opinion of 54 respondents of different age and education level. The major role for this research was the fact whether respondents have income from toursim. The survey results show that the satisfaction of the local population is not related to the amount of income they receive from tourism. However, residents who do not generate income from tourism mostly have a negative attitude towards the Ultra Europe Festival. According to the big trafic jams caused by the huge number of attendants that disturb daily life of the local residents, it was found that party tourism had a negative impact on the life quality of the local population

    Venomous Snakebites in Southern Croatia

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    This retrospective study is based on the analysis of 542 snakebite envenomation cases in southern Croatia, which were treated in the University Hospital Split over the period of 21 years. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of venomous snakebite in southern Croatia, epidemiological and clinical features of snakebite and treatment in the region. The mean annual snakebite incidence in southern Croatia was 5.2 per 100,000 inhabitants. The nose- horned viper (Vipera ammodytes) was responsible for most bites, only a small proportion being inflicted by the adder (Vipera berus). People of all ages were affected (1 ā€“ 82 year old), but the bites were more frequent in individuals older than 50 (46% of the cases) and in children and adolescents 19 year old and younger (27% of the cases). Most snakebite accidents happened in warm spring and summer months, the highest number occurring in May (22%). A majority of the victims were rural people engaged in agricultural activities. Bites on the upper limbs were more frequent (57%) than bites on the lower limbs (42%). With regard to envenomation severity, there were 15.1% minor, 40.5% mild, 26% moderate and 18% severe cases. Two victims died (0.4%). The antivenom produced by the Institute of Immunology in Zagreb was given to virtually all patients, and complications following its administration were rare. The antivenom was used more often than it was suggested by the symptoms present

    Marie Antoinette (1755 - 1793)

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    Marija Antoaneta (1755.-1793.) bila je kćicarice Marije Terezije (1740.-1780.). Rođena je kao austrijska nadvojvotkinja, a zahvaljujući austrijsko-francuskome sporazumu udala se za francuskoga prestolonasljednika Luja Augusta, budućeg Luja XVI. (1774.-1791.). Zbog svojega austrijskog porijekla bila je od samih početaka nepoželjna iako je za vrijeme vladavine Luja XV. (1715.-1774.), dok je bila francuska dauphine, narod bio naklonjen svojoj budućoj vladarici od koje su očekivali kvalitetniju budućnost. Nakon smrti Luja XV., 1774. godine, postaje zadnjom kraljicom apsolutističke Francuske. U povijesti je ostala upamćena kao jedna od najomraženijih francuskih kraljica, koja je postala poznata zahvaljujući lagodnom i rasipnom životu koji je vodila u Versaillesu i skandalima koji su često bili lažni i negativno opisivani. Od samih početaka svojega boravka u Francuskoj njome je manipulirala njezina austrijska obitelj pa su joj zbog toga Francuzi zamjerali političko uplitanje i proaustrijsku politiku. DugogodiÅ”nja nemogućnost da Francuskoj podari nasljednika, loÅ”a ekonomska i politička situacija dovela je do velike negativne propagande protiv kraljice, koju su ponižavali klevetama o lezbijskim odnosima i nezakonitom djecom. Mržnja prema kraljici kulminirala je za vrijeme Francuske revolucije (1789.-1795.) njezinim suđenjem i naposljetku tragičnom smrti pod giljotinom
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