135 research outputs found

    Berkeley, God and the Succession of Ideas

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    Our thesis asks the question, for Berkeley does there exist a succession of ideas in the mind of God? Presented are five chapters. First, we consider Berkeley's definition(s) of the term, God. We contend that two distinct and opposing definitions of God emerge. Second, in the context of both definitions of God we assess Berkeley's Theory of Knowledge and his definition of the term, notion. By way of this analysis we argue that Berkeley himself maintains that only one of his two definitions of God is comprehensible and applicable to his metaphysics. Third, we turn to Berkeley's definition(s) of the term idea as interpreted through the one comprehensible definition of God that Berkeley posits. The distinction that Berkeley makes between archetypal and ectypal ideas will be considered in this light. Fourth, in relation to our analyses of God, notions and ideas, we consider Berkeley's Theory of Cause and Effect with respect to action, or the agency of finite spirits, humans. And fifth, we discuss the interpretations of various commentators with respect to the topics and questions that arise throughout the course of our investigation. Finally, we offer concluding remarks in answer to our original question. Does there exist for Berkeley a succession of ideas in the mind of God

    Consideration of Hegel, Heidegger and Rangos with Respect to the Relationships of Deductions in the Parmenides of Plato

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    Analysis of the Deductions in Plato's Parmenides

    Defining Dirty Hands in Politics

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    Analysis of Bernard Williams' refusal to commit, and Pierre Trudeau's actions during the October Crisis of 1970

    Notes on De L'Homme by Helvetius

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    Notes on De L'Homme by Helvetius with quotations in French

    Sartre on Berkeley

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    Brief comment upon Sartre's analysis of Berkeley from Being and Nothingness

    Bibliography on Hegel's Lectures on Fine Art

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    Commentary upon ten papers on the subject of Hegel's Lectures on Fine Art, his Aesthetics

    Hegel on Helvetius

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    Analysis of Hegel on Helvetius

    Hegel on Malebranche, Berkeley and Hume

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    Analysis of Hegel on Malebranche, Berkeley and Hume

    Interpreting Berkeley's Twofold State of Things

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    Analysis of Berkeley's "twofold state of things"

    Hegel on Time in Music

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    Analysis of Hegel on Time in Music
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