18 research outputs found

    Parent-Reared Bobwhite Survival in the Texas Rolling Plains

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    Considerable research has been accomplished over the past 6 decades on the possible reasons for decline in the northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), henceforth known as the bobwhite. Restoring or restocking bobwhite populations by augmentation in areas that once held significant numbers has been a focus for many wildlife agencies and managers. Three main methods for augmentation of bobwhites currently exist: release of pen-raised birds, release of juvenile birds reared by Surrogator®, and translocation of wild bobwhites from one area to another. Of these 3 methods, only translocation has accomplished the goal of reestablishing bobwhite populations. Recently a new model developed by Tall Timbers Research Station in Tallahassee, Florida, USA, has successfully produced parent-reared bobwhite chicks from wild strain, which are raised by a surrogate parent in a simulated wild habitat environment. These birds have been released into the southeastern United States and successfully established new bobwhite population in areas of restored habitat. We designed a study to determine the viability of this rearing and release method for restoring depleted bobwhite populations in the semiarid, Rolling Plains of Texas. One hundred fifty nine radiomarked, parent-reared bobwhites were released in 2013–2014 on 8 ranches. One hundred five radiomarked, parent-reared bobwhites were released in 2014–2015 on 6 ranches. The survival rates were low for both years of the study with only 4 radiomarked birds surviving the first year and no birds surviving the second year. An apparent lack of predator-avoidance skills appears to be responsible for the high mortality rates that we estimated

    Invertebrate Abundance at Northern Bobwhite Brood Locations in the Rolling Plains of Texas

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    Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), a bird of significant ecological and economic importance throughout the Rolling Plains region of Texas, has experienced significant population declines. Bobwhites have been the focus of extensive research for decades but little is known about foraging ecology of adults and chicks during post-hatch. Invertebrates are a key summer diet component for chicks, and supply the necessary proteins and minerals needed to fuel rapid body development. We examined brood-foraging sites to investigate invertebrate abundance. We radiomarked 121 bobwhite hens during winter-spring 2008 and 2009 and subsequently monitored 14 broods post-hatch. We collected invertebrate samples from 34 brood points and random paired-locations using sweep nets. Samples were sorted by Order to ascertain abundance and diversity. There was no difference in total abundance, abundance of Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera, and Order diversity between brood and random locations. Northern bobwhite hens do not appear to select foraging sites based upon invertebrate abundance in the Rolling Plains of Texas

    Comparing the Accuracy of Egg Candling and Egg Flotation to Estimate the Hatching Date of Northern Bobwhite Clutches

