1,084 research outputs found

    Production of the X(3872) at the Tevatron and the LHC

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    We predict the differential cross sections for production of the X(3872) at the Tevatron and the Large Hadron Collider from both prompt QCD mechanisms and from decays of b hadrons. The prompt cross section is calculated using the NRQCD factorization formula. Simplifying assumptions are used to reduce the nonperturbative parameters to a single NRQCD matrix element that is determined from an estimate of the prompt cross section at the Tevatron. For X(3872) with transverse momenta greater than about 4 GeV, the predicted cross section is insensitive to the simplifying assumptions. We also discuss critically a recent analysis that concluded that the prompt production rate at the Tevatron is too large by orders of magnitude for the X(3872) to be a weakly-bound charm-meson molecule. We point out that if charm-meson rescattering is properly taken into account, the upper bound is increased by orders of magnitude and is compatible with the observed production rate at the Tevatron.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    The Renormalization Group Limit Cycle for the 1/r^2 Potential

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    Previous work has shown that if an attractive 1/r^2 potential is regularized at short distances by a spherical square-well potential, renormalization allows multiple solutions for the depth of the square well. The depth can be chosen to be a continuous function of the short-distance cutoff R, but it can also be a log-periodic function of R with finite discontinuities, corresponding to a renormalization group (RG) limit cycle. We consider the regularization with a delta-shell potential. In this case, the coupling constant is uniquely determined to be a log-periodic function of R with infinite discontinuities, and an RG limit cycle is unavoidable. In general, a regularization with an RG limit cycle is selected as the correct renormalization of the 1/r^2 potential by the conditions that the cutoff radius R can be made arbitrarily small and that physical observables are reproduced accurately at all energies much less than hbar^2/mR^2.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Damping rate of plasmons and photons in a degenerate nonrelativistic plasma

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    A calculation is presented of the plasmon and photon damping rates in a dense nonrelativistic plasma at zero temperature, following the resummation program of Braaten-Pisarski. At small soft momentum kk, the damping is dominated by 323 \to 2 scattering processes corresponding to double longitudinal Landau damping. The dampings are proportional to (α/vF)3/2k2/m(\alpha/v_{F})^{3/2} k^2/m, where vFv_{F} is the Fermi velocity.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Production of the X(3872) in B Meson Decay by the Coalescence of Charm Mesons

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    If the recently-discovered charmonium state X(3872) is a loosely-bound S-wave molecule of the charm mesons \bar D^0 D^{*0} or \bar D^{*0} D^0, it can be produced in B meson decay by the coalescence of charm mesons. If this coalescence mechanism dominates, the ratio of the differential rate for B^+ \to \bar D^0 D^{*0} K^+ near the \bar D^0 D^{*0} threshold and the rate for B^+ \to X K^+ is a function of the \bar D^0 D^{*0} invariant mass and hadron masses only. The identification of the X(3872) as a \bar D^0 D^{*0}/\bar D^{*0} D^0 molecule can be confirmed by observing an enhancement in the \bar D^0 D^{*0} invariant mass distribution near the threshold. An estimate of the branching fraction for B^+ \to X K^+ is consistent with observations if X has quantum numbers J^{PC} = 1^{++} and if J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^- is one of its major decay modes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    Longitudinal and transverse fermion-boson vertex in QED at finite temperature in the HTL approximation

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    We evaluate the fermion-photon vertex in QED at the one loop level in Hard Thermal Loop approximation and write it in covariant form. The complete vertex can be expanded in terms of 32 basis vectors. As is well known, the fermion-photon vertex and the fermion propagator are related through a Ward-Takahashi Identity (WTI). This relation splits the vertex into two parts: longitudinal (Gamma_L) and transverse (Gamma_T). Gamma_L is fixed by the WTI. The description of the longitudinal part consumes 8 of the basis vectors. The remaining piece Gamma_T is then written in terms of 24 spin amplitudes. Extending the work of Ball and Chiu and Kizilersu et. al., we propose a set of basis vectors T^mu_i(P_1,P_2) at finite temperature such that each of these is transverse to the photon four-momentum and also satisfies T^mu_i(P,P)=0, in accordance with the Ward Identity, with their corresponding coefficients being free of kinematic singularities. This basis reduces to the form proposed by Kizilersu et. al. at zero temperature. We also evaluate explicitly the coefficient of each of these vectors at the above-mentioned level of approximation.Comment: 13 pages, uses RevTe

