66 research outputs found

    Twin-Arginine translocation-Arresting protein regions contact TatA and TatB

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    Tat systems translocate folded proteins across biological membranes of prokaryotes and plant plastids. TatBC complexes recognize N-Terminal Tat signal peptides that contain a sequence motif with two conserved arginines (RR-Motif), and transport takes place after a recruitment of TatA. Unfolded Tat substrate domains lower translocation efficiency and too long linkers lead to translocation arrest. To identify the components that interact with transported proteins during their passage through the translocon, we used a Tat substrate that arrests translocation at a long unfolded linker region, and we chose in vivo site-Directed photo cross-Linking to specifically detect the interactions of this linker region. For comparison, we included the interactions of the signal peptide and of the folded domain at the C-Terminus of this construct. The data show that the linker contacts only two, structurally similar Tat components, namely TatA and TatB. These contacts depend on the recognition of the Tat-Specific signal peptide. Only when membrane translocation of the globular domain was allowed - i.e., in the absence of the linker - we observed the same TatAB-Contacts also to the globular domain. The data thus suggest that mature protein domains are translocated through a TatAB environment

    The Tat-dependent protein translocation pathway

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    The twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway is found in bacteria, archaea, and plant chloroplasts, where it is dedicated to the transmembrane transport of fully folded proteins. These proteins contain N-terminal signal peptides with a specific Tat-system binding motif that is recognized by the transport machinery. In contrast to other protein transport systems, the Tat system consists of multiple copies of only two or three usually small (∼8-30 kDa) membrane proteins that oligomerize to two large complexes that transiently interact during translocation. Only one of these complexes includes a polytopic membrane protein, TatC. The other complex consists of TatA. Tat systems of plants, proteobacteria, and several other phyla contain a third component, TatB. TatB is evolutionarily and structurally related to TatA and usually forms tight complexes with TatC. Minimal two-component Tat systems lacking TatB are found in many bacterial and archaeal phyla. They consist of a 'bifunctional' TatA that also covers TatB functionalities, and a TatC. Recent insights into the structure and interactions of the Tat proteins have various important implications. © 2011 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston 2011

    Occurrence and potential mechanism of holin-mediated non-lytic protein translocation in bacteria

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    Holins are generally believed to generate large membrane lesions that permit the passage of endolysins across the cytoplasmic membrane of prokaryotes, ultimately resulting in cell wall degradation and cell lysis. However, there are more and more examples known for non-lytic holin-dependent secretion of proteins by bacteria, indicating that holins somehow can transport proteins without causing large membrane lesions. Phage-derived holins can be used for a non-lytic endolysin translocation to permeabilize the cell wall for the passage of secreted proteins. In addition, clostridia, which do not possess the Tat pathway for transport of folded proteins, most likely employ non-lytic holin-mediated transport also for secretion of toxins and bacteriocins that are incompatible with the general Sec pathway. The mechanism for non-lytic holin-mediated transport is unknown, but the recent finding that the small holin TpeE mediates a non-lytic toxin secretion in Clostridium perfringens opened new perspectives. TpeE contains only one short transmembrane helix that is followed by an amphipathic helix, which is reminiscent of TatA, the membrane-permeabilizing component of the Tat translocon for folded proteins. Here we review the known cases of non-lytic holin-mediated transport and then focus on the structural and functional comparison of TatA and TpeE, resulting in a mechanistic model for holin-mediated transport. This model is strongly supported by a so far not recognized naturally occurring holin-endolysin fusion protein