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    Floating and candling avian eggs to assess hatch dates has been used successfully to estimate hatch dates for wild bird clutches for decades. However, there is a dearth of information assessing the accuracy of these techniques to estimate northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) hatch dates. We captured and fitted a hen bobwhites with very high frequency transmitters during January and February of 2011–2012. We monitored each bird twice weekly until nesting was initiated. We searched for the nest while the hen was away from the nest (i.e., feeding) to reduce potential abandonment. We used egg floatation and egg candling methods to attempt to estimate wild northern bobwhite clutches during the 2011–2012 nesting seasons. We used a mini MagLite© (97 lumens; Mag Instrument, Inc., Ontario, CA, USA) with the glass lens removed so eggs would sit near the bulb to increase the illumination. We used a dark green 68-cm x 137-cm towel to cover the observer in the field to reduce the naturally occurring light, which might have reduced the visibility of the chick embryo. We based age of the eggs (no. of days since the start of incubation) on the embryo growth stage at the time of nest discovery. We conducted egg flotation at the same time as candling. We used a 100-mL glass beaker with 100-mL of ambient temperature tap water to completely submerge the egg to estimate hatch date. We based the flotation estimation age on the angle at which the egg floated in the water. We also conducted a controlled laboratory experiment using pen-raised quail eggs collected from the breeding colony at the Quail-Tech Alliance breeding facility in Lubbock, Texas. We placed 110 eggs in a commercial incubator that was maintained at 37° C with 55% humidity for the duration of the study. We used 3 novice observers to determine the impact of observer bias on the techniques of estimating hatch date. We placed random groups of eggs (i.e., 5–15 eggs at a time until 110 eggs were obtained) into the incubator at a staggered rate to increase variation in the study. We used the same field techniques for hatch date estimation in the controlled study. We first floated eggs during both controlled and field observations to reduce any potential bias that candling might have on the hatch date estimation (i.e., lack of embryo growth). During the controlled study observers examined the eggs individually. Using the average estimated hatch date (Julian date) as a predictor, we used linear regression to determine the accuracy of the candling and floating methods. We also used a linear regression to determine the accuracy of each estimation technique and observers. When candle and egg floating occurred in a field setting, both methods were found to overestimate the actual hatch date of the clutches discovered (n = 47; R2 = 0.993, P \u3c 0.001; estimated hatch days when using candle: x̄ = 1.21 ± 0.92 days, floating: x̄ = 0.89 ± 0.97 days). However, the mean difference between the candling and flotation was -0.38 days (SE = 1.07 days). Regression analysis suggests that candling and egg flotation are fairly accurate predictors of the actual hatch date for newly discovered bobwhite nests (candling: β = 0.43, t = 3.75, P = 0.001; floating: β = 0.53, t = 4.79, P \u3c 0.001). Use of the candling method appears to be correct 43% of the time whereas egg flotation accurately predicted the estimated hatch date 53% of the time. Under controlled conditions, all 3 observers were new to both techniques of hatch date estimation and were all taught by the same instructor for each method. During the controlled test, we found that observers were highly variable. Two observers could predict the estimated hatch date by using the candling and egg flotation methods to a close estimation of the actual hatch date (floating [observer 1: β = 0.23, t = 2.80, P = 0.006 and observer 2: β = 0.47, t = 5.52, P \u3c 0.001]; candling [observer 1: β = 0.30, t = 4.00, P = 0.006, observer 2: β = 0.219, P \u3c 0.01]). Although observer 3 was unable to predict the estimated hatch date for both estimation methods (floating: β = –0.001, t = –0.013, P = 0.684; candling: β = 0.043, t = 0.40, P = 0.990). We also examined any potential abandonment or hatchability issues that might have risen while using candling or floating to estimate hatch dates for wild clutches. We found that 0.06% (5 of 80 nests) of hens abandoned their clutches during this study. Of the 5 nests that were abandoned zero were abandoned because of measurements obtained during the initial investigation of the nest site. All abandonments were due to either weather (i.e., summer hail), predators, or livestock. Viability and hatchability were unaffected for the remaining clutches that were measured during the field study. We found that candling and egg flotation are both viable methods for estimating hatch dates of bobwhite clutches during an initial measurement when a nest is discovered. When an entire clutch is measured accuracy can be within 1 day of the actual estimated hatch date (based on a 24-day incubation period). However, observers or researchers who will estimate hatch dates for clutches should be properly trained and allowed time to acclimate to the measuring techniques to potentially increase their accuracy at estimating hatch dates for northern bobwhite clutches

    Evaluation of a Solar-Recharged Micro-GPS Datalogger for Northern Bobwhite in the Rolling Plains of Texas

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    The use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) transmitters on northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter, bobwhite) could increase our understanding of fine-scale movements and habitat use for a declining game bird species. We evaluated solar-recharged micro-GPS dataloggers to determine the effectiveness of the units on free-ranging bobwhite and we conducted a controlled experiment to determine the accuracy of the dataloggers under a variety of canopy cover. We deployed the micro-GPS dataloggers on 25 bobwhites between August 2016 and April 2017 across 4 different ranches in the Rolling Plains of West Texas, USA. Accuracy (± standard error) for the 8 dataloggers across 3 trials for the stationary tests was 25.4 ± 3.8 m. Daily movement of bobwhite averaged 0.96 ± 0.09 km and morning movements averaged 0.49 ± 0.07 km. Average 95% and 50% minimum convex polygons for bobwhite area utilization were 15.2 ha and 3.6 ha, respectively. Our data indicate that solar-recharged micro-GPS dataloggers can be used to monitor bobwhites’ short-term fine-scale movements in West Texas