    Gluon fragmentation to 1D2^1D_2 quarkonia

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    Gluon fragmentation to heavy JPC=2+J^{PC}=2^{-+} quarkonia is studied herein. We compute these D-wave states' polarized fragmentation functions and find that they are enhanced by large numerical prefactors. The prospects for detecting the lowest lying 1D2^1D_2 charmonium state at the Tevatron are discussed.Comment: 10 pages with 4 uuencoded figures, CALT-68-195

    Power counting and effective field theory for charmonium

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    We hypothesize that the correct power counting for charmonia is in the parameter Lambda_QCD/m_c, but is not based purely on dimensional analysis (as is HQET). This power counting leads to predictions which differ from those resulting from the usual velocity power counting rules of NRQCD. In particular, we show that while Lambda_QCD/m_c power counting preserves the empirically verified predictions of spin symmetry in decays, it also leads to new predictions which include: A hierarchy between spin singlet and triplet octet matrix elements in the J/psi system. A quenching of the net polarization in production at large transverse momentum. No end point enhancement in radiative decays. We discuss explicit tests which can differentiate between the traditional and new theories of NRQCD.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure Replaced plot of the psi polarization parameter alpha as a function of transverse momentum. Alpha is now closer to zero for large transverse moment

    Solution to the 3-Loop Φ\Phi-Derivable Approximation for Massless Scalar Thermodynamics

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    We develop a systematic method for solving the 3-loop Φ\Phi-derivable approximation to the thermodynamics of the massless ϕ4\phi^4 field theory. The method involves expanding sum-integrals in powers of g2g^2 and m/T, where g is the coupling constant, m is a variational mass parameter, and T is the temperature. The problem is reduced to one with the single variational parameter m by solving the variational equations order-by-order in g2g^2 and m/T. At the variational point, there are ultraviolet divergences of order g6g^6 that cannot be removed by any renormalization of the coupling constant. We define a finite thermodynamic potential by truncating at 5th5^{th} order in g and m/T. The associated thermodynamic functions seem to be perturbatively stable and insensitive to variations in the renormalization scale.Comment: 57 pages, 10 figure

    Mass Corrections to the Tau Decay Rate

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    In this note radiative corrections to the total hadronic decay rate of the τ\tau-lepton are studied employing perturbative QCD and the operator product expansion. We calculate quadratic quark mass corrections to the decay rate ration RτR_{\tau} to the order O(αs2m2){\cal O}(\alpha_s^2 m^2) and find that they contribute appreciably to the Cabbibo supressed decay modes of the τ\tau-lepton. We also discuss corrections of mass dimension D=4, where we emphasize the need of a suitable choice of the renormalization scale of the quark and gluon condensates.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, no figures. This version fixes a typo in eq. (25) of the original paper (Z. Phys. C59 (1993) 525) and an errror in a numerical integration procedure which has resulted to a significant increase of the O(\alpha_s^2) coefficient in eq. (27). As a consequence also some tables in Section 4 have been modifie

    Polarization of Prompt J/psi at the Tevatron

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    The polarization of prompt J/psi at the Fermilab Tevatron is calculated within the nonrelativistic QCD factorization framework. The contribution from radiative decays of P-wave charmonium states decreases, but does not eliminate, the transverse polarization at large transverse momentum. The angular distribution parameter alpha for leptonic decays of the J/\psi is predicted to increase from near 0 at p_T = 5 GeV to about 0.5 at p_T = 20 GeV. The prediction is consistent with measurements by the CDF Collaboration at intermediate values of p_T, but disagrees by about 3 standard deviations at the largest values of p_T measured.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, one reference added, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.