    A tunable anthranilate-inducible gene expression system for Pseudomonas species

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    Pseudomonads are among the most common bacteria in soils, limnic ecosystems, and human, animal, or plant host environments, including intensively studied species such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. putida, or P. fluorescens. Various gene expression systems are established for some species, but there is still a need for a simple system that is suitable for a wide range of pseudomonads and that can be used for physiological applications, i.e., with a tuning capacity at lower expression levels. Here, we report the establishment of the anthranilate-dependent PantA promoter for tunable gene expression in pseudomonads. During studies on P. fluorescens, we constructed an anthranilate-inducible AntR/PantA-based expression system, named pUCP20-ANT, and used GFP as reporter to analyze gene expression. This system was compared with the rhamnose-inducible RhaSR/PrhaB-based expression system in an otherwise identical vector background. While the rhamnose-inducible system did not respond to lower inducer concentrations and always reached high levels over time when induced, expression levels of the pUCP20-ANT system could be adjusted to a range of distinct lower or higher levels by variation of anthranilate concentrations in the medium. Importantly, the anthranilate-inducible expression system worked also in strains of P. aeruginosa and P. putida and therefore will be most likely useful for physiological and biotechnological purposes in a wide range of pseudomonads

    The periplasmic transaminase PtaA of Pseudomonas fluorescens converts the glutamic acid residue at the pyoverdine fluorophore to -ketoglutaric acid

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    The periplasmic conversion of ferribactin to pyoverdine is essential for siderophore biogenesis in fluorescent pseudomonads, such as pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa or plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas fluorescens. The non-ribo-somal peptide ferribactin undergoes cyclizations and oxidations that result in the fluorophore, and a strictly conserved fluorophore-bound glutamic acid residue is converted to a range of variants, including succinamide, succinic acid, and -ketoglu-taric acid residues. We recently discovered that the pyridoxal phosphate-containing enzyme PvdN is responsible for the generation of the succinamide, which can be hydrolyzed to succinic acid. Based on this, a distinct unknown enzyme was postulated to be responsible for the conversion of the glutamic acid to -ke-toglutaric acid. Here we report the identification and characterization of this enzyme in P. fluorescens strain A506. In silico analyses indicated a periplasmic transaminase in fluorescent pseudomonads and other proteobacteria that we termed PtaA for “periplasmic transaminase A.” An in-frame-deleted ptaA mutant selectively lacked the -ketoglutaric acid form of pyoverdine, and recombinant PtaA complemented this phenotype. The ptaA/pvdN double mutant produced exclusively the glutamic acid form of pyoverdine. PtaA is homodimeric and contains a pyridoxal phosphate cofactor. Mutation of the active-site lysine abolished PtaA activity and affected folding as well as Tat-dependent transport of the enzyme. In pseudomonads, the occurrence of ptaA correlates with the occurrence of -ke-toglutaric acid forms of pyoverdines. As this enzyme is not restricted to pyoverdine-producing bacteria, its catalysis of periplasmic transaminations is most likely a general tool for specific biosynthetic pathways

    The Tat system for membrane translocation of folded proteins recruits the membrane-stabilizing Psp machinery in Escherichia coli

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    Tat systems transport folded proteins across energized membranes of bacteria, archaea, and plant plastids. In Escherichia coli, TatBC complexes recognize the transported proteins, and TatA complexes are recruited to facilitate transport. We achieved an abstraction of TatA from membranes without use of detergents and observed a co-purification of PspA, a mem-brane- stress response protein. The N-terminal transmembrane domain of TatA was required for the interaction. Electron microscopy displayed TatA complexes in direct contact with PspA. PspB and PspC were important for the TatA-PspA contact. The activator protein PspF was not involved in the PspATatA interaction, demonstrating that basal levels of PspA already interact with TatA. Elevated TatA levels caused membrane stress that induced a strictly PspBC- and PspF-dependent up-regulation of PspA. TatA complexes were found to destabilize membranes under these conditions. At native TatA levels, PspA deficiency clearly affected anaerobic TMAO respiratory growth, suggesting that energetic costs for transport of large Tat substrates such as TMAO reductase can become growth limiting in the absence of PspA. The physiological role of PspA recruitment to TatA may therefore be the control of membrane stress at active translocons. © 2012 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    The biosynthesis of pyoverdines

