4 research outputs found
Pengaruh Volume Perdagangan, Earning Per Share (EPS), Price To Book Value (PBV), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Terhadap Harga Saham (Perusahaan Manufaktur, Bursa Efek Indonesia Sub Sektor Makanan Dan Minuman)
Stockf investment is one investment that attracts a lot of investor interest. Even though there is a riskf becausef stocksare very sensitive to changesf that can have anf impact on stockf prices. However, stockf investment offersf benefitsf and very high return opportunities. The purpose of this research was conducted to determine and analyze the effect oftradingf volume, earningsf per share, pricef tof bookf value, net profit margin on stock prices. The population of this studyaref food and beverage sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange in 2017-2021. Thef number ofsamples in this researchf were 14 companies with purposive sampling method, namely sampling based on certain criteria.Thef analysisf uses multiple choicef regressionf with thef results showing that trading volume, earnings per share, price bookf value, and netf profit margin affect stockf prices. Based onf the resultsf of research that has been conducted on stock prices, the following conclusions can be drawn. From the simultaneous test results with the F testf it can be concluded thatf thef company's financialf performance as measured by trading volume, EPS,f PBV, andf NPM have an influencef onf stockf prices. From thef results of the partialf test or t test, it can be concluded that partially tradingf volumef and PBVvariables dof not significantly influence stockf prices. Whilef the EPSf and NPM variablesf have a significant influenceon stock prices.
Keywords: trading volume, earningf per share, price to book value,f net profit margin to stockf price
Pengaruh Evaluasi Kerja, Pelatihan Dan Pengawasan Terhadap Peningkatan Mutu Kinerja Karyawan Pt.Nutrihub Medan
This research was conducted to determine the effect of job evaluation, training and supervision on the quality of employee performance of PT. Nutrihub Medan. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze how work evaluations are given to employees, how training is given to employees, how supervision is given to employees, and to find out how the e ffect of work evaluation, training and supervision simultaneously on the quality of employees performance of PT. Nutrihub Medan. This research uses quantitative methods with descriptive research types. Sampling was carried out using a saturated sampling technique, with a total of 76 respondents. The calculation process is processed with the help of (SPSS) ver 24 for windows. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of this study, simultaneously the variables of work evaluation, training, and supervision have a significant effect on employee performance by 54.2%. The conclusion of this study is that work evaluation, training and supervision have a positive and significant effect on the quality of employee performance of PT. Nutrihub Medan.
Keywords: Job Evaluation, Training, Supervisio
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh promosi jabatan, kompensasi finansial dan lingkungan kerja terhadap turnover karyawan PTPN III. Menggunakan rumus slovin dengan sampel yang digunakan adalah 84 orang. Metode analisis data menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Pada pengujian data secara parsial variabel promosi jabatan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap turnover karyawan di PTPN III, kompensasi finansial berpengaruh kuat dan signifikan terhadap turnover karyawan PTPN III, lingkungan kerja berpengaruh kuat dan signifikan terhadap turnover karyawan PTPN III