25 research outputs found

    Modeling of Multivariate Longitudinal Phenotypes in Family Genetic Studies with Bayesian Multiplicity Adjustment

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    Genetic studies often collect data on multiple traits. Most genetic association analyses, however, consider traits separately and ignore potential correlation among traits, partially because of difficulties in statistical modeling of multivariate outcomes. When multiple traits are measured in a pedigree longitudinally, additional challenges arise because in addition to correlation between traits, a trait is often correlated with its own measures over time and with measurements of other family members. We developed a Bayesian model for analysis of bivariate quantitative traits measured longitudinally in family genetic studies. For a given trait, family-specific and subject-specific random effects account for correlation among family members and repeated measures, respectively. Correlation between traits is introduced by incorporating multivariate random effects and allowing time-specific trait residuals to correlate as in seemingly unrelated regressions. The proposed model can examine multiple single-nucleotide variations simultaneously, as well as incorporate familyspecific, subject-specific, or time-varying covariates. Bayesian multiplicity technique is used to effectively control false positives. Genetic Analysis Workshop 18 simulated data illustrate the proposed approach\u27s applicability in modeling longitudinal multivariate outcomes in family genetic association studies

    Genetic Influences on Behavioral Outcomes After Childhood TBI: A Novel Systems Biology-Informed Approach

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    Objectives: To test whether genetic associations with behavioral outcomes after early childhood traumatic brain injury (TBI) are enriched for biologic pathways underpinning neurocognitive and behavioral networks.Design: Cross-sectional evaluation of the association of genetic factors with early (~ 6 months) and long-term (~ 7 years) post-TBI behavioral outcomes. We combined systems biology and genetic association testing methodologies to identify biologic pathways associated with neurocognitive and behavior outcomes after TBI. We then evaluated whether genes/single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) associated with these biologic pathways were more likely to demonstrate a relationship (i.e., enrichment) with short and long-term behavioral outcomes after early childhood TBI compared to genes/SNPs not associated with these biologic pathways.Setting: Outpatient research setting.Participants:140 children, ages 3–6:11 years at time of injury, admitted for a TBI or orthopedic injury (OI).Interventions: Not Applicable.Main Outcome Measures: Child behavior checklist total problems T score.Results: Systems biology methodology identified neuronal systems and neurotransmitter signaling (Glutamate receptor, dopamine, serotonin, and calcium signaling), inflammatory response, cell death, immune systems, and brain development as important biologic pathways to neurocognitive and behavioral outcomes after TBI. At 6 months post injury, the group (TBI versus OI) by polymorphism interaction was significant when the aggregate signal from the highest ranked 40% of case gene associations was compared to the control set of genes. At ~ 7 years post injury, the selected polymorphisms had a significant main effect after controlling for injury type when the aggregate signal from the highest ranked 10% of the case genes were compared to the control set of genesConclusions: Findings demonstrate the promise of applying a genomics approach, informed by systems biology, to understanding behavioral recovery after pediatric TBI. A mixture of biologic pathways and processes are associated with behavioral recovery, specifically genes associated with cell death, inflammatory response, neurotransmitter signaling, and brain development. These results provide insights into the complex biology of TBI recovery

    Detection of associations with rare and common SNPs for quantitative traits: a nonparametric Bayes-based approach

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    We propose a nonparametric Bayes-based clustering algorithm to detect associations with rare and common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for quantitative traits. Unlike current methods, our approach identifies associations with rare genetic variants at the variant level, not the gene level. In this method, we use a Dirichlet process prior for the distribution of SNP-specific regression coefficients, conduct hierarchical clustering with a distance measure derived from posterior pairwise probabilities of two SNPs having the same regression coefficient, and explore data-driven approaches to select the number of clusters. SNPs falling inside the largest cluster have relatively low or close to zero estimates of regression coefficients and are considered not associated with the trait. SNPs falling outside the largest cluster have relatively high estimates of regression coefficients and are considered potential risk variants. Using the data from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17, we successfully detected associations with both rare and common SNPs for a quantitative trait. We conclude that our method provides a novel and broadly applicable strategy for obtaining association results with a reasonably low proportion of false discovery and that it can be routinely used in resequencing studies

    Effect of population stratification analysis on false-positive rates for common and rare variants

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    Principal components analysis (PCA) has been successfully used to correct for population stratification in genome-wide association studies of common variants. However, rare variants also have a role in common disease etiology. Whether PCA successfully controls population stratification for rare variants has not been addressed. Thus we evaluate the effect of population stratification analysis on false-positive rates for common and rare variants at the single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and gene level. We use the simulation data from Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 and compare false-positive rates with and without PCA at the SNP and gene level. We found that SNPs’ minor allele frequency (MAF) influenced the ability of PCA to effectively control false discovery. Specifically, PCA reduced false-positive rates more effectively in common SNPs (MAF > 0.05) than in rare SNPs (MAF < 0.01). Furthermore, at the gene level, although false-positive rates were reduced, power to detect true associations was also reduced using PCA. Taken together, these results suggest that sequence-level data should be interpreted with caution, because extremely rare SNPs may exhibit sporadic association that is not controlled using PCA

    Family- and population-based designs identify different rare causal variants

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    Both family- and population-based samples are used to identify genetic variants associated with phenotypes. Each strategy has demonstrated advantages, but their ability to identify rare variants and genes containing rare variants is unclear. To compare these two study designs in the identification of rare causal variants, we applied various methods to the population- and family-based data simulated by the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 with knowledge of the simulated model. Our results suggest that different variants can be identified by different study designs. Family-based and population-based study designs can be complementary in the identification of rare causal variants and should be considered in future studies