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    Pyoverdines are fluorescent siderophores of pseudomonads that play important roles for growth under iron-limiting conditions. The production of pyoverdines by fluorescent pseudomonads permits their colonization of hosts ranging from humans to plants. Prominent examples include pathogenic or non-pathogenic species such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. putida, P. syringae, or P. fluorescens. Many distinct pyoverdines have been identified, all of which have a dihydroxyquinoline fluorophore in common, derived from oxidative cyclizations of non-ribosomal peptides. These serve as precursor of pyoverdines and are commonly known as ferribactins. Ferribactins of distinct species or even strains often differ in their sequence, resulting in a large variety of pyoverdines. However, synthesis of all ferribactins begins with an L-Glu/D-Tyr/L-Dab sequence, and the fluorophore is generated from the D-Tyr/L-Dab residues. In addition, the initial L-Glu residue is modified to various acids and amides that are responsible for the range of distinguishable pyoverdines in individual strains. While ferribactin synthesis is a cytoplasmic process, the maturation to the fluorescent pyoverdine as well as the tailoring of the initial glutamate are exclusively periplasmic processes that have been a mystery until recently. Here we review the current knowledge of pyoverdine biosynthesis with a focus on the recent advancements regarding the periplasmic maturation and tailoring reactions

    PvdM of fluorescent pseudomonads is required for the oxidation of ferribactin by PvdP in periplasmic pyoverdine maturation

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    Fluorescent pseudomonads such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Pseudomonas fluorescens produce pyoverdine siderophores that ensure iron-supply in iron-limited environments. After its synthesis in the cytoplasm, the nonfluorescent pyoverdine precursor ferribactin is exported into the periplasm, where the enzymes PvdQ, PvdP, PvdO, PvdN, and PtaA are responsible for fluorophore maturation and tailoring steps. While the roles of all these enzymes are clear, little is known about the role of PvdM, a human renal dipeptidase–related protein that is predicted to be periplasmic and that is essential for pyoverdine biogenesis. Here, we reveal the subcellular localization and functional role of PvdM. Using the model organism P. fluorescens, we show that PvdM is anchored to the periplasmic side of the cytoplasmic membrane, where it is indispensable for the activity of the tyrosinase PvdP. While PvdM does not share the metallopeptidase function of renal dipeptidase, it still has the corresponding peptide-binding site. The substrate of PvdP, deacylated ferribactin, is secreted by a ΔpvdM mutant strain, indicating that PvdM prevents loss of this periplasmic biosynthesis intermediate into the medium by ensuring the efficient transfer of ferribactin to PvdP in vivo. We propose that PvdM belongs to a new dipeptidase-related protein subfamily with inactivated Zn2+ coordination sites, members of which are usually genetically linked to TonB-dependent uptake systems and often associated with periplasmic FAD-dependent oxidoreductases related to D-amino acid oxidases. We suggest that these proteins are necessary for selective binding, exposure, or transfer of specific D- and L-amino acid–containing peptides and other periplasmic biomolecules in manifold pathways

    A potential late stage intermediate of twin-arginine dependent protein translocation in Escherichia coli

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    The twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system transports folded proteins across membranes of prokaryotes, plant plastids, and some mitochondria. According to blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after solubilization with digitonin, distinct interactions between the components TatA, TatB, and TatC result in two major TatBC-containing complexes in Escherichia coli that can bind protein substrates. We now report the first detection of a TatABC complex that likely represents the state at which transport occurs. This complex was initially found when the photo cross-linking amino acid p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (Bpa) was introduced at position I50 on the periplasmic side of the first trans-membrane domain of TatC. Cross-linking of TatCI50Bpa resulted in TatC-TatC-cross-links, indicating a close proximity to neighboring TatC in the complex. However, the new complex was not caused by cross-links but rather by non-covalent side chain interactions, as it was also detectable without UV-cross-linking or with an I50Y exchange. The new complex did not contain any detectable substrate. It was slightly upshifted relative to previously reported substrate-containing TatABC complexes. In the absence of TatA, an inactive TatBCI50Bpa complex was formed of the size of wild-type substrate-containing TatABC complexes, suggesting that TatB occupies TatA-binding sites at TatCI50Bpa. When substrate binding was abolished by point mutations, this TatBCI50Bpa complex shifted analogously to active TatABCI50Bpa complexes, indicating that a defect substrate-binding site further enhances TatB association to TatA-binding sites. Only TatA could shift the complex with an intact substrate-binding site, which explains the TatA requirement for substrate transport by TatABC systems