    Genetic Structure of Northern Bobwhite in the Rolling Plains

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    The recent declines in northern bobwhite quail populations in the Rolling Plains of Texas have raised concerns about habitat connectivity and gene flow. In addition, bobwhites have several life history traits that make them likely to display high levels of spatial genetic structure including low survival, high reproductive rates, and low dispersal rates. To determine if populations within the Rolling Plains have limited gene flow, we investigated the genetic structure of northern bobwhites within the ecoregion. Blood samples were collected at 16 ranches, encompassing 22 million acres, between February 2010 and April 2013. Bobwhites were also samples at a ranch in South Texas to serve as an outgroup. Samples (n = 647) were genotyped at 14 microsatellite loci that averaged 19.00 ± 5.07 alleles per loci. Global Fst indicated significant genetic structure (p = 0.001) between ranches with no isolation by distance signal (p = 0.079). Program STRUCTURE, however, indicated many (n = 30) overlapping subpopulations with no ranch constituting a single subpopulation and individuals from the outgroup ranch were included in 11 subpopulations. It appears that bobwhites within the Rolling Plains have few restrictions to gene flow and dispersal is not limited by the dominant habitat, xeric rangeland. These results suggest that populations in the Rolling Plains are not in danger of becoming isolated nor are bottlenecks present due to the recent decline

    Examination of an Anecdotal “October Disappearance” of Northern Bobwhite in the Rolling Plains of Texas Through Demographic Data

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    Landowners and wildlife managers in the Rolling Plains ecological region of Texas, USA often report encountering northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter, bobwhite) in summer but observe what they perceive as a decrease in quail by early to mid-fall. As most bobwhite research in the Rolling Plains is focused on either breeding season or overwinter survival and movement, researchers rarely record demographic data during this late summer and early fall period. We examined weekly survival probabilities of bobwhite (n = 244) across 7 sites in the western Rolling Plains Ecoregion from August to late November in 2016, 2017, 2019, and 2020. Bobwhites were captured and equipped with very high frequency (VHF) transmitters and tracked 1–5 times/week. We used Akaike’s Information Criterion adjusted for small sample sizes (AICc) to evaluate a suite of candidate models comparing survival among and between years and survival between individual weeks to determine whether an unreported population decrease occurred during the study years. Our comparison of weekly survival probabilities considered survival to be different if 95% confidence intervals did not overlap. Our best supported model held survival constant among years and allowed survival to vary week by week. All other models received little support (ΔAICc \u3e 14.0). Examination of weekly survival probabilities failed to support a demographically driven hypothesis for decreased bobwhite observations from August to November. Though there was an observed decrease of weekly survival in the fourth week of September, it was not different than 16 of the 17 other weeks. We conclude that, for the years we measured, there was no support for a mass die-off hypothesis. Factors outside survival (e.g., a change in bobwhite behavior) may be driving the difference in detectability between late summer and late fall in the Rolling Plains of Texas

    Exclosures: An Experimental Technique for Protection of Northern Bobwhite Nests

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    Nest predation has been implicated as a factor affecting northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) recruitment rates. Public stakeholders are increasingly questioning use of lethal methods to manage predation. We evaluated a nonlethal method consisting of single nest treatments using an exclosure to protect nests from potential predators. The exclosure treatment also included use of Amdrot (hydramethylnon) and Snake-a-wayt repellents to deter red-imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) and snakes, respectively. We compared nest success of treated (n 1⁄4 8) to untreated nests (n 1⁄4 18). Treated nests were 88% successful which was a 2-fold increase over unprotected nests. We did not observe any difference in hen behavior between treatment and controls. This technique may be useful to study nest success of wild quail and is not intended to be a management technique to influence overall population growth

    Nest-Site Characteristics of Northern Bobwhites Translocated Into Weeping Lovegrass CRP

