15 research outputs found

    Test-beam Performance Results of the FASTPIX Sub-Nanosecond CMOS Pixel Sensor Demonstrator

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    Within the ATTRACT FASTPIX project, a monolithic pixel sensor demonstrator chip has been developed in a modified 180 nm CMOS imaging process technology, targeting sub-nanosecond timing precision for single ionising particles. It features a small collection electrode design on a 25 micrometers-thick epitaxial layer and contains 32 mini matrices of 68 hexagonal pixels each, with pixel pitches ranging from 8.66 to 20 micrometers. Four pixels are transmitting an analog output signal and 64 are transmitting binary hit information. Various design variations are explored, aiming at accelerating the charge collection and making the timing of the charge collection more uniform over the pixel area. Signal treatment of the analog waveforms, as well as reconstruction of digital position, time and charge information, is carried out off-chip. This contribution introduces the design of the sensor and readout system and presents performance results for various pixel designs achieved in recent test beam measurements with external tracking and timing reference detectors. A time resolution below 150 ps is obtained at full efficiency for all pixel pitches.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, submitted to NIMA (special issue for ULITIMA 2023 conference

    Transient Monte Carlo Simulations for the Optimisation and Characterisation of Monolithic Silicon Sensors

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    An ever-increasing demand for high-performance silicon sensors requires complex sensor designs that are challenging to simulate and model. The combination of electrostatic finite element simulations with a transient Monte Carlo approach provides simultaneous access to precise sensor modelling and high statistics. The high simulation statistics enable the inclusion of Landau fluctuations and production of secondary particles, which offers a realistic simulation scenario. The transient simulation approach is an important tool to achieve an accurate time-resolved description of the sensor, which is crucial in the face of novel detector prototypes with increasingly precise timing capabilities. The simulated time resolution as a function of operating parameters as well as the full transient pulse can be monitored and assessed, which offers a new perspective on the optimisation and characterisation of silicon sensors. In this paper, a combination of electrostatic finite-element simulations using 3D TCAD and transient Monte Carlo simulations with the Allpix Squared framework are presented for a monolithic CMOS pixel sensor with a small collection diode, that is characterised by a highly inhomogeneous, complex electric field. The results are compared to transient 3D TCAD simulations that offer a precise simulation of the transient behaviour but long computation times. Additionally, the simulations are benchmarked against test-beam data and good agreement is found for the performance parameters over a wide range of different operation conditions

    Developing a Monolithic Silicon Sensor in a 65 nm CMOS Imaging Technology for Future Lepton Collider Vertex Detectors

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    Monolithic CMOS sensors in a 65 nm imaging technology are being investigated by the CERN EP Strategic R&D Programme on Technologies for Future Experiments for an application in particle physics. The appeal of monolithic detectors lies in the fact that both sensor volume and readout electronics are integrated in the same silicon wafer, providing a reduction in production effort, costs and scattering material. The Tangerine Project WP1 at DESY participates in the Strategic R&D Programme and is focused on the development of a monolithic active pixel sensor with a time and spatial resolution compatible with the requirements for a future lepton collider vertex detector. By fulfilling these requirements, the Tangerine detector is suitable as well to be used as telescope planes for the DESY-II Test Beam facility. The project comprises all aspects of sensor development, from the electronics engineering and the sensor design using simulations, to laboratory and test beam investigations of prototypes. Generic TCAD Device and Monte-Carlo simulations are used to establish an understanding of the technology and provide important insight into performance parameters of the sensor. Testing prototypes in laboratory and test beam facilities allows for the characterization of their response to different conditions. By combining results from all these studies it is possible to optimize the sensor layout. This contribution presents results from generic TCAD and Monte-Carlo simulations, and measurements performed with test chips of the first sensor submission.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IEEE Xplore as conference record for 2022 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTS

    Digital Pixel Test Structures implemented in a 65 nm CMOS process

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    The ALICE ITS3 (Inner Tracking System 3) upgrade project and the CERN EP R&D on monolithic pixel sensors are investigating the feasibility of the Tower Partners Semiconductor Co. 65 nm process for use in the next generation of vertex detectors. The ITS3 aims to employ wafer-scale Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors thinned down to 20 to 40 um and bent to form truly cylindrical half barrels. Among the first critical steps towards the realisation of this detector is to validate the sensor technology through extensive characterisation both in the laboratory and with in-beam measurements. The Digital Pixel Test Structure (DPTS) is one of the prototypes produced in the first sensor submission in this technology and has undergone a systematic measurement campaign whose details are presented in this article. The results confirm the goals of detection efficiency and non-ionising and ionising radiation hardness up to the expected levels for ALICE ITS3 and also demonstrate operation at +20 C and a detection efficiency of 99% for a DPTS irradiated with a dose of 101510^{15} 1 MeV neq/_{\mathrm{eq}}/cm2^2. Furthermore, spatial, timing and energy resolutions were measured at various settings and irradiation levels.Comment: Updated threshold calibration method. Implemented colorblind friendly color palette in all figures. Updated reference

    Performance of the FASTPIX Sub-Nanosecond CMOS Pixel Sensor Demonstrator

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    Within the ATTRACT FASTPIX project, a monolithic pixel sensor demonstrator chip has been developed in a modified 180 nm CMOS imaging process, targeting sub-nanosecond timing measurements for single ionizing particles. It features a small collection electrode design on a 25 micron thick epitaxial layer and contains 32 mini matrices of 68 hexagonal pixels each, with pixel pitches ranging from 8.66 to 20 micron. Four pixels are transmitting an analog output signal and 64 are transmitting binary hit information. Various design variations are explored, aiming at accelerating the charge collection and making the timing of the charge collection more uniform over the pixel area. Signal treatment of the analog waveforms, as well as reconstruction of time and charge information, is carried out off-chip. This contribution introduces the design of the sensor and readout system and presents the first performance results for 10 ÎŒm and 20 ÎŒm pixel pitch achieved in measurements with particle beams

    Development of novel single-die hybridisation processes for small-pitch pixel detectors