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    Habitat loss and fragmentation have been considered major causes for the decline of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). There are . 400,000 ha of weeping lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas some of which could be modified to provide usable habitat for northern bobwhites. Timely colonization of improved CRP habitat by northern bobwhite is unlikely without transplantation, because of distance from existing populations. We radio-marked and transplanted 94 northern bobwhite into weeping lovegrass CRP and monitored nest success. We recorded high nest success in 2002 (70%) and 2003 (71%) for northern bobwhite nesting in weeping lovegrass CRP in the area studied. The composition of weeping lovegrass CRP fields available in our study area appears to be suitable nesting cover for northern bobwhite

    Response of Northern Bobwhites to Habitat Improvement on Private Lands in the Rolling Plains of Texas

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    Northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) in the Rolling Plains of Texas have experienced significant declines in recent years. Examination of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Quail Roadside Counts reveals a steep decline since 2007 in the Rolling Plains of Texas. Biologists only detected 2.91 birds/counting route in 2013. This number marked 2 years in a row of record lows (counts started in 1978) below the long-term mean of 19.7 birds/route (Texas Parks and Wildlife 2015). These numbers are not surprising given the historically damaging drought Texas has suffered. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department counts improved to 7.5 bobwhites/counting route in 2014. This increase is linked to improving precipitation levels preceding and during the 2013 and 2014 breeding seasons. Though population growth is controlled primarily by rainfall (Jackson 1962), a reduction in the acreage of suitable habitat has also played a role in the bobwhite decline. Many areas on the Rolling Plains of Texas have become choked with invasive brush species, such as honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) and juniper (Juniperus spp.), because of excessive grazing and a lack of fire (Mcpherson et al. 1988, Ansley et al. 1995). Asner et al. (2003) estimated woody cover increased as much as 500% in some areas of northern Texas between 1937 and 1999. Mesquite and juniper encroachment can occur to the point they become a steady-state, dominant vegetation that shades out grasses and other vegetation (Ansley and Weidemann 2008). Woody cover encroachment exceeding 70% canopy cover is not uncommon (Mirik and Ansley 2012). This heavy brush cover is not suitable habitat for bobwhites and limits population expansion even in years of adequate rainfall (Jackson 1969, Kopp et al. 1998). The millions of acres of brushdominated rangeland in Texas represent areas that can become usable habitat for bobwhites when brush coverage is reduced to suitable levels. Mechanical removal using a dozer or track hoe is a common method of reducing canopy coverage of mesquite and juniper. This method allows a manager to selectively remove brush in the quantity and distribution that is desired while leaving beneficial shrub species such as lotebush (Ziziphus obtusifolia) or skunkbush sumac (Rhus trilobata) undamaged. We received funding from a Texas Parks and Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Grant to mechanically remove excessive brush cover on private lands with the objective of expanding bobwhite populations. We selected treatment sites that were currently inhabited by quail or were adjacent to sites inhabited by quail, but whose populations appeared to be limited by excessive brush cover and unable to expand or increase. These sites were located on ranches enrolled in The Quail-Tech Alliance research program. We treated 404 ha spread across 7 different properties during 2014 and 2015. Depending upon the site, brush removal was accomplished using either a bulldozer or track hoe to mechanically grub mesquite and juniper trees or in some instances a combination of both tree species. In some instances landowners used their own equipment while in others private contractors were hired to accomplish the reduction project. We worked with individual landowners to incorporate their overall wildlife management objectives. Consequently, the pattern and canopy coverage of brush remaining after mechanical reduction varied among projects and was influenced by the brush density of the treatment area. Some landowners removed strips of brush while others left brush mottes throughout the landscape. All projects resulted in increased acreage of suitable bobwhite habitat with a resulting brush canopy coverage ranging from 5% to 30% depending upon the project. The soil disturbance and subsequent beneficially timed rainfall caused treated areas to be revegetated with desirable forbs and grasses within 60 days posttreatment. Bobwhites were observed using the treatment areas within a few months of treatment. Though favorable rains in 2014 and 2015 played a role in this response, it would not have been possible for bobwhites to use the treatment areas before brush reduction. Bobwhite populations will positively respond to mechanical brush removal treatments in the Rolling Plains of Texas. This project increased the acreage of suitable habitat for bobwhites; showing the value of habitat restoration programs

    Managing Yaupon in the Post Oak Savannah

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