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    Hybrid pixel detectors require a reliable and cost-effective interconnect technology adapted to the pitch and die sizes of the respective applications. During the ASIC and sensor R&D phase, especially for small-scale applications, such interconnect technologies need to be suitable for the assembly of single dies, typically available from Multi-Project-Wafer submissions. Within the CERN EP R&D programme and the AIDAinnova collaboration, innovative hybridisation concepts targeting vertex-detector applications at future colliders are under development. Recent results of two novel interconnect methods for pixel pitches of 25 ”m and 55 ”m are presented in this contribution – an industrial fine-pitch SnAg solder bump-bonding process adapted to single-die processing using support wafers, as well as a newly developed in-house single-die interconnection process based on Anisotropic Conductive Film (ACF). The fine-pitch bump-bonding process is qualified with hybrid assemblies from a recent bonding campaign at Frauenhofer IZM. Individual CLICpix2 ASICs with 25 ”m pixel pitch were bump-bonded to active-edge silicon sensors with thicknesses ranging from 50 ”m to 130 ”m. The device characterisation was conducted in the laboratory as well as during a beam test campaign at the CERN SPS beam-line, demonstrating an interconnect yield of about 99.7%.Hybrid pixel detectors require a reliable and cost-effective interconnect technology adapted to the pitch and die sizes of the respective applications. During the ASIC and sensor R&D phase, especially for small-scale applications, such interconnect technologies need to be suitable for the assembly of single dies, typically available from Multi-Project-Wafer submissions. Within the CERN EP R&D programme and the AIDAinnova collaboration, innovative hybridisation concepts targeting vertex-detector applications at future colliders are under development. Recent results of two novel interconnect methods for pixel pitches of 25 ”m and 55 ”m are presented in this contribution — an industrial fine-pitch SnAg solder bump-bonding process adapted to single-die processing using support wafers, as well as a newly developed in-house single-die interconnection process based on Anisotropic Conductive Film (ACF). The fine-pitch bump-bonding process is qualified with hybrid assemblies from a recent bonding campaign at Frauenhofer IZM. Individual CLICpix2 ASICs with 25 ”m pixel pitch were bump-bonded to active-edge silicon sensors with thicknesses ranging from 50 ”m to 130 ”m. The device characterisation was conducted in the laboratory as well as during a beam test campaign at the CERN SPS beam-line, demonstrating an interconnect yield of about 99.7%. The ACF interconnect technology replaces the solder bumps by conductive micro-particles embedded in an epoxy film. The electro-mechanical connection between the sensor and ASIC is achieved via thermocompression of the ACF using a flip-chip device bonder. The required pixel pad topology is achieved with an in-house Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG) plating process. This newly developed ACF hybridisation process is first qualified with the Timepix3 ASICs and sensors with 55 ”m pixel pitch. The technology can be also used for ASIC-PCB/FPC integration, replacing wire bonding or large-pitch solder bumping techniques. This contribution introduces the two interconnect processes and presents preliminary hybridisation results with CLICpix2 and Timepix3 sensors and ASICs.Hybrid pixel detectors require a reliable and cost-effective interconnect technology adapted to the pitch and die sizes of the respective applications. During the ASIC and sensor R&D phase, especially for small-scale applications, such interconnect technologies need to be suitable for the assembly of single dies, typically available from Multi-Project-Wafer submissions. Within the CERN EP R&D programme and the AIDAinnova collaboration, innovative hybridisation concepts targeting vertex-detector applications at future colliders are under development. Recent results of two novel interconnect methods for pixel pitches of 25um and 55um are presented in this contribution -- an industrial fine-pitch SnAg solder bump-bonding process adapted to single-die processing using support wafers, as well as a newly developed in-house single-die interconnection process based on ACF. The fine-pitch bump-bonding process is qualified with hybrid assemblies from a recent bonding campaign at Frauenhofer IZM. Individual CLICpix2 ASICs with 25um pixel pitch were bump-bonded to active-edge silicon sensors with thicknesses ranging from 50um to 130um. The device characterisation was conducted in the laboratory as well as during a beam test campaign at the CERN SPS beam-line, demonstrating an interconnect yield of about 99.7%. The ACF interconnect technology replaces the solder bumps by conductive micro-particles embedded in an epoxy film. The electro-mechanical connection between the sensor and ASIC is achieved via thermocompression of the ACF using a flip-chip device bonder. The required pixel pad topology is achieved with an in-house ENIG plating process. This newly developed ACF hybridisation process is first qualified with the Timepix3 ASICs and sensors with 55um pixel pitch. The technology can be also used for ASIC-PCB/FPC integration, replacing wire bonding or large-pitch solder bumping techniques

    Comparison of different sensor thicknesses and substrate materials for themonolithic small collection-electrode technology demonstrator CLICTD

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    Small collection-electrode monolithic CMOS sensors profit from a high signal-to-noise ratio and a small power consumption, but have a limited active sensor volume due to the fabrication process based on thin high-resistivity epitaxial layers. In this paper, the active sensor depth is investigated in the monolithic small collection-electrode technology demonstrator CLICTD. Charged particle beams are used to study the charge-collection properties and the performance of devices with different thicknesses both for perpendicular and inclined particle incidence. In CMOS sensors with a high-resistivity Czochralski substrate, the depth of the sensitive volume is found to increase by a factor two in comparison with standard epitaxial material and leads to significant improvements in the hit-detection efficiency and the spatial and time resolution

    Pixel detector hybridization and integration with anisotropic conductive adhesives

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    International audienceA reliable and cost-effective interconnect technology is required for the development of hybrid pixel detectors. The interconnect technology needs to be adapted for the pitch and die sizes of the respective applications. For small-scale applications and during the ASIC and sensor development phase, interconnect technologies must also be suitable for the assembly of single-dies typically available from Multi-Project-Wafer submissions. Within the CERN EP R&D program and the AIDAinnova collaboration, innovative and scalable hybridization concepts are under development for pixel-detector applications in future colliders. This contribution presents recent results of a newly developed in-house single-die interconnection process based on Anisotropic Conductive Adhesives (ACA). The ACA interconnect technology replaces solder bumps with conductive micro-particles embedded in an epoxy layer applied as either film or paste. The electro-mechanical connection between the sensor and ASIC is achieved via thermocompression of the ACA using a flip-chip device bonder. A specific pixel-pad topology is required to enable the connection via micro-particles and create cavities into which excess epoxy can flow. This pixel-pad topology is achieved with an in-house Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold process that is also under development within the project. The ENIG and ACA processes are qualified with a variety of different ASICs, sensors, and dedicated test structures, with pad diameters ranging from 12 ÎŒm to 140 ÎŒm and pitches between 20 ÎŒm and 1.3 mm. The produced assemblies are characterized electrically, with radioactive-source exposures, and in tests with high-momentum particle beams. A focus is placed on recent optimization of the plating and interconnect processes, resulting in an improved plating uniformity and interconnect yield

    Developing a Monolithic Silicon Sensor in a 65 nm CMOS Imaging Technology for Future Lepton Collider Vertex Detectors

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    Monolithic CMOS sensors in a 65 nm imaging technology are being investigated by the CERN EP Strategic R&D Programme on Technologies for Future Experiments for an application in particle physics. The appeal of monolithic detectors lies in the fact that both sensor volume and readout electronics are integrated in the same silicon wafer, providing a reduction in production effort, costs and scattering material. The Tangerine Project WP1 at DESY participates in the Strategic R&D Programme and is focused on the development of a monolithic active pixel sensor with a time and spatial resolution compatible with the requirements for a future lepton collider vertex detector. By fulfilling these requirements, the Tangerine detector is suitable as well to be used as telescope planes for the DESY-II Test Beam facility. The project comprises all aspects of sensor development, from the electronics engineering and the sensor design using simulations, to laboratory and test beam investigations of prototypes. Generic TCAD Device and Monte-Carlo simulations are used to establish an understanding of the technology and provide important insight into performance parameters of the sensor. Testing prototypes in laboratory and test beam facilities allows for the characterization of their response to different conditions. By combining results from all these studies it is possible to optimize the sensor layout. This contribution presents results from generic TCAD and Monte-Carlo simulations, and measurements performed with test chips of the first sensor submission

    Developing a Monolithic Silicon Sensor in a 65 nm CMOS Imaging Technology for Future Lepton Collider Vertex Detectors

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    Monolithic CMOS sensors in a 65 nm imaging technology are being investigated by the CERN EP Strategic R&D Programme on Technologies for Future Experiments for an application in particle physics. The appeal of monolithic detectors lies in the fact that both sensor volume and readout electronics are integrated in the same silicon wafer, providing a reduction in production effort, costs and scattering material. The Tangerine Project WP1 at DESY participates in the Strategic R&D Programme and is focused on the development of a monolithic active pixel sensor with a time and spatial resolution compatible with the requirements for a future lepton collider vertex detector. By fulfilling these requirements, the Tangerine detector is suitable as well to be used as telescope planes for the DESY-II Test Beam facility. The project comprises all aspects of sensor development, from the electronics engineering and the sensor design using simulations, to laboratory and test beam investigations of prototypes. Generic TCAD Device and Monte-Carlo simulations are used to establish an understanding of the technology and provide important insight into performance parameters of the sensor. Testing prototypes in laboratory and test beam facilities allows for the characterization of their response to different conditions. By combining results from all these studies it is possible to optimize the sensor layout. This contribution presents results from generic TCAD and Monte-Carlo simulations, and measurements performed with test chips of the first sensor submission